In depth co-operative Cho'Gall by KakarisTopswede

In depth co-operative Cho'Gall

By: KakarisTopswede
Last Updated: Nov 25, 2015
10 Votes
Build 1 of 2


Build: Cho

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Gall

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Who are we and why should you listen? Top

Well we're (Kakaris & Topswede) not really anybody. We do however play Hots a lot and we would argue that we know our fair share of information about the game. Here we have two builds one for Cho and one for Gall respectively. Read ahead to learn more about the Hero you are playing and more than just the talents you should take.


Current bug with Gall's Eye of Kilrogg, it says it has 2 stacks and can be sighted in fog of war (bushes and such). you can only use 1, and you dont see the cooldown on it. It will be fixed in next patch they said.
I recommend you pick another talent at level one if you dont like this bug.

Talents - Why choose what I have and what makes them better than other talents Top

Basic Abilities


Gall is permanently attached to you, going where you go.

Q Surging Fist
Cooldown: 13 seconds

Wind up for at least 1 second temporarily slowing yourself, then reactivate to charge in a direction. Enemies in your path are knocked aside and take damage.

W Consuming Blaze
Cooldown: 12 seconds

Ignite nearby enemies, dealing damage over 4 seconds. If this hits an enemy, gain Health over 4 seconds.

E Rune Bomb
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Roll a bomb dealing damage to enemies in its path. Gall can use Runic Blast to detonate it to deal 284.96 (+0.04 per level) damage in an area.

Heroic Abilities (R)

Cho has the choice of the following Heroic Abilities, which are granted at level 10:

Cooldown: 60 seconds

After 1 second pull enemies towards your direction, slowing them by 25% for 3 seconds and dealing damage.

Hammer of Twilight
Cooldown: 15 seconds

Passively increases Basic Attack damage by 25%. Activate to swing the Hammer to deal damage, push enemies away, and stun for 0.75 seconds.


Level 1

Surging Dash This talent looked quite good from the get go but once you play with it against the other two talents it begins to sort of lose it's flare. If you feel as if you will be the sole initiation for your team and you think it's necessary, feel free too try it but it probably still wouldn't be worth it. (Not Recommended)

Blazing Bulwark This is the talent that I currently believe to be the best, it gives you some really great tankiness and keeps it's presence throughout the whole game and if anything, becomes more and more powerful. The only reason I would debate not taking this is if their team had very little basic attack damage. For example if their backline was Jaina and Kael'thas. (Recommended)

Fuel for the Flame This talent is one that I could see many players wanting to use instead of Blazing Bulwark and this isn't a bad idea whatsoever but I would only do so if they had a backline that isn't at all reliant on basic attacks. (Situational)

Level 4

Runed Gauntlet This talent is pretty much a wasted pick even with Hammer of Twilight at level 10 the maths still works out to be better on one of the other two talents. (Not Recommended)

Rollback This talent is just a straight up no. The idea of the bomb rolling back seems nice but at the end of the day Runebomb's damage comes from the detonation from Gall rather than the actual movement of the bomb through Heroes or towers. (Not Recommended)

Seared Flesh This talent is my current favourite simply because it provides the most damage, the reason for this is because Cho is very good at sticking to a target meaning he is able to continue to auto attack after having cast Consuming Blaze this becomes even easier at Level 20 if you take C'Thun's Gift. (Recommended)

Level 7

Power Surge This is a talent that came a really close second to Fire Eater most simply because Cho's Surging Fist is a really strong ability and with something that aids it as far as being able to cast it quicker can be the difference between a kill and walking away empty handed. After testing however Fire Eater just proved to be too good. (Situational)

Fire Eater Now this talent wasn't initially something that I thought would be good, however I was very, very wrong. This talent is actually what I ended up taking over Power Surge

Frenzied Fists With the talents that we have already looked at this just sort of makes no sense to take especially over the other two picks we have at this level. Just do your team a favour and don't take it. (Not Recommended)

Level 10

Hammer of Twilight I could go on about this talent for days it is such a useful and well rounded talent. Firstly you passively get 25% attack damage which is really nice with talents we have already taken such as Seared Flesh and potentially Fire Eater. Secondly we get a Knockback with a 0.75 second stun which isn't in itself that long or particularly powerful but it is a stun which is enough to stop things like Li Li ult which can be really nice. The Knockback is also super easy to utilize by simply using your Q to get behind the enemy team and knock them into your team. (Recommended)

Upheaval This talent seems to be heavily overrated right now and whilst it is good with it's quite frankly astonishingly large range, unless you have a team that can back you up it can be pretty underwhelming. It can pair quite nicely with Twisting Nether but that talent for Gall in itself is equally underwhelming. These two picks for the Wombo-Combo could be quite nice against a really squishy backline but otherwise I wouldn't recommend it. (Situational/Not Recommended)

Level 13

Runic Feedback This talent is actually really cool and is really good for taking Merc Camps especially solo but overall it is just a bit greedy to take it. If you feel really confident against a team and don't fear their damage output then you could take it but I wouldn't really recommend it. (Situational/ Not Recommended)

I AM Hurrying This talent is actually pretty good but out of the two defensive talents at this level it just isn't as good as the Molten Block in most situations. It is a nice idea but it just isn't good enough. (Not Recommended)

Molten Block This talent is really, really powerful. It makes you invulnerable for 3 seconds which is a REALLY long time when it comes too a teamfight and you are dealing aura damage whilst completely safe to all enemy Heroes around you which is just a really nice added bonus. (Recommended)

Level 16

Twilight Veil This talent is an ok pick against a heavy ability damage team that consists of something like Jaina and Kael'thas but it is a situational pick so take it when necessary but not in every game. (Situational)

Surge of Stamina This talent is my current favourite as it allows for a pretty decent damage reduction against all forms of damage be it ability or basic attack damage. It is especially good because you get this bonus when you need it most, right after you have just charged into the enemy team. (Recommended)

Crippling Blow This talent is actually really good but the problem is that it is a very greedy pick as unlike the other two talents it offers no defensives. If you feel confident that you are not a huge focus or if you feel like your team is extremely far ahead feel free too take this talent. (Situational)

Level 20

C'Thun's Gift When I first saw this talent it made me vomit. It was so good that I literally felt sick in the stomach. If you have taken Hammer of Twilight TAKE THIS TALENT. [Recommended)

Favor of the Old Gods This talent is what you should take if you took Upheaval but once again I wouldn't particularly recommend that Heroic ability in the first place. (Situational)

The Will of Gall This is a really good talent so if a team is heavy CC then take this talent because otherwise they will be 2 for 1-ing all of their CC. It is really powerful if you pop it just after Molten Block. (Situational/Recommended)

Talents and Abilites for Gall - What to take and why? Top

Basic Abilities

Special Mount
Z Hurry Up, Oaf!
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Increases your Movement Speed by 60%. This effect decays over 3 seconds.

Gall is permanently attached to Cho, because your head is stuck on Cho's body!


Q Shadowflame
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Deal damage to enemies in a straight line where you aim.

W Dread Orb
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Throw a blob that will bounce three times, dealing damage.

E Runic Blast
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Detonate Cho's Rune Bomb, dealing massive damage around it. This is your main damage ability!

Heroic Abilities (R)

Gall has the choice of the following Heroic Abilities, which are granted at level 10:

Twisting Nether
Cooldown: 100 seconds
After 1 second, nearby enemies are slowed by 40% while you channel. and the longer you channel the more damage it will do, up to 5 seconds. Activate again to deal damage.

Shadow Bolt Volley
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Unleash 20 Shadow Bolts over 4 seconds, each dealing X ammount of damage to the first target hit. The bolts will fire at the direction of your mouse. (Keep in mind, it can be blocked if you dont have the level 20 talent)


Level 1

Shadowflare This talent is OK, not the one I prefer, it gives your Q a wider spread but, if you are good with skill shots you will not need this, it brings a little bit of damage, but the build we're going does more damage without this talent. (Situational / Not Recommended)

Spurred Onward You don't need this unless you plan on dying a lot, which hopefully you aren't because you are a raid boss. (Not Recommended)

Eye of Kilrogg Yes, this gives good vision, for your team, and yourself when detonating those bombs, taking objectives having a ward and seeing when they will come and jump you is a big advantage which will make you able to disengage or engage really easily. (Recommended)

Level 4

Bomb's Away You don't need this really, because it has enough range as it is, Cho is a melee warrior so you won't be sniping people that much with this bomb range increase. You will be in melee range most of the times and the range it has is enough to be able to hit 90% of your bombs. (Not Recommended)

Siphoning Runes Don't get fooled by this! Even though it says HEAL which most people think is good really isn't. Its 20% healing from a bomb that does maybe max 700-800 damage, which is around 150hp, if you hit a hero, and at level 20, Cho'gall has a health pool of 8 or 9k. So that 150 hp you will get from this really isn't a lot... and even if you hit all 5 heroes with that bomb at level 20 when the bomb does that much damage its 750hp which is in fairness pretty decent but having to hit ALL 5 to heal that much isn't exactly very realistic. (Not Recommended)

Double Back This is really good for pushing towers, creep waves, getting camps quicker and just destroying your opponent. The range will not be the same but most of the time people expect the bomb to hit a third time further away so they run towards you, but they are wrong, the bomb bounces back and deals damage to them once again. In a teamfight this is golden, good synergy with a later talent we will pick up which will deal a great amount of damage all combined. (Recommended)

Level 7

Edge of Madness This is not as good as it sounds. Sure it can pull out some decent numbers if you stand next to them all the time, but you mainly use your Q to get people from afar, when they run away or are chasing you, which then makes this talent useless because if you hit someone at max range this talent really loses all usefulness. (Not Recommended)

Double Trouble Well 40% damage increase WOW! No! Its not how it works! It's a really good pushing ability, but Cho'gall is not a siege hero really. He doesnt need that extra push on towers and forts. And Consuming Blaze last 4 seconds, and you have to be in melee range to apply it, or Cho has to apply it. Its hard to spot when the enemies have Consuming Blaze on them, its very easy to see on creeps, but on heroes with all spells going down everywhere, no, its almost impossible to see, so to get that extra damage your Cho has to call out if he has consmuning blaze on someone which sure is possible but even witht hat synergy it isn't as good as Dark Descent. (Situational / Not Recommended)

Dark Descent This is the golden talent you want! This increases your damage by 20% on Runic Blast which is ALOT because this is your main damage ability. When fully stacked which by the way is really easy to do because Cho'gall isn't at all easy to kill, you will have so much damage people will have to run back after they have taken a bomb or two to the face. So yes this is one of the best talents you can take. (Recommended)

Level 10

Shadow Bolt Volley This ability is really strong, but if you are against someone who can jump away or run around you quickly this will not hit. But most of the time you will chase people down with this or melt some tanks that are annoying you, and when they try to run? well even more bolts will come flying their way and eat them fast. So despite the sometimes difficulty to hit when it does the damage is devastating. (Recommended)

Twisting Nether Sure this can be good in some fights but most of the time you don't have the time to channel this it's full 5 seconds for most of its damage, the range on it is not so great and people can easily run out of it before you can detonate it, I myself personally do not like this at all. but give it a try and you will see what I mean. I can have some synergy with Upheaval but even then it is pretty underwhelming. (Situational / Not Recommended)

Level 13

Rising Dread 25% on second jump, and 75% on the third jump! This is insane, and you remember what I said in the talent at level 4, people don't know where to run so they are very likely to get that extra 75% damage increased blob in their face...and it hurts... a lot! If you were then to throw a quick bomb on that the enemy is dead in an instant! This talent has some really good synergy with a level 16 talent aswell. (Recommended)

Speed of Twilight This is an OK talent, movement speed to chase someone down or disengage? Sure why not, when running away this can be really good, while Cho is busy moving those small legs you can sit back and throw blobs at the chasing enemies and if it hits? well thank you for that 30% increase movement speed for 2 seconds, Don't mind if I do! But I personally do not like this even though it's a nice idea. (Situational / Not recommended)

Dread Shield I have seen alot of people take this, and I tried this the first 1 or 2 games with Gall, and I noticed that this is not such a great talent. Sure a small shield is nice but does it block enough? No it really doesn't. If the enemy team decide to kill you, that small shield of yours will not save you from the impending doom that is 5 bodies leaping at you with pointy objects. (Not Recommended)

Level 16

Twilight Nova This talent synergizes with the level 13 talent really nicely, on the second jump the blobs damage is increased by 25% and these 3 extra blobs that covers a massive area so you are very likely to hit at least 1 or 2 Heroes, the push with this talent is also nothing to turn your nose up at! The same also has to be said about the camp clearing with this it is quite equally...well...insane! Just take this, it's so good! (Recommended)

Giant Scorcher This is an OK talent, but don't get fooled by this, 3% is a lot on another Cho'gall, but you are not facing him only. 3% on another hero isn't as much as you think, it's an extra little boost in damage but I can't really say that I am a fan. (Situational / Not Recommended)

Shove Haha! well the distance this gives is not alot and therefore NO. Dont take this talent. Only if you wanna have a laugh with your friend becase this is not so good. It is pretty interesting if you manage to nudge your way out of E.T.C. ult BECAUSE YOU CAN! but other than (Not Recommended)

Level 20

Shadowfury This is the obvious choice if you picked Shadow Bolt Volley of course, which you should because piercing shadowbolts? wow, this talent is so broken, you can melt their whole team with this! This is mostly because the damage does NOT reduce the more enemies it goes through, it's the same damage on every target! Its insane! Just take this and see your enemies cry! (Recommended)

The Nether Calls As i said earlier its not the best ultimate but if you took Twisting Nether go ahead and take this. (Situational / Not Recommended)

Psychotic Break No, no no and a big NO. Never take this, You die in one place, and the enemy team keeps chasing your teammates, and poof the damage you would be able to do is non-existent because you are stuck in one place for 10 seconds and you can't hit anyone because no one is there, it is good for one thing and one thing only, if you suicide in their base and their Core is low, maybe then its good but otherwise its a big NO. (NEVER PICK THIS)


Voice chat is highly recommended for this build and hero to work

This Guide is still under construction, more info will come soon.

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