Berzerk's Artanis "Blades of Glory" 1v1 Master Full Guide by Berzerk

Berzerk's Artanis "Blades of Glory" 1v1 Master Full Guide

By: Berzerk
Last Updated: Nov 5, 2015
3 Votes
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Build 1 of 2


Build: 1v1 Master Competitive

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Threats to Artanis with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Kharazim Kharazim is a joke. I have never lost to a Kharazim with any build with Artanis. His self-heals cannot sustain him. His extra crit's get nullified by shields, and his mana conservation is garbage. Easy target.
  No Threat
Zeratul Zeratul's cleave and bomb combo will put you at 50-60% health. Triggering your shield, and id you go this damage build, he shouldn't be dangerous.
  No Threat
Tyrande Her mark and stun is about it. Her AA's are not a problem. If she stuns you in Mid Blade Dash you could be dead.
  No Threat
Sonya Artanis lack of cc makes it very hard to 1v1 her. If you can predict her other abilities and dodge it with Blade Dash you can win. Just takes more micro-managaing.
  No Threat
The Butcher He if marks you it is game over son. If you go a tank build you can survive, but you can't kill him.


Build: Alternative 1v1 Master (DPS Resistance)

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

What to expect from Artanis the 1v1 Master! Top

By the way I killed Sonya, Muradin, and Diablo by myself.


Hey I am Berzerk. I love the Warrior Role and that's my specialty. I play every other class as well, but Warrior is just the most enjoyable. My tag is actually #SacredEch0 for those who don't know, anyways I am hear to tell you a build I found out after playing Artanis for a while, as he has become for favorite hero because of how balanced he is. Here is the competitive breakdown of Artanis.

Artanis Lore:

"I am Hierarch Artanis, leader of all protoss. And in unity, there is strength." - Artanis

Artanis is the leader of the Daelaam. A renowned warrior, he seeks to unify his beleaguered people, and will let nothing stand in his way to restore the glory of the protoss. As a member of the Templar Caste, Artanis served extensively alongside his comrade Fenix. The two traveled across hundreds of worlds.



- Hard to kill
- Great Engagement
- Great single target damage
- Great Solo


- Mid-Range Cooldowns
- Consistent AoE damage
- Disrupts can be a problem
- Mobility



General Combo: E->W->Q->aa->aa->aa->W->Q->E

Waveclear Combo: Q->aa->aa->aa->repeat

(Q) Blade Dash
The Blade Dash is amazing, I usually like to use Blade Dash after I just Twin Blades someone; aim for all enemies in the pile to maximize damage, and slightly bring your health down, so surprise shields trigger. You should use it at least twice in a team fight. I save the 2nd Blade Dash for the killing blow as they the enemies are running away. For this build we are not going the talent Zealot Charge, so we can't catch up that way, anyways you get the killing blow and get to return to safety. A lot of times if you keep using your Blade Dash you have done damage, but miss the killing blow, which is a bummer. You try to suffice that tragic situation with the talent Templar's Zeal.
(W) Twin Blades
First of all you always want to use this ability first every time. You have to position yourself correctly, engage correctly, get your pathing on point. You have to think about it as you are Zeratul and your Twin Blades is your Cleave. You have to get in position and land that, than the rest of the fight is a piece of cake. By level.....

Level 7 You get Follow Through which basically makes your Twin Blades have 3 powerful strikes. Not to mention the extra damage you have from Seasoned Marksman from Level 1. Then at Level 13 you get Triple Strike which adds a real 3rd strike on Twin Blades. You now have 4 BURST damage auto attacks that roughly do 200 damage a hit later in the game. Giving you a whopping 1000 damage. Level 16 is when you get Titan Killer and face their tanks or high health Heroes, such as Johanna or Leoric. Overall that increases your damage greatly. Then Level 20 just tops it all off with Nexus Blades, by increasing your burst damage and slowing them so you can catch up and repeat the process. Side Note: You can kill Lt. Morales with one combo at Level 20.

(W) Phase Prism
Phase Prism is honestly one of the hardest skill-shots to land in the game, due to it lackluster of speed and range. When you see an Artanis coming he is very predictable, much like Arthas is with his roots. If you do get in position and get the opportunity to land this ability, then a whole new world shines for you. You can body block and land your Blades of Glory combo, and set your teammates up to destroy the enemy. You can also take someone out of position like Sgt. Hammer from her hiding spot; or take a charging Illidan or Kharazim and send them into the middle between the frontline and backline and get melted and zoned away from the team. My favorite is early game defense on pushing and you land the Phase Prism and get the enemy slowed by your fort/keep, forcing an early game kill. Overall great ability, just very difficult to land.
(D) Shield Overload
Shield Overload is the crux of Artanis You want to utilize this, just like you would use Chen. Chen has a talent called Brewmaster's Balance which allows him if around 50% health do more stuff. It's the same thing, but this is your trait. I would prefer Lt. Morales or Li Li to be your healer, so it's not to much of a heal, but enough to keep your shields going. Use this to your advantage, but don't get caught out because you think you are invincible. Retreat if your shield is being bursted down, because the cooldown is fairly long. Keep on going in and out of combat, until the opportunity open itself, for example if the enemy team, have used their Heroic Abilities, than going all in is a good idea.

Heroic Abilities

(R) Suppression Pulse
Supression Pulse is very self-explanatory. The Heroic is generally good for teams who have auto attack builds. It is basically a silence, but for heroes such as Raynor, Illidan, Valla, The Butcher, etc. It has unlimited range, so if you die and resurrect and your teams need to get away, or get that final kill and you are not there, than you an use it. It comes in handy.
(R) Purifier Beam
IMHO this one is better choice as Heroic ability. It's nice increase of damage. Well timed and placed Q when targeted can completely nullify an enemy hero from the team fight or get melted in a 1v1. Usually forces a retreat. All around very helpful, although it can be easily dodged, you just have to target it correctly and at the right time.



Level 1

Seasoned Marksman - I love this talent. You are a bully in the lane usually with everyone. Killing minions are not a problem. You need this if you want to deal out the major extra damage. In a decent game you gain around an average of 25 stacks if you lane correctly, before the team fights occur, and wreak havoc on your opponents. For this build this is a must, it just isn't worth going this talent on the maps that end early. That's mainly Haunted Mines, overall this is a great talent to choose and my favorite for Artanis.

Other Talents

Level 4

Templar's Zeal - This is the overall best pick. You always want to have health around their, and even if you don't want your health down to 50% it's going to anyways. This talent reminds me of Brewmaster's Balance and how the 50% increments works. Anyways as I was saying... because you are going to be down and your Blade Dash will be recharging 75% faster. You increase your chance of getting the kill, more dodging openings, and the talent just overall opens up new opportunities for you.

Other Talents

Level 7

Follow Through - This is easily my favorite talent for level 7. I picked this almost every time I played as Artanis. It makes you get a 3rd hit on your W. Later on you can get a real 3rd strike on your W, but with Follow Through you get a 4th hit. All 4 hits melt the enemies health. Extra damage from Seasoned Marksman is overkill.

Other Talents

Level 10

Suppression Pulse - This is a great Heroic Ability. The fact that it has unlimited range, means that you can save someone's life essentially. If you are not at a team fight, for example if the enemy team forced a fight, or even tried ganking a team mate. You can use this and save them. Especially against DPS heavy teams.

Purifier Beam - This is my personal favorite, because it can take someone out the fight completely. Many people say this talent is bad, because it can be easily avoided, but they are missing the bigger picture. It has more utility than damage. If you can take someone out the team fight completely like Lt. Morales for sure, or a Nova, Zeratul, and Jaina. You have won the fight. Now if your team takes advantage of this ability, and roots or stuns the enemy in place, than it is a guaranteed kill, but just the fact that it takes an enemy out the fight is enough for me to pick it; and to be the 1v1 master! If you trigger this ability during a heated 1v1. You have a for sure kill. Unlimited range, allows you to cast it at opportune times when you are not at the team fight, and the damage could be the winning factor in your game.


Level 13

Triple Strike - This is the crux of this 1v1 build. The barrage of attacks that you unleash at your opponent is so sudden and quick. Having 4 strong basic attacks take deals 1000+ is amazing.

Other Talents

Level 16

Titan Killer - This is Giant Killer x2. Why not get a talent that is doubled. This is amazing and just adds on your diversity in the heroes that Artanis can destroy by himself. For example, Leoric, Muradin, E.T.C., and Johanna are very beefy characters. With this talent you can melt their health down as if they were assassins. Very good talent. I would pick it most of the time. Crux to this build, not so much Artanis though.

Other Talents

Level 20

Nexus Blades - This makes your damage go off the roots. Makes you not a bruiser, but a ****ing POWERHOUSE. Excuse my french, but it is very powerful and synergies with Artanis better than most heroes in the game. You basically become a glass cannon tank... how about that!

Other Talents

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