Anduin Wrynn by Lighthammer

6 Votes

Anduin Wrynn

By: Lighthammer
Last Updated: Nov 12, 2017
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Anduin Wrynn

Crown Prince of Stormwind

Anduin Wrynn is the Crown Prince of Stormwind and the defacto prince of the Alliance. He is a powerful Priest taught by the likes of the Prophet Velen. He deplores combat in favor of a pacifist approach. His mentors have also said there is a mighty and powerful king growing within Anduin that the world may change through his mere presence.

Combat Trait

Gain Stealth when you stop moving for 3 seconds. Taking damage or attacking reveals you. Channeling or casting spells will not break stealth, but will cause you to radiant with Holy Light. Structures and foliage will cause the Holy Light radiants to reflect and be more pronounced.

Primary Abilities

Holy Fire (Q)
Stun target for 0.5 seconds and deal Y damage to target player over the next Z seconds. 

[Targeted Ability]
Spectral Guise (W)
Fade from sight for 2 seconds making you invisible and unstoppable. Enemy spells will not break stealth from Spectral Guise. Channeling or casting spells will not break stealth.

[Self Cast]
Mind Vision (E)
Move your visual focus to the location of an allied hero, allowing you to use new abilities. Mind Vision is limited to allied units within 120 yards. Cannot be used on enemy units. Your spells are stronger the closer you are to them.

[Targeted Ability]

Secondary Abilities

Holy Word: Shield (Q)
Cast Holy Word: Shield on the target within range of your Mind Vision, absorbing the next X damage.

[Cast on target of Mind Vision]
Prayer of Mending (W)
Cast Prayer of Mending on an allied hero. The next time they would take damage, Prayer of Mending heals them and then jumps to another nearby hero with the most damage. Each Prayer of mending will jump three times.

[Cast on target of Mind Vision]

Heroic Abilities

Guardian Spirit (R)
Summon a Guardian Spirit at target location that is unstoppable. Can be cast while Mind Vision is active. Press R again to move it to another location.

[Target Area of Effect]
Divine Star (R)
Deal X damage to all enemy units and heal all allied units for Y along the entire length and width of Divine Star. Divine Star travels across the entire map in the direction cast.

[Skill Shot]

Guardian Spirit Skills

1 Radiant Light: You heal for 18 (+8 per level) health per second to nearby allies over the duration of Guardian Spirit.
2 Smite:
2 Smite:
1 Radiant Light: You heal for 18 (+8 per level) health per second to nearby allies over the duration of Guardian Spirit. 2 Smite:Smite: 2 Smite:Smite:


Level 01
Tier 1
Level 04
Tier 2
Level 07
Tier 3
Level 10
Tier 4
Level 13
Tier 5
Level 16
Tier 6
Level 20
Tier 7

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Lighthammer (1) | June 24, 2015 1:44pm
Basically my intention between the dynamic of Fade, Holy Fire and Spectral Guise is to play on his high risk, high gains game.

I want him to be able to be caught off guard but have the tools to get away if he is caught off guard.

His trait forces him to stand out in the open but knowing how his kit works, the opposing team has to know he's close. It's not like a full map scavenger hunt like tracking down Murky's Egg or Abathur.

The scenario should work like this:

#01.) Fade out so you can heal from afar.
#02.) An assassin catches you.
#03.) You Holy Fire -> Spectral Guise and run like heck.
#04.) If the Assassin's cooldowns are up or you get cornered by two enemy heroes, you're gone.

If you know you're going to have constant interactions with enemy heroes all game, the talents should bolster your defenses.

The thing I feel everyone needs to keep in mind in with this design, Anduin is OFTEN going to be away from the team. Unlike other Support, he won't have his team for defense in many situations so his defenses outside of Mind Vision need to be top notch while still making him killable.
Therrion (1) | June 23, 2015 2:58pm
Combat Trait: Fade is interesting and original. Nice job on this.

Q: Holy Fire seems like too small of a stun at .5, I'd make it at least .8 seconds.

W: I don't like having two stealths in the kit, I don't know why Anduin would be super stealthy. Also, will this make you radiate with Holy Light like Fade?

E: Love this ability. Fall back, Fade, and support from a somewhat close but decent enough range. I imagine you radiate when you use the Shield/Mending while in Mind Vision, or do you radiate during the entire process of Mind Vision?

R1: Duration? Radiant Light sounds like a passive I imagine, so I could compare it to Tranquility. It's slightly weaker than Tranquility, but doesn't require you to be in the thick of things. I'd suggest lasting 7 seconds max given this fact. Also, perhaps instead of Smite damaging have it blind a basic attack of the hero.

R2: Long range finishes baby! I don't know the numbers, but I imagine it should scale with distance, and not be too powerful close. Would be cool to ping a location for an ally to stand for him to get hit by it and pretty much serve as a ranged Ancestral Heal at enough of a range.

Final Verdict: I like him overall, bar the W. The take on Fade is cool, but the W feels out of place entirely. All this review is without knowledge of most of your numbers and none of your talent options, but it looks promising overall.

Reading your comments, I don't see Binding Heal.
Lighthammer (1) | June 16, 2015 7:55pm
Thanks for the upvote.

Prayer of Mending is literally ripped from the WoW Priest spell of the same name.

I mostly ripped the description from WoW. It's my intent that through talents, this ability will be able to send out damage too.

I really like the idea of this being similar to Abathur, but there's a reason to be extremely proactive about your position. It's also my intent that your party will be able to see how far they are away from you through a giant spell cast circle with limited colorations.

In the case of Anduin, I'm trying to make it so he has to be aware of HIS surroundings AND the surroundings of who he has Mind Visioned. With the high gains, I also wanted to make it clear he can't pick to hide. I don't want "Find the Anduin" to be the new Murky Egg. He should be in the open, but stealthed. He has tools to get away if found, but only if he has to deal with one person hunting for him. Two should make him an easy kill.
matheod (5) | June 16, 2015 6:19pm
I really like the concept of "Your spells are stronger the closer you are to them."

Also, I did not understand the description of PRAYER OF MENDING (W).
Lighthammer (1) | June 15, 2015 6:22pm
Version 2 Update

After thinking through some of the potential problems, I made Mind Vision an area affect spell. It no longer implants itself like Abathur's Symbioate does. This will allow Anduin to focus a lot more on the surroundings where he is Mind Visioning FROM and be less disorientated from allied hero's movement.

I also realized (for those keeping track) that you can't have three skills while Mind Vision is up; therefor I pitched Circle of Healing and Holy Nova in favor of Binding Heal. Through talents, I'll enable Binding Heal to be a DPS ability too.

I also decided it was seriously far too much to change your mindset between Non-Mind Vision and Mind Vision that adding another skill that did that would be too much. Therefor I made Guardian Angel a pet in the same vein of Kael's Phoenix Ult.
Lighthammer (1) | June 15, 2015 3:44pm
The idea of this version of Anduin is that he's essentially the straight on support version of Abathur.

That being said, I'm unsure if I like the idea of giving him Guardian Spirit in the way its designed now. I've also considered making it a pet too. I've also considered scrapping it and completely redoing that Hero Talent slot too.

It's noteworthy that I plan on giving Holy Nova healing through talents, but with the sheer amount of healing he initially has, it felt like that would make him too strong out of the gate. He needs some talent investment to have that many heals; especially since Circle of Healing does two targets compared to Li Li who has to invest into that. That being said, his heal isn't as strong; but that's also due to the strength of his abilities being tied to how close he is to the mind visioned target.

The idea with Anduin is, unlike the Abathur design elements that can make players stay in a safe spot, Anduin's design here is supposed to be high risk, high gain. He has some tools to get away (and I will give him more in talents) if discovered, but he's supposed to try to be nearly in plain sight. It would be my intention that while mind vision is active, allied players can see a giant radius to see how far away they are from Anduin. Crossing the maximum length of Mind Vision will break it.
Lighthammer (1) | June 15, 2015 3:16pm
Please note before commenting:

I have a few heroes I am trying to get basic outlines for before fleshing them out.

They are:

- Gabriel (D2 Paladin - Assassin)
- Auriel (D3 Archangel of Hope - Support)
- Mephisto (D3 Prime Evil - Support)
- Anduin Wrynn (WoW Prince of Stormwind - Support)
- Valerian Mengsk (SC2 - Warrior)
- Fenix (SC2 - Warrior)
- Ariel Hanson (SC2 - Support)

These are all concepts to fill in gaps in the current lineups. I'll be working out early balancing numbers and talents for each of them AFTER the framework for each is fleshed out.

Please be patient in commenting. If you specifically don't like a concept, feel free to talk about it, but please keep inside the context that this is only frame work.
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