Specialist Lunara by alawlesslad

Specialist Lunara

By: alawlesslad
Last Updated: Jan 20, 2016
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Build: Creep Chewer, Structure Sapper

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Level 20

Threats to Lunara with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Abathur Abathur's only real threat to you is if he morphs into somebody who he can chase you with, like Illidan. Otherwise, this build destroys his minions quite quickly.
Brightwing Brightwing's Polymorph is less likely to hit you from the range you'll be at.
The Lost Vikings Vikings can be picked off pretty easily if they are alone, and you should be fast enough to get out of their ultimate if it's cast.
Lunara Other Lunaras will attempt to play her as the typical assassin. Don't trade too much with her unless you have a support. Otherwise she's negligible.
Li Li Her blind is annoying, and her heals will prevent your DoT from finishing anybody off, but she doesn't deal a lot of damage.
Uther Watch out for the stun, and keep up your poison on different targets as he isn't good at spreading his healing out.
Rehgar A healing nuisance, but not that scary.
Rexxar Misha can stun you safely and zone. Annoying, but not a killer.
Tyrande Use your erratic movement to your advantage when you think a stun is going to come out. If she hits you with vulnerability, you should just back off for a bit. Her bird is more threatening to you with your low health pool.
Tassadar Really difficult to kill with shields and fade out, but can't burst you down.
Artanis Difficult to kill with his shields and capable of poking you for nasty damage. The laser is pretty easy to get out of as Lunara, though.
Zagara Hunter Killer will shut your teamfight presence down, but her minions are relatively easy to deal with when you get your toxin upgrade and ultimate. She will probably win the lane though if you are up against her.
Tychus Your increased movement will mean that Tychus will waste his Overkill if you zone him correctly. His laser is easy to melt with this build, but watch out if he goes for the Odin.
Sylvanas Pain in the butt in a lane, and exploding creeps hurt. You can usually stack decent poison on her before she jumps out of an engagement.
Nazeebo If he traps you, you're probably dead. His trap is easier to avoid though as Lunara.
E.T.C. If you are caught in Mosh Pit, you are probably dead. Don't waste time attempting to attack him as his self heal will guarantee you'll rarely ever kill him.
Tyrael Challenging to kill, and has an ultimate than can spell death for you if you are hit with it.
Thrall His Feral Spirit isn't difficult for Lunara to dodge if you move erratically. He is a good target to go for in team fights but back off if you don't have teammates to help crowd control him.
Sonya Watch out for the spear, which can be juked with erratic movement.
Stitches If he hooks and eats you, you're probably dead. Avoid the hook and he's not as scary.
Valla High damage cone and zoning kit will make her a difficult target to kill without being in danger. Her ganking ability isn't as good as some other assassins, though.
Murky Your poison can deal with him quite nicely, as three stacks and a well timed Crippling Spores will prevent him from being as much of a nuisance. If you are grabbed by his ult though, you are most likely dead. Watch out for him by using your wisps to scout for places he could be hiding, as well as for his egg.
Illidan Your extra movespeed won't be able to escape his abilities, and if he takes The Hunt your abilities to push with be diminished.
Greymane His gap closers can spell the death of you if you are caught without a teammate to stun him or heal you.
Kerrigan If she is able to land her combo on you, you're probably dead. Would be higher up if she had a better way to approach you or more ganking ability.
The Butcher Scary when he charges you. You don't have the health pool to take many of his hits. Watch your positioning in team fights and his place on the map when you're pushing.
Sgt. Hammer Super obnoxious in teamfights, as her high range will keep you from entering. Can also prevent you from dealing damage to towers.
Raynor Raynor with a healer will not die due to your poison. Hopefully you have other damage dealers to take him down.
Nova One of the biggest pains with this build, and playing Lunara in general. Watch out not only for the glimmer, but for where she was last sighted on the minimap to give you an idea of where you can push and where you can't.
Zeratul Like Nova, but scarier because he's a good hero. Watch out for glimmer and watch the minimap to see where he last was.

Why a specialist? Top

After playing Lunara for a few games I realized that her poison DPS, while looking great for a hero damage numbers game, does virtually nothing to a comp that has even one support on it. She is frail, she cannot approach reliably, and her escape mechanisms aren't guaranteed; she is a bottom tier assassin.

So I chose to go after what can't be healed.

Nature's Culling and Thornwood Vine DESTROY structures and creeps. It is not uncommon to do a game with over 200,000 siege damage. Her ability to destroy waves and towers is flat out bonkers. She has all the tools to play as a campy and obnoxious specialist.

Abilities Top

Pros & Cons Top

- Can waveclear and push multiple structures quickly.
- Insanely high siege damage.
- Skills have high range, and difficult to gank without invisibility.
- Can apply about 12s of base destroying Nature's Toxin and Crippling Spores at triple damage rate.
- Demolishes Boss mercenary camps, Terrors, and Immortals assuming she isn't hit.
- Even lower teamfight presence.
- Still vulnerable to Nova and Zeratul.
- Has difficulty taking bruiser camps by herself due to low health pool.
- Build takes until level 7 to really start to come online.

Build: Top

Level 1:

Blossom Swell: The AoE on Noxious Blossom is really bad, so this talent will allow you to land it on more than just a couple units.

Photosynthesis: Could potentially serve you well if you find yourself often running out of mana. It works if you hit anybody, not just creeps.

Cruel Spores: This talent does not work if you have even one non-creep/merc hit with the poison. That's a bad limitation. Just don't bother.

Level 4:

Dividing Wisp: Covering two different spots allows Lunara a ton of vision to eat away at enemy towers safely, and get out before anybody tries to gank her.

Nimble Wisp: Want to know if they are really going for the boss, but your wisp is a bit too slow to check? Take this talent.

Level 7:

Nature's Culling: This is where stuff starts to get interesting. This works on everything non-hero, and her poison at x3 potency is quite nasty.

Level 10:

Thornwood Vine: Easy application of triple poison makes enemy waves and towers very sad. This move also fits quite well with her cautious playstyle.

Level 13:

Pestering Blossom: This talent will allow you to more safely apply poisons from afar and keep them up.

Giant Killer: Sometimes necessary to deal with wrecking ball heroes like Cho'Gall.
Greater Spell Shield: This talent may be necessary if they have a lot of quick burst to kill you, like a Nova. It also helps you apply more poison stacks without getting completely demolished.

Level 16:

Invigorating Spores: This talent is just gravy that allows you to destroy things more quickly.

Level 20:

Forest's Wrath: Further extending her ability to harass with poison from a safe distance makes this talent a solid choice.

Galloping Gait: Lunara has weak escape mechanisms, and if you feel that needs boosting more than her range, take this talent.

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