The summoner by CellarDweller

The summoner

By: CellarDweller
Last Updated: Mar 2, 2016
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Build: Build #1

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Introduction Top

Xul is new to the game and ofcourse he#s very op with the right build like every other hero who#s new to Hots.
I will keep a brief, easy to read guide and I hope you#ll find use for it!

The talent build Top

As a 1st talent the evasion speaks for itself, every aa hero will be useless against you while bonearmor is active. Remember though that you should be careful using it together with cursed strikes unless you're most likely to be killed. The cursed strikes decreases attack speed drastically hence you should not need bonearmor while its active.

2nd talent doesnt need explaination since you never have mana issues and you dont need any more range on scythe.

3d talent you do not need any more attack slow, 50% is already massive slow and 75% doesnt make that much of a difference. And cursed strikes healing is nothing in comparison to the summoning one, unless you tend to be a lot in teamfights and there's no creeps around for example in cursed hollow contesting tributes or battlefield of eternity.

Heroic: Is situational, does your team need a lot more dmg or a really good cc + decent dmg? I've found the skeletal mages much more useful in almost every game but there are times nova would be better I suppose.

5th talent I would never go for giants curse since you dmg output is more than enough already, and decrepify I wld only pick if you don't have enough cc in team which is seldom the case since you already have bone prison.

6th talent amplify dmg is insane in teamfights making the enemy melt like butter in an instant! But if you prefer to split-push most of the time the skeleton buff is very strong and highly recommended as well (I actually use more often than amplify).

And for the last talen bone spear is a low cd quite strong extra ability with a very safe to hit aoe dmg.
However if you're having troubles with a good healer in enemy team deffo pick mortal wound. The other talents just dont compare to these ones.

Basic gameplay Top

We'll start with the skills.

Bone armor: Use it when getting focused and you've lost at least 30%hp, dont pop it too early since it has quite the cd but dont be afraid to use it as its a real life-saver.

Spectral scythe: Move in close enough to use it somewhat behind the enemy, and you should use it as a follow up to your bone prison once it has imprisoned the enemy. Other than that its great for clearing creep waves!

Cursed strikes: Use to clear creep waves or to slow down enemy attack speed whenever theyre punching you.
Huge aoe and very powerful, use it when enemies huddle up together.

Bone prison: Your main initiation skill and a powerful lockdown, also good for escaping someone chasing you down.

General map presence: He's a strong teamfighter, ganker and pusher. Try to harass the enemies in you lane w all 3 skills and force them to back-off leaving you space to push.
If not possible rotate and gank, your sucess rate shld be very satisfying since not a lot of enemies can esacpe you prison and dmg. Push lane after gank if possible otherwise keep rotating.

In teamfights: You are very tanky and work best together with creeps, dont be afraid to initiate and focus on their healers in the first hand. Use your bonearmor if you would get focused and run of to the enemy creeps to heal up if necessary, hopefully you have team who knows how to follow up.

This should be easy enough guide to read so go out there and pewpew! =)

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