An in-depth guide to Tyrael, the Support/Warrior hybrid by ThatGuyThatDoneThat

An in-depth guide to Tyrael, the Support/Warrior hybrid

By: ThatGuyThatDoneThat
Last Updated: Sep 19, 2016
2 Votes
Rating Pending
Build 1 of 4


Build: The go-to Build

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Threats to Tyrael with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
Johanna She won't do much against you, blinds no longer matter since Tyrael lost Angelic Momentum.
Kharazim He's a Support, Seven Sided Strike is easily countered by Sanct.
Li Li Supports, Sanctification hard counter to Water Dragon, Blinds don't do much against Tyrael.
Lt. Morales Morales weak to dive + Tyrael have dive = dead Morales.
Sgt. Hammer Worst Hero you can ever pick against Tyrael. El'Druin's Might on Hammer, use Sanct, and Hammer is done for.
Stitches Hook? El'Druin's Might away, or teleport next to your hooked teammate and use Sanct.
The Butcher He charges into your team, you use Sanctification, he can't heal, he dies.
Uther He won't do anything against you.
Artanis Artanis can 1v1 you, but Tyrael can easily run away with El'druin's Might and Smite's Speed Boost. In team fights, you lower his AA Speed with Imposing Will and nullify his AAs with Sanct. Triple Strike + Titan Killer still hurts, but that won't do much.
Azmodan Azmodan won't do much, you can Shield allied Minions early game to stop him from stacking and late game your Shield stops some of his poke. Azmodan has no way to run away until level 20 with Bolt of the Storm, and body blocking him with the slow from El'Druin's Might and the Move Speed Boost from Smite is very easy. Laser does hurt tho.
Cho Tyrael can't do much against Cho, but nor can Cho do much against Tyrael. Upheaval is easily countered by Sanctification.
Diablo You can run away if he combos you, you can save someone from his combo with Sanctification and Move Speed Boosts. Sanctification is also a hard counter to Apocalypse.
Nazeebo He has poke but that's it. Very weak against dive overall.
Rexxar Rexxar is very weak against dive. Not as weak as Morales, but still quite weak.
Xul He can't do much, Bone Prison is the only real threat.
Zeratul He shouldn't be able to burst you down. He also won't focus on you since you are a Tank.
Anub'arak Anub'Arak won't do much against Tyrael, Sanctification nullifies his Locust Swarm and Tyrael's AoE damage should help clear the Locusts. He is resistant to your Trait however, and can stunlock you easily.
Illidan Imposing Will and Sanct hurt him even more than Greymane since, due to the AA Speed from Imposing Will, he will lose sustain and CD reduction from his Trait.
Malfurion Support, but his Root is annoying. If he picks Twilight Dream, he's actually pretty good at countering dive.
Rehgar He can Ancestral whoever your team is targeting, unless your team is targeting Rehgar. His Totem is decent for stopping dives.
Tassadar He is incredibly resistant against dive and you won't be able to kill him. His Wall will get in your way when diving.
Tracer Not that scary, Sanct will stop the burst from Pulse Bomb and Tyrael is pretty tanky so he can take a punch.
Chen Chen can't do much, you can use Sanctification to nullify his Wandering Keg and you can run away from him if he tried to do something to you.
Chromie Her poke will get to you. Since Regen Tyrael has fallen out of the meta ,her poke is even more painful. You can counter her Temporal Loop with Sanctification, but that's a waste, and it's your Support's job to Cleanse the Temporal Loop. However, as Chromie is weak to dive and Tyrael is a very strong diver... Yeah that doesn't bode well for her.
Gul'dan Since he does a lot of sustained damage and is weak against dive, Tyrael just roflstomps him. The only thing Gul'dan can do against Tyrael is Horrify which stops him from using Sanct for 2 seconds.
Muradin Muradin is pretty good at countering dive and his Stun can stop you from using Sanctification. You can't really kill him.
Nova She's annoying, but she generally won't burst you down. As soon as you see her, you can jump on her and eat her alive because she can't run away.
Raynor He is not good against Tyrael's dive, even tho he has Giant Killer. Sanctification makes Hyperion weak.
Thrall If Thrall pokes, he will get slowed. His Windfury burst will get countered by your AA speed slow and Sanctification will stop him from healing if used right.
Brightwing Battle of patience, if Brightwing doesn't take Emerald Wind then Polymorph is the only way she will do much against you. Otherwise, you need to try to time Sanctification just before Brightwing uses Emerald Wind.
Gall His poke is countered by your Shield and Shadow Bolt Volley by Sanct. However, Gall can really poke Tyrael down.
Gazlowe Gazlowe is strong against dive which is Tyrael's strength, but his Turrets will proc Imposing Will and he has no real way to escape the body blocks from Tyrael. Grav-o-Bomb is easily countered by Sanctification.
Greymane Greymane does a lot of AA damage in Worgen, but Imposing Will does halve it ,so there goes his strength. If he tries to run, Imposing Will slow. If he tries to poke, Imposing Will slow. He also can't AA anyone inside Sanct.
Jaina Oh man Jaina landed that very sick Ring of Frost aaaand you just use Sanctification... She can burst you down to low HP very quickly however and you can't deal with her clearing all the waves.
Murky If he uses Octograb on you, you can't use Sanct. If he baits out Sanct's 80s CD for an Octograb, he won the trade. He is annoying and will slow down your dive.
Tyrande Her Mark is very scary as well as AoE damage.
Kael'thas His Stun will stop you from using Sanct which can result in death. His burst is currently very high and poke as well. Phoenix lasts 7 seconds and Sanctification only 3.
Leoric You are a Warrior, Leoric is a Warrior killer. Take care around him as Leoric doesn't mess around, he will burn you down. Even if you dodge Entomb, he can still murder you.
Sylvanas Her Silence will stop you from using Sanctification ,however the spread from her Dagger is countered by your Shield.
Abathur You can barely kill him due to Tyrael's very low damage output, and Tyrael's wave clear is rather weak.
Arthas Now Arthas is scary because Imposing Will doesn't work that well since Arthas' Trait causes him to strike instantly and Frozen Tempest is his main way of doing damage, which is also a big counter to the Smite Move Speed buff. Arthas is a strong Hero against dive, which is a big strength of Tyrael's. He does not have a lot of burst that Sanctification can deny, just a bunch of CC. If he goes for a Coil build/Life Tap, he will get a little less value during Sanctification.
E.T.C. Outside of Sanctification you have no way to stop his Mosh Pit. ETC's strength is CC, and while Tyrael is not specifically weak against CC, he can't use Sanctification if Stunned/Silenced.
Falstad You can dive him but you won't kill him due to his Barrel Roll and Static Shield. While Sanctification does counter Gust, the CD on Sanct is slightly higher than Gust. It's overall a skill matchup ,depending on Tyrael's prediction of the Gust. His AA damage is however hindered by Imposing Will.
Kerrigan Sanctification is your only saving grace against her, if she combos you and you don't use Sanct, you and your team are done for.
Li-Ming Heavy poke, hard to dive, Arcane Missiles are on low CD and therefore will be up as soon as Sanctification is down.
Valla Sanct can counter Rain of Vengeance. She can go Mage build and just not care about your slows.
Zagara Her main damage comes from summons which you can't do much against due to Tyrael's low damage output. However, Tyrael has an easy time clearing Creep with Smite. Her splitpush is painful for Tyrael.
Dehaka He can duel you and the stun from Drag is annoying and painful. You also can't body block Dehaka due to his W. Isolation will stop you from using Sanctification for 6 seconds, or just 3 if you have some sort of inner eye to see where your team is.
Sonya Sonya is very scary. Her damage comes from Slam and Imposing Will won't help against it. 10% Move Speed from her Trait will help against the Imposing Will slow. You have to time your Sanct just as she uses Whirlwind to stop her from healing a lot.
The Lost Vikings Their splitpushing is very strong and Tyrael can't deal with it. Sanctification does nothing special against them.
  No Threat
Lunara OH GOD NOT THE LUNARA. You cannot dive her due to her long range poke, her DoT goes way past Sanctification, she has Movement Speed boost.
Medivh You have nothing to do against an Medivh, he will run away from you, he will deal damage to you, Sanct does counter his Poly Bomb but then again, you burned an 80s CD for half that.
Tychus Tychus the Tank Killer, your biggest threat in any given game. Even if slow his AA Speed, he will still do a lot of damage with The Bigger They Are, or he can swap to Overkill to juke you, he can even stack duration on Minigun with In The Rhythm to bypass your AA speed slow. Stay away from this guy, he'll eat you alive


Build: AA Nuke, just for fun

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Regen Tyrael, use if you have 3 ranged

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Tankiest Archangel

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

The Abilities Top

This is Tyrael's main way of engaging and poke ability, although pretty weak damage. Unlike most Heroes such as Muradin and his Dwarf Toss, you can easily engage without using your main mobility due to the Move Speed buff from Smite. It's also a great idea to throw it over terrain so the enemy has to go around it and that way you'll get away easily. El'druin's Might is a simple ability, teleports you and slows the enemy. Try to aim it behind and enemy Hero to try to body block them.

A pretty good Shield for Tyrael and a rather small one for all of his Allies in range. The little shield however should not be underestimated, as it can save the life of your allies. Baseline, it's probably Tyrael's weakest Ability, but once you talent into it with Reciprocate and Imposing Will it becomes incredibly powerful.

Damage, Move Speed boost, bit of wave clear, low CD. A great ability that you should consider spamming. Make sure you use it as your team engages to give all of them a big ol' Move Speed boost to make the engage far easier. Due to this Ability, Tyrael can engage without having to use his main escape, El'druin's Might. If your team is in a rough spot, use Smite's Move Speed buff to run away quickly.

A fairly weak Trait by itself, Even In Death makes it a fairly decent Trait. Note that , if you pick Even In Death, Holy Ground will activate if you teleport. Reciprocate will not do damage if you pick Even In Death. If your team is behind 1-2 levels, you can sacrifice yourself to trade 1 for 1 with an enemy ; due to the level disadvantage ,you'll gain more than your enemy.

Pros and Cons Top


+ Incredible amount of mobility, making him one of the hardest Warriors to kill
+ Sanctification can win a team fight by itself.
+ Strong Move Speed buff and a decent Shield
+ Very strong initiator
+ Death isn't as punishing
+ Very strong at securing Merc Camps through Holy Ground and Sanctification


- No hard CC
- Sanctification requires a lot of practice to use well
- Holy Ground takes even more practice
- Rather weak Tank if your team has 3 Ranged Heroes. Cannot Tank for 4 Ranged.
- Rather low damage until he dies

The Talents Top

Level 1

Purge Evil buffs Tyrael's Smite damage significantly. If you need damage or you don't feel like dying, this is a great Talent to pick up. Not much to say about it as it's very straight forward.

Protection in Death requires a lot of team coordination and extreme tight quarters. If you manage to Shield 1-2 allies and also hit 1-2 enemies with your Trait, then that's a hell of a lot of value... But that likely won't happen. This Talent certainly is very strong, but I find Even In Death much more useful.

Even In Death is my go-to in 99% of the games. It makes Archangel's Wrath useful and it packs quite a punch. If all of your abilities are on CD, you landed that sick Sanctification and are out of mana, you may as well just suicide and halve the enemy team's HP pools.

Regeneration Master used to be the very best Talent at level 1 until Tyrael's rework. It's still great and protects against poke. Problem is, Tyrael is already fairly tanky and death doesn't matter as much, especially with Even In Death. If you decide to pick up Regeneration Master, make sure to pick up Amplified Healing at level 4.

Level 4

Horadric Reforging is a decent Talent. It makes engaging with El'druin's Might less punishing and it allows Tyrael to delay channeling pretty nicely. It's also great if you need to dance around the enemy team a lot. This also helps you put out more walls with Holy Ground.

Swift Retribution is a God-send. Nearly Mount speed on a 6 seconds CD that lasts 3 seconds. Incredible tool for running away, chasing, body blocking, engaging. It's my go-to pick just because it adds so much to Smite. It even denies Arthas's slow from Frozen Tempest. Like, it's 1 Talent that can stop Frozen Tempest from doing so much. It makes diving so much easier for your team as most Slows don't go past 35%. Leoric's Skeletal Swing is the only Ability I can think of that goes past 35% Slow.

Amplified Healing is by no means weak. It's a very big survival boost for Tyrael. Problem is, Tyrael doesn't need more survival in his kit, his role is to Support the team to victory, and Swift Retribution just does that much better.

Vigorous Assault is awful. It's one of Tyrael's worst Talents in his entire Talent Tree due to his little attack damage. Sure it's decent if you go for an AA nuking build, but damage just isn't Tyrael's job. If you need survival, Amplified Healing is better. You should avoid this Talent.

Level 7

Angel's Grace is a trap talent. A 30% Move Speed looks great on paper, but baseline Smite gives 25%, and if Talented all the way up to 35%. After you use El'druin's Might, wherever it is to engage or run away, you should be able to cast Smite in front of you due to its very low CD. Never ever pick this Talent.

Reciprocate boosts Tyrael's damage quite a lot as well as his wave clear. While damage certainly isn't his main role, there isn't much better on this Talent Tier. This also makes bursting down a target much easier. About 200 damage at level 1 is actually a decent amount.

Zealotry is not half-bad either. It allows to have 100% uptime on Righteousness ,assuming it doesn't get broken, by both reducing the CD and increasing its duration. This Talent combined with Imposing Will is a great combo for massive slows. Be ware that your mana will deplete slightly quicker since you'll be spamming Righteousness more often.

Follow Trough was recently added to Tyrael's Talent Tree, replacing Searing Attacks. However, it is not worth picking as it does less single-target damage than Reciprocate. I'd recommend not picking Follow Through on Tyrael.

Level 10, the Heroics

Sanctification is an AoE Divine Shield. However it is stationary and therefore requires a lot of practice to use right. This ability alone makes Tyrael a great enabler for someone like Sonya or Thrall who would get blown up instantly if they try to engage. Sanctification can easily turn a fight around if used properly, since it makes the enemy unable to do damage. It can ,just as Divine Shield, assure that your team captures a channeled objective ,such as the Altars on Towers of Doom. If you make a grave mistake, you can use Sanctification and then teleport away with El'druin's Might. Sometimes I'm even impressed it only has an 80 seconds CD.

Judgment is just a flashy Powerslide on a very high CD with no damage and little knockback. And E.T.C. going for Powerslide and then Face Melt will have the same effect as Tyrael using Judgment, even doing more damage. However, if you wanna start small, Judgment is good until you get the hang of Tyrael. As soon as you are half-decent ,start using Sanctification, it's just better.

Level 13

Burning Rage is by no means a weak Talent. However, it has to compete with Imposing Will, and Tyrael already has quite a few good ways to reveal Creep, Smite which has a low CD of 6 seconds and El'druin's Might which is on an 11 seconds CD.

Angelic Absorption is just a weaker version of Imposing Will in terms of damage mitigation. The heal is incredibly low, delayed, and further damage will only reset the duration. It is just a waste of a level 13 Talent. Do not touch.

Imposing Will is the mother of all slows. 2 seconds of AA Speed and Move Speed slow, both on 50%. The duration refreshes every time an enemy hits Tyrael, not AAs him, this means that Corpse Spiders or Flamestrike will apply the slow to the enemy. This Talent just shuts down any heavy AA damage dealer, such as Greymane or Illidan. Furthermore, it makes body blocking much easier. This talent makes Tyrael a fairly good solo Warrior, with strong peeling and survival. A must-pick at this Level.

Angelic Might just doesn't do good, Tyrael's AA damage is so low and this Talent won't make much of a difference. And yet again, it competes with Imposing Will.

Level 16

Blade of Justice is a 50% DPS boost to Tyrael's AA damage. Now, as I've already mentioned numerous times, Tyrael's AA damage is incredibly low, making me wonder why this is actually a level 16 Talent. It's just not worth picking unless your team has absolutely no damage output and needs all the help it can get.

Holy Ground is the mother of all Talents. It's easy to chase an enemy with it or isolate them from the enemy team. Using this in a choke-hold will generally assure that the enemy team gets split and therefore increase your chance to win the fight significantly. It's also great at stealing Merc Camps ( even Bosses ) if your accuracy is on-point, as the area covered by Holy Ground is just as big as the capture point for a Merc Camp. However, make sure that you don't activate it when clearing waves because it will spread out the minions. It's your pick at this Tier in 90% of the cases.

Salvation is not half-bad. It's a big-*** Shield for you if you cast Righteousness and get 2-3 allies in it. Pick this if you really need to survive and the enemy doesn't have very high HP Heroes for Blood for Blood to get value. Overall decent and plain Talent worth picking if you seriously can't live and dare pass on Holy Ground

Blood for Blood is a more aggressive version of Salvation. It can help you live a bit while also helping you burst down 1 target if your team decides to focus someone down. Obviously Holy Ground is generally better ,but Blood for Blood isn't shabby either.

Level 20

Angel of Justice makes Judgment a very good way to engage ,and an actually decent Heroic ability. The range is huge and can take enemies by surprise. 40 seconds CD reduction is incredible ,especially since Judgment is on an 80 seconds CD ( which is way too high for what it offers baseline ).

Holy Arena makes Sanctification even stronger ,if you can believe it. The 20% damage increase is the great part since the extra second will not work all the time since the enemies will probably run away, but it's still nice to have. However, if you pick this, you lower Tyrael's survival since you pass on Hardened Shield. I recommend this Talent if you go for Salvation or Blood for Blood at level 16 since those 2 should get you enough survival. This is also a win-more Talent, so if you are rushing the Core and you just reached level 20, pick it, it will make the rush much easier.

Hardened Shield is a crazy Talent. A 75% damage reduction for 4 seconds is insane since it makes you almost unkillable. I pick this Talent most of the time since I get Holy Ground at level 16. Use Hardened Shield right as you are about to take massive amounts of damage from someone like Kael'thas or Li-Ming. Overall an awesome Talent.

Nexus Blades is God-awful since El'druin's Might applies a 25% slow and Imposing Will a 50%, which Nexus Blades can't compete. Also, 20% AA damage increase for Tyrael is trash. Avoid this Talent, unless you are rushing Core and you didn't get Sanctification so you can't get Holy Arena.

The Many Faces of Building Tyrael Top

If up above I mentioned why some Talents are good ,or why some are bad (assuming I didn't rant up above as to why a Talent is awful ), here I will explain when different Talents shine, and against who. If some Talents work very well together then I'll talk about them in pairs.

First Talent that Tyrael can get is Purge Evil. If your team's early game is bad or you have no good solo laner, this Talent lets you solo lane decently, just make sure not to use anything else other than Smite. Or you just pick it for damage if you know you won't die so Even In Death doesn't get value.

Protection in Death is strong if your team tends to stick together and you don't need the explosion damage. Generally this Talent can actually turn the tide of the fight, especially if you shield like 2-3 people with it. 4v5 or not, with 50% more health, your team is bound to win.

Regeneration Master and Amplified Healing are great if you need the extra sustain if your team went for triple Ranged with no good off-tank for you such as Thrall or Xul. Generally you can skip on one of the two if you are against poke Heroes, since 2 of them are generally overkill just against some poke, altho, they work greatly together.

Horadric Reforging is pretty much an insta-pick for me on maps like Cursed Hollow or Towers of Doom since it lets you stall the objective for a good while. It also boosts your peeling due to more Slows and gives even more value to Holy Ground, if you need the utility.

Zealotry with Salvation makes you a really tanky bastard ( not counting Imposing Will since you always pick it at 13 ). By itself for Talents are nice, but when combined, they are extremely powerful. Generally these 2 Talents are very good when up against a Tyrande due to her Trait, or a stunlock comp so you don't get blown up hard. Even against normal comps it's good, for example if you are up against Greymane, Jaina and Tychus in 1 team. If you somehow end up with having 4 ranged with old Tyrael, make sure you go for the Tankiest Archangel build, otherwise you are very likely to get blown the hell up instantly ( unless one of the 4 Ranged is Auriel with Crystal Aegis, that will save you so you can go for the Regen Tyrael build ). If your team really lacks CC with 4 Ranged Heroes, go for the Regen Tyrael so you can get Holy Ground to help with the lack of CC.

Blood for Blood is a move offensive option than Salvation which allows you to secure kills. If you want to go for some damage and some tankiness, combine this Talent with Reciprocate and have fun doing a decent bit of burst to the enemy, along side with Purge Evil. If these 3 are combined with Imposing Will, Tyrael can really stick to an enemy Hero and deal good damage to them. A good combo is having 2 Blood for Blood ( you and an ally ) so you can chunk the enemy Tank pretty nicely while getting some sustain.

Holy Arena is great if your allies actually stay in the Sanctification for its full duration, or if you are rushing the enemy Core. Why? Well, the 25% extra damage is really strong for killing the Core much faster by itself, but with 1 more second of Invulnerability, you really should be able to kill the Core fast enough, even with 5 enemies alive.

Angel of Justice is ,in my opinion, a must-pick if you went for Judgment. It allows from engage from God-knows-where on a low cooldown, which also makes it spamable due to its 30 seconds CD.

When to draft Tyrael Top

What your team should have

+ Another frontline Hero, preferably an off-tank such as Thrall or Sonya

+ A Melee damage dealer for you to enable, such as Illidan or Sonya. Zeratul is excluded as he doesn't stay in the fight for a long time.

What your team needs

+ An enabler for a melee damage dealer

+ Very strong move speed boosts

+ Protection against burst through Sanctification

However, Tyrael is a very strong Hero overall, and fulfilling these conditions will only make him stronger. He is a good pick most of the time

Outside of team fights Top

At any point in the game

Tyrael should stick with a teammate and protect them since he is weak alone and has little sustain to be a good solo laner. You cannot solo camps before an objective without using a lot of resources, leave that job to someone like Sonya or Illidan. When an objective appears, you should consider moving to it quickly. Nothing really changes with Tyrael's gameplay the more the game progresses.

During team fights Top

Tyrael has one of the best engages in the game with the speed from Smite and the teleport + slow on El'druin's Might. He should always be in the front, ready to start a team fight and peel for his teammates, using Sanctification if someone is getting heavily focused. Make sure that you shield as many allies as possible with Righteousness before a fight. Make sure that you can quickly get to a teammate if they need the protection from Sanctification. Holy Ground is also a great tool for peeling or for securing kills.
Make sure that if the enemy has someone like Jaina with Ring of Frost, you are always near your allies so you can use Sanctification to save them ; even using it after the damage hit is fine, as it gets rid of a 3 seconds Root.

The maps Top

Cursed Hollow

Good map for Tyrael due to the numerous choke holds in which Holy Ground gets massive value, for, as mentioned above, isolating enemy Heroes for an easy kill. Tyrael can deny the enemy from capping the Tribute for quite a while with El'druin's Might + Horadric Reforging. Sanctification can assure that a teammate captures the Tribute due to the Invulnerability effect.

Dragon Shire

Tyrael is a weak solo laner so he should be rotating between mid and bot lane. However, although Tyrael is weak solo, he's a great skirmisher due to his mobility and supporting, making him an excellent choice for this map. He is also incredible at holding a Shrine due to Holy Ground, Sanctification and even Righteousness providing him, and his allies, good defense. There are numerous places on this map where Holy Ground can get massive value, such as both Shrines and all the Merc Camps, not only at capturing them, but also at blocking a passage with it.

Blackheart's Bay

Decent map for Tyrael, Holy Ground cannot get nearly as much value near Blackheart since the area is so large ,nor around the mid/top lanes. However, there are a whole 5 merc camps and 1 Boss on this map, which is great for Tyrael. He's also fairly weak at taking Mercenary Camps by himself, except the Doubloon camp obviously, everyone can do that one easily.

Sky Temple

Fair map for Tyrael with numerous Merc camps. However, lots of places on this map are rather large and Holy Ground won't get as much value. Nonetheless, Tyrael is extraordinary at holding a Temple and quickly getting away with Smite and El'druin's Might if things go badly.

Tomb of the Spider Queen

A good map for Tyrael as he can stop the channeling on the altars for a while with El'druin's Might and Horadric Reforging ,while Holy Ground gets great value due to both small spaces around the map and numerous Merc Camps. However, Tyrael is a weak solo laner and his waveclear isn't great, so keep that in mind.

Battlefield of Eternity

While Tyrael doesn't have great DPS on the Immortal, he makes up with Holy Ground which can get incredible value on this map, just as well as Sanctification. However, he lacks any strong poke on the Immortal as well, that is due to El'druin's Might not doing a lot of damage. However he is great at defending due to Sanctification, overall tankyness and the Move Speed from Smite.

Infernal Shrines

A good map for Tyrael as he gets a lot of Holy Ground and Sanctification value. Reciprocate can do greatly here since it can help killing the skeleton guys. As Tyrael you can also jump along the Punisher to try and get a kill or just distract the enemy to make pushing much easier. If on the defending side, Tyrael can dodge the Punisher's jump with a well-timed El'druin's Might, or just tank it easily anyways.

Towers of Doom

Great map for Tyrael, numerous places to get Holy Ground value especially on the Boss, he's great at denying capturing altars and waveclear isn't as important. Towers of Doom really is a simple map so there's not much to say about it.

Garden of Terror

Good map for Tyrael due to the numerous spaces for getting Holy Ground value, many camps to steal and awesome defending potential due to Sanctification. Imposing Will can also slow the enemy's Terror if it hits you for whatever reason as well. To be noted, the Terror, just as the Dragon Knight, can walk through Holy Ground.

Braxis Holdout

While Tyrael's waveclear is only decent making defending against the Zerg Rush much harder, that is countered by him having Sanctification and great overall tankyness in order to hold down a point for a good amount of time, and then run away if things go bad. Holy Ground can also steal a pretty squishy Boss ( the Archangel Boss actually dies quite fast ) and stealing the objective itself. Holy Ground, if aimed properly, gives you just enough time to cap ( or at least de-cap the Beacon so the enemy doesn't get more Zergs ) the Beacon and then hold it out just a bit longer with Sanctification, assuming your allies are on the way. Don't waste Sactification if no one is coming to help you. Also Protection in Death can get great value here since your allies will usually stay on the Beacon to defend it.
Also Heroesfire plz give Braxis Holdout icon.

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