Burst Bully [Updated for Johanna's patch] by ear2earGrin

Burst Bully [Updated for Johanna's patch]

By: ear2earGrin
Last Updated: Jun 23, 2015
20 Votes
Build 1 of 3


Build: AA Updated

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Threats to Zeratul with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Abathur Abathur - I always find out where he is after lvl 4 until i make him have to stay behind their nexus.Even behind walls u can blink once-locate him-wait for Blink CD - kill him - blink away.After lvl 4 u can do that most of the times and get away with it.At higher level its crucial to kill Aba when the death waiting time is like 40-50 seconds couze a good aba will have mOst dmg on their team. GG if can kill him.Most of the times tho he will be behind the spawning area in their base couze he will be damn scared of u.Still this means that atleast his mines and locust wont even reach half the map = still a win situation.Dont miss out on Teamfights trying to locate him tho.Only hunt him if u have a good guess where he is.
Murky Murky Pretty much the same deal as abathur.IF that murky is any good couze murky is basicly a losing pick.. u can find his egg pretty easy and sh it on it.
Valla All u have to watch out for (and is still not such a big threat is her Rain of Vengence ) otherwise quite easy to kill her in seconds.In team fights wait while she is forgotten by her team and is standing in the back.Kill and get away .this will separate thier team couze 1-2 of them will try to hunt you down (most likely unsucessfully)
Sgt. Hammer Hammer could be more tricky.Either you wait for his Z to be on CD, or after lvl 10 u can just ultimate his and follow even with blind if u have to.Singularity spike nullifies his Z to a great extend.No real threat.
Raynor Pretty easy.No real escape vs you.can only shoot you back but most of the times u still have you blind.
Malfurion Healer.Cant kill you.No escape
Azmodan Slow mofo.After lvl 10 u can pretty much down him in about 4-5 seconds i'd say.No escape
Zagara Like nazeebo she is not so hard to kill but can also pull some tricks or atleast get away with her ult on you.Most of the times an easy kill couze even with the dmg she has , yours is better and faster.SHe willl die before she can kill you if shes standing face to face fights with zera.
Rehgar Medium hard to kill.Can escape and slow you.Still... cant kill you.
Nova Has good burst but a skill-shot so u can easily dodge that.Also Nova has no real escape.Face to Face combat she cant compete unless she tricks you wth her ultimates somehow.(too hard for her though)
Nazeebo 1v1 scenario u can kill him pretty easy.However what he can do is wait for ur blind and then grab you with the zombies in which way he can use his ult and kill you couze blink will be on CD.That s the only potentional threat he packs.
Thrall Thrall in my experience just cant kill you.U can either get away or u will kill him before he can get you to even 30%.This build's damage is just insane.
E.T.C. Just annoying
Li Li Even with her speed shes medium hard to kill.No real problem imo.Cant keep up with the dmg.
Sonya I dont even bother with her.thats an usless champ imo. if i meat her alone shes dead.I dont even see her in games tho so not sure how dangerous.fuck pms
Illidan Illlidan 1v1 I find to be 50/50 depending on who plays it better and what talents both have.However you have the element of surprise with zerath.Most of the times if i catch him roaming somwhere after lvl 10 i can pop all of my shit even before he realizes he is below 50% hp.His real threat to you is the dodge ability.Once thats over you can break his face easy.
Falstad Falstad is a bit tricky too because he has high burst and an escape.U have to be careful not to attack him near Gates that he can fly in and turn on you.U can dodge his flying hammer with blink of simple movement.Its about skill here too. maybe 60/40 in your favor..but still he packs ALOT of dmg.Be careful.dwarfs tend to be motherfuckers in every game.
Jaina Jaina has huge burst and some means of escape.Element of surprise like with illidan here is key.All her spells are skillshots so its not very easy for her to deal with such a burst in her back + slow.She can however kill you quite fast if she get some favorable circumstances.
Kerrigan Not so hard to deal with couze of the skill shots.Still avoid battling her 1to1 unless u have all your CDs.
Gazlowe Can be dangerous on maps like skytemple where if u fight him on an altar with all his cannons on and stun bom on the ground.Key is to go all on him ignoring the cannons.Either you will kill him before stun or if u see u cant blink away and come back for him.Stun = death
Tyrael Dont bother with him.U can probably kill him but his dmg is high and even if u kill him he can probably passive-kill you or escape before hes dead.Tough bastard so ignore him and go killl valla or smth easier.
Brightwing I give him threat couze its hard to kill him, and because he pretty much never goes alone.If he has no Z or R tho u can kill him pretty easy.Situational call if u should attack him or not.
Anub'arak Ignore unless u have Giant Killer of hes low.
The Lost Vikings |Not so hard to kill them separately.In team fights no need to focus him first.
Diablo Dangerous in teamfights couze of grab.Beware of the fire wave couze it break stealth.
Arthas Ignore unless u have Giant Killer or his low.
Stitches Hard to 1v1.He can eat you and get you to his team.He can gorge on you and heal and all that crap u already know.Leave him for last in team fights.
  No Threat


Build: Cleave.

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Level 4
Level 7
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Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Hybrid i use right now

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

General Overview. Top

Hey guys.
Note:This guide is probably not so much for starter Zerathul players since you need to already have a good feeling for Zera in genaral to play this right.It iss in my opinion, the most risky,but also the most rewarding build..

I will keep this as short and simple as possible unlike most guides here..These builds are what i usually use on zerathul. am currently rank 4/2706 mmr and climbing fast and my zerath win rate is about 65% out of 100+ games in ranked
rank 9 screen stats
rank 6 screen
Rank 4 screen

BUILD 1 : With this build u need good positioning at all times,because you would want to focus down the weaker DD champs like Valla,Jaina,Raynor,Tychus,Nova,Falstad,Srg Hammer etc. Most of times you will find yourself being behind them or flanking if you play this build right.I would generally pick this one if i see no real Crowd Control danger like brightwing and when i am sure i will be doing my damage without being interupted so much (which happens rarely..)
Timing is also important since your ShadowAssault's CD is 100s and you want to only use it when you can most certainly kill atleast 1 target and then possibly jump to and kill a 2nd or a 3rd one..
Downsides to the build is that your basicly a glass cannon and if you make a mistake and get caught thats pretty much it for you(even more so if you dont have your blink).HOwever,if played right,most games i end up with a score like 17/2 with most hero damage so its not too much of a worry.

BUILD N:2 if i feel i have lesser chance of isolating targets ( if their team stichs together,doesnt go solo,composition is in their favor etc) Basicly its a safer build but with less damage.Still .. i deffinately win more games with build Number 1.its just better when u can kill in seconds champs like valla//jaina/nazeebo/malf/lili (they just cant deal with that much
dmg even if they have healing.. THE reson I dont go VoidPrison is because overall a build with it gives you lesser damage.Most of the times if they are good ( the enemy) it doesnt really work SO SO well as in theory. as a percentage I deffinately win more games with SA. Now,maybe in rank 1 games high mmr VP is better but lets face it,you arent getting there so soon if ur raeding a guide.

BUILD 3: I am trying out this right now.As an hybrid build.I think its well rounded and balanced because of the fact u have heal,u have Vorpal Blades,which does work quite nice once u get the hang of it.It basicly burns away the victim's escape tool.Hit-Cleave-Bomb---He escapes-VS and u are back on him with your ulti raedy..U can also dive people early on behind their gates for the kill and then blink straight away. right now being rank 4 I RECCOMEND THIS ONE

Give it a try,tell me what you think,whatevs :} enjoy and remember its a teamgame so dont blame me if you suck and fail with it ;d
General TIP : never go IN fights using blink unless u are sure to kill and u see u can get away from it on foot,or if it is necessary to die yourself to kill.
PS: (All screenshots are of ranked games) DONT FORGET TO VOTE PLS :}

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