High Damage Defense by Gizmozord

High Damage Defense

By: Gizmozord
Last Updated: Feb 2, 2016
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Build: High Damage Defense

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Threats to Li-Ming with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
Cho Just avoid him. You can put a decent dent in him but the speed at which he can cast his abilities will put a hurtin on you.
Sgt. Hammer Your abilities out range Hammers, if you can time it right with your orbs pull its almost a certain kill.
  No Threat
Nazeebo No real threat. Can out poke and escape from walls.
Murky Dont get Octo'd and melt his face. His deaths reset your abilities (I'm almost positive).
Artanis Pretty easy target due to predictable abilities. Can teleport if orbed. If Purifier beam is cast on you don't teleport until after it spawns.
  No Threat
Kerrigan Get caught and you're dead but teleport right after the leap slightly to the side and you should be able to escape.
Nova Doesnt put out a ton of burst since her changes but It still hurts. In the right situations you can turn on her with you teleport damage.
Illidan Your teleport allows you to kite him for the most part but it can be difficult to land abilities.
Kael'thas Avoid the stun and all is well.
  No Threat
Rehgar Ancestral is a pain for your trait. Can really put a delay on your insane team fight deeps.
Lunara While easy to avoid her abilities she will catch up to you and her poison will wear on you over time.
Tyrande Her long range makes he hard to get you're abilities past the front line but the stun should be avoidable.
Anub'arak Stuns are bad.
Muradin Stuns are bad. Leap can catch you.
Stitches While a lot of the time you can avoid the hooks, if you do get grabbed and there is anyone around you're donezo.
Gall Just avoid him. You can put a decent dent in him but the speed at which he can cast his abilities will put a hurtin on you.

About Me Top

Hey everyone my name is Gizmozord and I am the Host of Lords of the Storm. This is my first guide so bear with me while it continually gets updated. =P

About Li Ming Top

A potentially high Hero AND Siege damage hero. If you can stay out of stuns and abilities with your teleport you are in good shape. Both of her ranged abilities have a longer range than structures which make her siege capabilities insane with the damage she can do. I'm thinking we will see a nerf to her structure damage because of this.

Threats and Weaknesses Top

This will take some time to figure out because with her teleport on such a short cooldown it's really pretty easy to avoid most AOE abilities and to kite most threats. Will expand on more in future updates.

Will Continue to Update... Top

Staying alive means more damage. The pull in on arcane orb can really set up your team as well as synergize with your own abilities. At 16 you can take Mirrorball if you have a good support. The shield can still allow you to be more aggressive with your teleports however.

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