Jubeka Shadowbreaker [V 0.9] [WIP] by TheHereticOne

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Jubeka Shadowbreaker [V 0.9] [WIP]

By: TheHereticOne
Last Updated: Dec 26, 2015
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Jubeka Shadowbreaker [V 0.9] [WIP]

Black Harvest Warlock

Jubeka Shadowbreaker is powerful Forsaken warlock, affiliated with the Council of the Black Harvest.

After convening with her fellow warlocks on the council, Jubeka was partnered withKanrethad Ebonlocke to return to Outland.[1] Her journal was returned to Azeroth by her imps and given to trustworthy souls, who then passed it on to a warlock who sought to unlock the Codex of Xerrath. Her soulstone was shattered into four parts and left in the lands she visited: Hellfire PeninsulaNetherstorm, the Blade's Edge Mountains, andShadowmoon Valley.

Her journal indicated her growing concern - and suspicion - of Kanrethad's intentions. At the Altar of Damnation in Shadowmoon, she accused him of not only trying to control more powerful demons, but to essentially become one himself. Kanrethad confirmed this, and told her that the reason he had chosen her as his associate was so that if he failed and became fully corrupted, she was to banish him forever. She agreed, and accompanied him inside the Black Temple to discover how Illidan Stormrage had been able to control demons beyond the grip of the Burning Legion.
The warlock who followed her trail confronted Kanrethad at the summit of the Temple and defeated him; Jubeka fulfilled the promise she had made to banish Kanrethad, and now stands guard over him at the Altar of Damnation.

Jubeka is an extremely offensive character that will heavily specialise in teamfighting and making sure the enemy does NOT want to team fight.

Bringing a DoT heavy kit into battle, she is capable of doing IMMENSE amounts of damage -- Moreso than most other character within the game -- But hardly being capable to kill a character in a 1v1 scenario, due to the fact that her damage requires a LOT of time to pull off. Despite that, she will excel during team fights, where she will be able to safely cast her corruption, then her E, and then go around to channel her W (Drain Soul) on an enemy squishy, which would force him out of the fight for the ability to deal its damage. Aside from all that, Jubeka is extremely squishy, forcing her to never be out in the open, instead making her play to be more of a hit and run -- Getting in, casting her DoT's, and then getting out to let them deal their damage. Jubeka won't excel on maps where there are a lot of small skirmishes, due to the fact that during quite a while, despite her amazingly high total damage, the enemies will be able to stay on the spot and be effective.

Health : 700 (+120/level)
Health at level 20 : 3100

Health Regen : 1 (+0.35/level)
Health Regen at level 20 : 8.00

Mana : 350 (+20/level)
Mana at level 20 : 750

Mana Regen : 1 (+0.25/level)
Mana Regen at level 20 : 6

Attacks Per Second : 1.00
Ranged : 5.50

Damage : 20 (+8/level)
Damage at level 20 : 180

Damage Per Second : 20 (+8/level)/second
Damage Per Second at level 20 : 180/second

Combat Trait

Haunting Soul
Casting Cost : 65 mana
Cooldown (Only applies if the target the soul is on dies) : 15 seconds if the ally with it on is a minion. 25 seconds if it's an enemy hero, 20 if it's an allied hero. 5 seconds cooldown for an enemy minion.

Jubeka sends forth a soul to either an ally or an enemy, or to herself.

If sent to an enemy Hero, increases the damage Jubeka deals to him by 35%.

If sent to an enemy minion, deal 5% of that minion's health per second as damage, and heal Jubeka for 1% of her health per second while this is active. Cannot be cast on bosses.

If sent to an allied Hero, give this hero 15% mitigation against damage over time effects, and grant them 5% life steal.

If sent to an allied minion, grant them 20% life steal and heal them for 3% of their health every second, grants hem 5% damage reduction. Minions with the soul on them attack 10% faster and deal 15% more damage.

For Jubeka to have the soul, wait for it to respawn if it has died or cast it on Jubeka herself. It grants her +10% ability power and makes her abilities heal herself for 5% of their damage every time they tic.

When the soul is on an enemy, deal 3 (+1/level) damage per second to them -- That damage does not interrupt channeling. The Soul grants visionof the target, but not around it, and only (ONLY) to Jubeka. Using Cleanse on the target will send the soul straight back to Jubeka.

Primary Abilities

Cooldown : 2 seconds
Charges : 3
Mana Cost : 40

Jubeka casts a curse on an enemy, dealing 20 (+5/level) damage upon the cast, and dealing 0 (+5/level) damage per second for 6 seconds. A charge's cooldown starts when the DoT effect is over on a target.

Charges will recharge until you have all charges either on an enemy or ready to cast.

This ability's initial damage interrupts casting, and its DoT interrupts casting too, assuming the Haunting Soul is on the caster. Only work for mounting, hearthing back, capturing tributes/dragon knight or turning coins and the such -- Abilities that aren't usually interrupted by damage despite being a channel won't be interrupted by this.

(IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE : The primary base number (in this ability's case, the 0) is the amount of damage dealt at level 0 -- not at level 1. So, effectively, this ability would deal 5 damage per tic for 6 tics at level one)
Drain Soul
Cooldown : 15 seconds
Mana Cost : 50 (+5/second)
Channeled Ability

Jubeka channels a spell on an enemy at a great range. This spell in itself deals no damage, but it applies 1 stack of "Drained Soul" every second Jubeka keeps the channeling on the target. Casting the spell itself applies 3 of those stacks. For every stack the target has on them when the channeling ends, deal 15 (+9/level) damage per second, consuming 1 stack a second. If the enemy gets within their altar, the stack consumation pauses. No limit to how long this can be channeled.

For every 3 stacks the target has, gain 1 second off your Haunting Soul's current or next cooldown. This cannot be applied to more than the next cooldown of your haunting soul -- You won't start reducing the cooldown after the next cooldown.
Seed of Corruption
Mana Cost : 90
Cooldown : 14 seconds

Jubeka sends out a seec onto an enemy. After 2 seconds, this seed explodes, dealing 30 (+10/level) damage to the target and 20 (+7/level) damage to enemies around, but also applying an untalented corruption to enemies hit by the blast for 3 seconds, including the primary target.

If the Haunting Soul was on the primary target at the moment of the explosion, increase the damage of it by 30 damage for the primary target, and 20 extra damage for secondary targets. Also increase the duration of the corruption by 1 second.

Heroic Abilities

Doomed to Die
Cooldown : 40 seconds
Mana Cost : 120

Dooms an enemy to die, dealing 25 (+5/level) damage to them per second until this ability can be cast again. This ability does not provide vision of the target, and does not interrupt casting in any way or form. If the target is healed, pause the DoT for 5 seconds. This effect can only happen every 4 seconds, starting when the damage pausing last stopped. Going at the altar does not pause the ability's cooldown -- And the DoT stops right as you can cast the ability again.

This effect prevents Jubeka from casting anything on you (including her haunting soul) and prevents 5% of the damage incoming towards you.
Unstable Affliction
Cooldown : 100 seconds
Mana Cost : 275

Jubeka casts a curse on an enemy Hero. That curse lasts for 5 seconds and deals 40 (+15/level) damage per second to the target. If the Hero is within a range of 7 of any non structure allies (of itself), spread a DoT that deals 10 (+8/level) damage per second to that target for 2 seconds. Can spread to up to 3 targets. This effect can be refreshed, but if it ends, the target cannot be affected again until Unstable Affliction is cast again. The primary target's DoT effect only starts timing out when no other target is afflicted with the curse, and gains 1 second every time the secondary afflictions tic'ed for 5 times.

If the secondary curse has not tic'ed or spread during the past 2 seconds, increase the primary curse's damage by 25%.

There can only be one primary target of this at any given time, casting this on a second target, assuming the primary target still has the DoT effect on it, will simply deal half the damage the ex-primary target would have taken in a single, big burst.


V 0.1
As of Version 0.1, no specific numbers about damage are given -- The Concept is still merely a skeleton of itself.

V 0.2
Added in a description of the hero and hero stats.

V 0.3
Added in numbers to abilities, still thinking they might need fine tuning.

V 0.4
Fine tuned the heroics -- Nerfed them a bit overall.
Added the "Jubeka as a Hero" section, describing her overall playstyle, personnal ideas and why I picked Jubeka instead of Gul'dan.

V 0.5
Fine tuned the damage of Corruption and Seed of Corruption's explosion damage.

V 0.6
Fine tuned the "Drain Soul" ability

V 0.7
Added in the four first Talent Tiers and their talents.

V 0.8
Minor changes to abilities, fine tuning.
-Nerfed Doomed to Die's scaling and made it so getting healed made you take no damage from it for a longer period of time
-Nerfed Unstable Affliction ; gave it a longer cooldown.

V 0.9
Added the Fifth, sixth and Storm Talent Tiers.
Nerfed Haunting Soul's base damage to minions.
Changed Haunting Soul's cooldowns.
Buffed Haunting Soul's effect on allied minions.
Nerfed Auto Attack base damage.

V 1.0
Finished the main of the work, minor updates will appear, such as quotes, skin ideas, and the explanation of the kit, within a week or two.

Jubeka as a Hero

Now, I know what you (yes, you) are thinking : Why not Gul'dan? He is a much better known warlock icon than Jubeka -- Hardly anybody knows her, and those that do would hardly refer to her as a major lore figure!
Well, let me tell you why...
In ancient times, a random guy sitting at his computer decided to make a concept for the Affliction warlock.
That same guy (Hey, that looks like me!) decided that Gul'dan should be more than "Just another warlock", and instead set out to find a smaller lore figure to represent the affliction warlock -- As his thoughts on the subject was that Gul'dan should be more than either destruction, demonology or affliction, as he was the main warlock in WoW's history -- Not talking about Archimonde, Sargeras, Kil'Jaeden, as these are mainly living gods, and, before anything else, generals of demonic armies, and I think they should have something to show that. Here, I was aiming for a warlock who focused, 100%, on setting Damage Over Time effects on enemies, rather than being all around "One DoT, one burst, a summon, a trait to make them better and a heroic to deal burst/dot and summon".
Also, those three were already done.
 And... Who the hell would've thought of Jubeka before? I searched, didn't find anything about her on this site, decided "Hell, why not?"

So now that this is taken care of...
My idea of Jubeka (Or, if you'd rather have me put it in brackets and say [Non-Player-Character representing the affliction spec of warlocks at the detriment of Gul'dan because the author thought he should be more than a simple representent of one warlock spec] -- this isn't gonna happen. Just take "Jubeka" as a place holder for what I just put in these brackets) was a character who wouldn't specialise on much else than what the affliction warlock does -- Damage over time effects. Jubeka has easily some of the highest damage in the game. Actually, scratch that -- Play her well, she has the highest damage in the game. How does that make her not overpowered -- And does not make Kael'thas or Jaina unviable options next to her?
First, she has no CC -- She only (and ONLY) focuses on dealing damage to opponents.
And then, it's DoT.
In a burst intensive meta.
You can basically heal through her damage.

On the other hand, her extremely high damage can easily scare an opponent or two out of a team fight before it has even started. Basically, her job in the team is to keep enemies out of team fighting, or to make sure that if the team fight goes on for longer than some 20 seconds, it WILL be her team that wins. Basically, all you need to do in a game is put your curses on enemies and just make sure your team doesn't have any trouble with them starting a team fight, making her the choice caster for teams who don't have a lot of team fightability, or for teams who have a lot of sustain but no burst.
Her kit, while being quite mana hungry, is very effective to, eventually, zone enemies away. You can't keep anyone out of a zone right on hit -- therefore, solo laning as Jubeka would be a bad idea, as they can just go back to the well and heal right through your DoT's. What you need is a high sustain teammate to keep your enemies in place as you quickly cast your Q and your E to ten Immediately start channeling your W to get insanely high amounts of DoT on them -- And I mean, Insanely High -- and so, Jubeka really is team reliant to be the most effective.
And, for the question of her ultimates.
The first may look very strong -- I mean, 40 seconds of DoT? What? Keep in mind that the first Ultimate (Doomed to Die) is just constant damage you're putting out. If you die during it, it keeps ticking. The thing is, the base damage isn't overly high. I mean, a target that isn't murky or the lost vikings is easily going to be killed by it, as going invulnerable does not remove the DoT if it is already on you. But, on the other hand, getting healed pauses the DoT for 5 seconds. So, not only are you getting healed, but you don't take damage from it for 5 seconds. And all the healer has to do is get a quick heal on you -- Making Malfurion, or the medic, very good against her. I mean, sure, if you're NEVER gonna get healed, the DoT is most likely gonna kill you -- if you stand there like a ****** for the 40 seconds without trying to go back. And, keep that in mind, having this DoT on you prevent Jubeka from casting ANYTHING on you, and reduces the damage you take overall by 5%. Might not seem like a lot, but it's another thing that helps you survive, if anything, as Jubeka can deal more damage than this ultimate with her W ability, if you're locked down for enough time, as it does have a stupidly long range.

Her second ability, though, may seem like a true problem. You basically have living bomb on you that spreads every second, that makes the first living bomb not explodes as long as it spreads, but that does not explode. This curse, if you keep being nearby others, can last for the full 100 seconds. I mean, getting it on three targets at the same time forces the curse to tic 6 times, which adds one second to your own curse's timer. However, not continuing the curse means getting zoned out for 5 seconds, and taking decent damage. But, one day or the other, you'll have to deal with that damage, so it really is a "pick your poison" kind of situation. Going invincible Does let the curse continue to tic down and spread, but you won't receive damage from it, so you know. 
Pick your poison, really.

First Talent Tier [Level 1]

Mark of the Damned
Your haunting soul leaves a mark on an enemy whenever it leaves them, revealing them to Jubeka through the fog of war (while not granting actual vision) for 8 seconds.

Regeneration Master

Lust for power
Whenever Jubeka kills a minion with her Corruption, gain +5 maximum mana. "Seed of Corruption"'s corruption cannot contribute to this.

Source of Power
Whenever a mage minion dies with corruption on it, it spawn a corrupted regeneration globe. Collecting that globe grants +0.3 mana regeneration to Jubeka. Corrupted regeneration globes heal for 50% more and restore 75% more mana.

Second Talent Tier [Level 4]

Reap what you Sow
Seed of corruption now slow minions by 20% for 3 seconds and its corruption has doubled duration against them. If Seed of corruption is cast on a minion, its explosion leaves corrupted ground that deals 40 (+8/level) damage per second and lasts for 5 seconds.

Drain Life
Drain soul now always heals you for an extra 10% of the damage it deals, and heals you for 2% of your health every second you channel it.

Devouring Soul
Whenever Haunting Soul is on an enemy, heal Jubeka for 1% of her life every second whenever she is below 60% of her maximum health. This effect goes to healing her for 0.5% of her health when over 60%. Healing doubled against heroes.

Gathering Power

Third Talent Tier [Level 7]

Feast on the Corrupted
Basic attacks now heal for 40% of their damage when hitting a corrupted target, and the first basic attack against a corrupted target increases the duration by 1 second (3 against minions and mercenaries).

More Corrupt than you thought
You can now cast corruption a second time on the same enemy, refreshing the effect and making it stack, but it keeps both the first and the second charge on the enemy (Meaning you won't recharge them until they are over).

Dark Secret
If the target of corruption has not taken damage from another source than corruption within the last 2 seconds, corruption's DoT deals 75% more damage.

Hand of Gul'Dan
If Seed of Corruption is cast on a target that has either Drain Soul or Corruption on them, you instead cast a meteor that deals 100% more damage to the primary target than the seed's explosion would, at the detriment of the aoe dealing 25% less damage. The meteor hits the target 1 second after the seed is cast, and it still casts the 3 second corruption on all affected targets. The meteor deals 25% extra damage to the primary target ONLY if corruption AND drain soul are both on the target.

Heroic Talent Tier [Level 10]

Doomed to Die
Dooms an enemy to die, dealing 25 (+7/level) damage to them per second until this ability can be cast again. This ability does not provide vision of the target, and does not interrupt casting in any way or form. If the target is healed, pause the DoT for 3 seconds. This effect can only happen every 4 seconds, starting when the damage pausing last stopped. Going at the altar does not pause the ability's cooldown -- And the DoT stops right as you can cast the ability again.

This effect prevents Jubeka from casting anything on you (including her haunting soul) and prevents 5% of the damage incoming towards you.

Unstable Affliction
Jubeka casts a curse on an enemy Hero. That curse lasts for 5 seconds and deals 40 (+15/level) damage per second to the target. If the Hero is within a range of 7 of any non structure allies (of itself), spread a DoT that deals 10 (+8/level) damage per second to that target for 2 seconds. Can spread to up to 3 targets. This effect can be refreshed, but if it ends, the target cannot be affected again until Unstable Affliction is cast again. The primary target's DoT effect only starts timing out when no other target is afflicted with the curse, and gains 1 second every time the secondary afflictions tic'ed for 5 times.

If the secondary curse has not tic'ed or spread during the past 2 seconds, increase the primary curse's damage by 25%.

There can only be one primary target of this at any given time, casting this on a second target, assuming the primary target still has the DoT effect on it, will simply deal half the damage the ex-primary target would have taken in a single, big burst.

Fifth Talent Tier [Level 13]

Dark Heresy
You can cast corruption on allied minions to deal 1 health as damage every second, and if they die under these effects, they reveal their true selves -- respawn as a dark minion that has 15% increased stats and receives 5% reduced damage. If they do not die under these effects, the minion instantly takes 50 (+10/level) damage. Casting corruption on allied minions costs 10 mana only, but cannot contribute towards Lust for Power.

Soul Leash
Drain Soul now forces the enemy to stay within the zone for the first 3 seconds of the cast. The ability now grants 4 stacks instead of 3, initially.

Demonic Seed
Seed of corruption now spawns 3 imps when it explodes, plus one imp for every target killed. Each imp has 50% of the health of a warrior minion and deal 70% of the damage of an archer minion. They immediately go towards the nearest lane to push it.

Searing Lashes
Drain Soul now deals 20 (+4/level) damage per second, and you add 6 damage to the damage it deals every second every time its damage procs.

Sixth Talent Tier [Level 16]

Selective Dispersal
When Seed of Corruption explodes, get another seed on up to two other targets (preferring heroes, going towards the target with the current health % closest to 50%), and applies another, smaller seed of corruption on them, while also applying a minor corruption. The seed explodes after 3 seconds and deals 20 (+2/level) damage per second, added to the corruption's damage. This seed's explosion spreads a corruption that lasts for 1 damage tic to up to 3 nearby targets.

Army of Souls
Jubeka can now cast up to 3 souls, but the only soul granting "vision" to Jubeka is the one on the highest health hero, now. Souls now deal an additional 3 base damage and +2 damage scaling per second to their target. The ability power does not stack more than once on Jubeka, and one person can only have one soul on them at any given time. Each soul has a separate cooldown, but only one soul can be recharging at a time.

Vile Affliction
Changes Corruption to Vile Affliction : This ability now deals +20 (+5/level) damage upon first hitting an enemy, and gains +2 damage scaling to its damage tics. Vile Affliction also deals 3(+3/level) splash damage to targets around the afflicted target.

Way of the Many Curses
Increase the amounts of charges of your Corruption ability by 3.

Storm Tier [Level 20] [Final Tier]

Overseer of your doom
The target of the ability now has a haunting soul on them that reveals them through the fog of war to the enemy. They no longer have a 5% damage mitigation, and Jubeka's auto attacks now deal 50% more damage against them, as well as healing her for 35% of the damage dealt.

Uncontrollable Affliction
Unstable Affliction can now spread to up to 3 more targets, and the primary curse lasts 3 extra seconds right off the start. There can now be up to 2 targets of the primary curse, and if There is a third target, cast corruption on the target that loses the affliction, as well as dealing the burst damage to it.

Soul Harvest
Jubeka's drain soul now chains to any nearby heroes that stand near her or the drain soul target, effectively stacking them for 1 stack a second, as well as lashing towards targets that are affected by corruption. Targets most move out of a range of 8 away from the drain soul target in order to get rid of the damage stacking. Stacks go up as fast on secondary as on primary targets. Corruption no longer does damage to a target afflicted by drain soul, it instead fully consumes a charge of corruption to make every stack of Drain Soul deal 2% more damage, can stack infinitely.

Soul Shield
If Jubeka has at least one haunting soul on her when falling below 50% health, she gains a shield equal to 40% of her health for 3 seconds and mitigates 50% of incoming damage on that shield, as well as applying a haunting soul that lasts for 5 seconds and deals 30 (+5/level) damage per second to all targets that hit her. This does not stack, but it does refresh. Corruption's damage is not countered by this. This effect has a 120 seconds cooldown. Jubeka is unstoppable while the shield stays up.

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TheHereticOne (10) | October 13, 2015 3:29pm
Garland wrote:

Haunting Soul is awesome. I don't know about the ally functions, it's getting a little supporty that way (and perhaps a little too versatile), but the haunt function is just amazing.

Corruption is cool too, I like the charge system. You've also done a good job of turning it into a MOBA DoT where even sustained damage needs to be a little faster than usual.

I think that Doomed to Die might need a rework, from the sounds of it it's a near permanent effect until it's target dies which might be a problematic design choice. Not even Artanis' Purifier Beam will outright kill tanks and it only has the potential to be a 1 ability KO on squishier targets if they stand underneath it.

Unstable Affliction is nice, I had it down as a normal ability but with a similar spreading effect. The wording's a little odd but if I understand it correctly then it'll punish the target for being close to other heroes right? That's pretty cool.

Lust For Power is a cool talent, I'd change the wording to "Whenever a minion dies while under the effects of Corruption" or something like that though, like Nazeebo's passive. Blizzard's trying to avoid the last hit mechanic and it might make the talent more comfortable to use overall.

In this, I'll adress some things about the ultimates (Do note that I may still rework them. I'm simply posting this to clarify a few things.)

First off, thanks for the appreciation on Haunting Soul!
I just wanted to put in a name for an actual affliction ability, and I also wanted to avoid making a hero whose gameplay is centered around his trait -- Like Stitches' vile gas, thinking about it. You can build for it, but you shouldn't base your entire play off it.

The way I wanted Haunting Soul to be is not as a central piece for your gameplay -- the soul walks at 80% of a hero's normal walk speed, and needs to TRAVEL to a hero. The Soul has a VERY large range (similar to triple tap's) and heroes have to stay within it while the soul travels, else it will go back to Jubeka -- But to cast the soul, heroes need to be within a small range of her. Despite not having a massive cooldown -- Only when the soul dies-- it takes a good while for the soul to travel if you have it on another point, across the map, with no way to instantly recall it. I may just debuff the bonus it gives to allies, or remove it -- I just wanted to give her a little more versatility and depth than just "I get in cast dot and get out I jubeka i deal dmgs". (I'll actually explain the whole mechanic of it in my new update -- I literally just thought of adding it in. Silly me.)

Thanks for the appreciation on Corruption -- My idea of it was a DoT that dealt very good damage at a very short cooldown, but could be easily mitigated because, let's face it ; this game is in a burst intensive meta. Burst heals, burst damage, etc. For a DoT damage dealer to be even a viable pick, they would need to be able to dish out amounts of damage that would be clearly overpowered if they were given to a bursty character -- Like Kael. So yes, she can be top hero damage, even with just her Q ability. Will it net her kills without any help? Not if the target has more health than abathur. 100 damage a second, for 6 seconds (at level 20), but since the damage does not interrupt, they can literally back from it, which, later on in the game, is not something that you can let them do instead of dying. So, sure, she can net you some 350k damage if you build her optimally and get some good plays. But it won't net you the kills you need by itself.

As for the rework on Doomed to Die, I'd like to bring your attention to the fact that, despite everything, the damage isn't doing living bomb levels of damage in a single burst, and it can also be paused -- all you need to do is heal that target. Which, to be honest, you would need to do anyway. ANY source of healing is good, which makes malf or the medic extremely good to counter it, but you can also go to the healing fountain. The DoT lasts for 40 seconds -- you can cast it over and over, sure. But what happens with a murky misclick? You just set your ultimate that is supposed to be your constant outcome of damage on a hero that respawns in 5 seconds anyway.

But, I also think that I may need to nerf Doomed to Die. If nothing else, buff the time it prevent the DoT from damaging to 5 seconds, and remove 1 or 2 damage off the scaling, maybe. Ideas are appreciated.

As far as Unstable Affliction, you did get it correct -- You basically apply a 5 second DoT to your target. Every time its damage tics, it spreads to any non structure allies, and gives them a DoT. During that time, your own DoT does NOT tic down, and keeps on dealing damage to you. AND, added to all of that, every time the secondary curses dealt their damage 5 times (globally) you add 1 second to your timer.

I'm starting to think it is a bit powerful, but, as always, ideas are appreciated, and measures will be taken to prevent those nasty overpowered abilities from overtaking my concepts!
TheHereticOne (10) | October 13, 2015 3:14pm
Oh, by no means do I want to stop you from going forward with your concept! Even if it uses a few same abilities and the same hero, It's nice to see variety and someone else's take on a specific hero/ a type of hero, and so, I'm actually looking forward to your concept!

I did explain why I didn't pick Gul'dan -- I actually changed the actual hero at the last second before publishing this, because exactly of this ; Everyone has their own "representent' ; Paladins have Uther, or Tyrion.
Shamans have Thrall.
Death Knights have Arthas
Rogues have Valeera Sanguinare, or, even better, Garona Halforcen.
Mages have everyone and their brother who also brought their sexy girlfriend for a ********. I mean, gee -- Malygos, Medivh, Khadgar, Rhonin, Jaina (If I did some research I could probably find some 15 more names), and, to some extent, Med'an. Maybe Kaelthas too, despite people thinking of him as a Destruction warlock due to him being evil an' all. I mean, officially he is a fire mage.
Druids have Malfurion
Demon Hunters (THEY ARE COMING AND OMG... i just fanboyed all over my keyboard...) have Illiballer.
Monks have Chen, and maybe Li Li too.
And who do warlocks have as a single, major figure in their lore?
The reason why this isn't another Gul'Dan concept is that I thought he should be something more than a simple warlock -- After all, he is THE warlock. THE (orcish) Betrayer! He should be able to do a little of everything, when even the most nobody warlock has at least 2 specialisations, shouldn't he?
Garland | October 12, 2015 10:52am
Oh man, this is weird :P just a couple days ago I was thinking on making an Affliction Warlock as a HotS concept. I figured that if we do get a Warlock, it'll likely be Gul'dan and even more likely be a specialist because demons, so I wanted to show off the side of Warlocks that could easily dish out damage with the Magi. Weird part is I also thought of a "top damage, no cc" build and was considering using Jubeka as the character (hadn't settled yet but she's a cool warlock). My build has a bit more on sustain and having to be in the fight to make the most of the abilities though.

The first thing I noticed is how cool your trait is. I was just using the soul shards, which was nice but in practise felt a lot like Kael's trait even with having multiple charges but a much longer cooldown. The next thing is that your build is a little simpler in a good way, I was trying to push in all 3 DoTs without having 3 ability buttons dedicated to it and things were getting a little tricky.

Haunting Soul is awesome. I don't know about the ally functions, it's getting a little supporty that way (and perhaps a little too versatile), but the haunt function is just amazing.

Corruption is cool too, I like the charge system. You've also done a good job of turning it into a MOBA DoT where even sustained damage needs to be a little faster than usual.

I think that Doomed to Die might need a rework, from the sounds of it it's a near permanent effect until it's target dies which might be a problematic design choice. Not even Artanis' Purifier Beam will outright kill tanks and it only has the potential to be a 1 ability KO on squishier targets if they stand underneath it.

Unstable Affliction is nice, I had it down as a normal ability but with a similar spreading effect. The wording's a little odd but if I understand it correctly then it'll punish the target for being close to other heroes right? That's pretty cool.

Lust For Power is a cool talent, I'd change the wording to "Whenever a minion dies while under the effects of Corruption" or something like that though, like Nazeebo's passive. Blizzard's trying to avoid the last hit mechanic and it might make the talent more comfortable to use overall.

Man, I'm pretty hesistant to go forward with my Affliction Warlock idea now. Hope you keep it up though :)
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