Anduin Wrynn (WIP, waiting for comments) by roastytoasty24

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Anduin Wrynn (WIP, waiting for comments)

By: roastytoasty24
Last Updated: Oct 15, 2015
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Anduin Wrynn (WIP, waiting for comments)

Prince of Stormwind

Please comment and tell me if his abilities are overpowered, I feel like they are. Might wait for comments to make talents for sake of balance.

Ideally, Anduin is a ranged support capable of extreme single target burst healing and crowd control. Certainly not lacking in the ways of area healing and utility through the use of Holy Nova and his passive, Divine Presence, Anduin is the very definition of a support. His two heroic choices allow for the ability to completely swing a teamfight around in his team's favor. However, Anduin is extremely susceptible to ganking and roamers when straggling away from his team. He is also very mana dependent in mostly all phases of the game, which can be adjusted through some talents, but leave out other viable options that could benefit your team more. 

-Capable of sustaining a whole team in a teamfight
-Provides incredible staying power through shields, heals, and his passive
-Can be almost impossible to remove his allies if not dealt with quickly
-High skillcap through uses of Psychic Scream and placements of Lightwell

-Extremely low damage capability
-Heavily susceptible to roamers, kiting, and disruptive/crowd control
-Extremely mana and cooldown dependent 
-One mediocre escape tool

Combat Trait

Divine Presence
Reduce the duration of slows, roots, stuns, blinds, and disables by 25% for all nearby allied heroes.

Primary Abilities

Lesser Heal
Mana: 70
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Heal an ally for 200 (+45 per level) Health.
Holy Nova
Mana: 90
Cooldown: 10 seconds

Heal all allies for 140 (+21 per level) health and deal 100 (+23 per level) damage to all enemies within a wide area around you. 
Psychic scream
Mana: 70
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Apply fear to all enemies within a short, wide cone. Fear causes the affected units to uncontrollably run away from the caster at 50% movement speed. Fear breaks on receiving damage. 

Heroic Abilities

Mana: 90
Cooldown: 100 seconds

Summon a lightwell at a target location. The lightwell will instantly target the most injured ally and heal them for 500 (+100 per level) health. The lightwell will continue to instantly target the most injured ally and heal them for the same amount, but will take a 2 second delay to heal it's target. Cannot target the same ally twice in a row. has a radius a little larger than healing ward. Can be targeted and attacked by enemies, and it has 5 health. Lasts 10 seconds
Angelic Bulwark
Mana: 100
Cooldown: 90 seconds

Provide all allies around you with a shield that absorbs 80% of their maximum health for 10 seconds

Tier 1 (level 1) talents

Tier 2 (level 4) talents

Tier 3 (level 7) talents

Tier 4 (level 10) talents

Tier 5 (level 13) talents

Tier 6 (level 16) talents

Tier 7 (level 20) talents


Replaced Mass Resurrection with Lightwell
Adjusted Angelic Bulwark's cooldown, mana cost, and effect

Replaced Power Word: Shield with Psychic Scream

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roastytoasty24 (1) | October 16, 2015 5:36am
PrimalMind wrote:

Love the concept for the hero! My fear is that he is simply too overpowered. He is basically a better burst healer than Uther, with ranged basic attacks (safety). Below are my thoughts on balancing the hero, talents, and whatever else:

If you're going to give him such huge heals, there needs to be some form of a trade-off. Otherwise, why would I pick Uther? I really doubt any smart player would leave an opportunity to be ganked outside of lane phase rotations, so it's not really a viable trade-off.

Something to consider...What do you want the hero to be good at? Countering heroes like Jaina, who have massive slows? Perhaps big healing numbers?

Divine Presence:
Remove its effect on blinds. Blinds work off # of basic attacks.
This is a very strong passive as is, with a lot of synergy with relentless for tanks. The trade-off may have to come in the form of its range, allowing him to easily protect the backline from lockdown, but forcing him closer to the front (easier to be taken out then) if he wants to protect the melee heroes.

Alternatively I like power word: shield as a passive...
One idea - Allow him to place a targetable shield which reduces stuns/slows/roots on that single target, on a CD unaffected by cooldown reductions
Another Idea - whenever a nearby allied hero is stun/slowed/rooted they gain a shield, this would have a cooldown of say 6 seconds and auto-triggers
-lots of talents for either of these, ie: increasing movement speed when the shield is gained, increasing shield, increasing resistance to spell damage, etc.

Lesser Heal (change to greater heal):
Weird name considering this is a stronger version of Uther's heal :p.
It can be differentiated through talents (ie: Uther has a range increase at level 1, don't give this hero a range increase).

One idea I had to make this ability a bit more unique, either inherently as an ability or implemented through talent...
Lesser/Greater Heal Combo
Q1 - Greater Heal, 10-second cooldown, larger mana cost
Beef up the current healing, using it causes replacement by lesser heal.

Q2 - Lesser Heal, 5-second cooldown, smaller mana cost
Half the healing of greater heal, using it causes replacement by greater heal.

-The greater heal effectively has a full 15-second cooldown, but a small half-heal e 2/3 of the way into that cooldown allows him to both split up his healing and have a unique healing spike for fights.

Holy Nova:
I wouldn't have this be a wide circle around the hero. Instead, I would start small, but have talents to increase the radius. Also, this ability does not affect Anduin. It is a stronger ability than Uther's Holy Radiance, but isn't an aimed skill-shot or a self-heal.

Psychic Scream:
I agree with the above comment on Psychic Scream, a 12 to 15-second cooldown would prevent it from being spammable. It's a small disengage, or, if the healer positions himself well, a decent cc. Having it break due to damage... probably unnecessary, though needs to be tested. I think the longer cooldown will be enough.
Change the slow from 50% to either 15% or 20%. This allows more versatility with a solid disengage. People aren't running very far if you slow them by 50% :p.
Talent - larger slow, decaying over duration; this allows the ability to be used as a disable/cc, but loses as strong a disengage element
Another talent might involve having the slow persist after fear ends for 2-4 seconds.

I really like this ult as is.
A level 20 upgrade might be giving the lightwell spell-immunity. If it is anything like a healing ward, a nice flame strike/blizzard will destroy it easily, so spell-immunity would allow it to be more potent, though not a necessary upgrade. It would still be vulnerable to auto-attacks/cleaves.

Angelic Bulwark
Along with his huge heals, I think this is completely broken. It is basically a second health bar for your entire team. The only way to have a chance would be to force him to use it by ganking. Yet a smart Anduin would know to stick with his team, and would probably rather take a 50 sec death timer than a 90 sec cooldown on this ability.
It's also so similar to storm shield, and I shudder to think how powerful the level 20 upgrade to this would be.
I would personally remove this ult entirely. In its place give him a unique Storm Shield (level 20 talent) with the same name, which gives nearby heroes 40% of health as shields.

Thank you so much for your comments! I will definitely be implementing a lot of the things you said, however, I do have to say a few things. Angelic Bulwark was originally WAY less powerful, it was an 80% of maximum health shield that rapidly decayed by 10% over 8 seconds. I believe I have something of the like in the changelog, but maybe I wasn't specific enough. I did not realize that the heal was more powerful than uthers, I'll try to look into that. The way my thought process worked was that Uther is very tanky with stuns and Anduin is very squishy with one small disengage. I will do something about this though. Angelic Bulwark will be changed. You read my mind on the level 20 lightwell talent, that's exactly what I was going to do (other than giving it stealth as a backup). Thank you so much for all of your feedback man, this is all super appreciated!
PrimalMind | October 15, 2015 5:44am
Love the concept for the hero! My fear is that he is simply too overpowered. He is basically a better burst healer than Uther, with ranged basic attacks (safety). Below are my thoughts on balancing the hero, talents, and whatever else:

If you're going to give him such huge heals, there needs to be some form of a trade-off. Otherwise, why would I pick Uther? I really doubt any smart player would leave an opportunity to be ganked outside of lane phase rotations, so it's not really a viable trade-off.

Something to consider...What do you want the hero to be good at? Countering heroes like Jaina, who have massive slows? Perhaps big healing numbers?

Divine Presence:
Remove its effect on blinds. Blinds work off # of basic attacks.
This is a very strong passive as is, with a lot of synergy with relentless for tanks. The trade-off may have to come in the form of its range, allowing him to easily protect the backline from lockdown, but forcing him closer to the front (easier to be taken out then) if he wants to protect the melee heroes.

Alternatively I like power word: shield as a passive...
One idea - Allow him to place a targetable shield which reduces stuns/slows/roots on that single target, on a CD unaffected by cooldown reductions
Another Idea - whenever a nearby allied hero is stun/slowed/rooted they gain a shield, this would have a cooldown of say 6 seconds and auto-triggers
-lots of talents for either of these, ie: increasing movement speed when the shield is gained, increasing shield, increasing resistance to spell damage, etc.

Lesser Heal (change to greater heal):
Weird name considering this is a stronger version of Uther's heal :p.
It can be differentiated through talents (ie: Uther has a range increase at level 1, don't give this hero a range increase).

One idea I had to make this ability a bit more unique, either inherently as an ability or implemented through talent...
Lesser/Greater Heal Combo
Q1 - Greater Heal, 10-second cooldown, larger mana cost
Beef up the current healing, using it causes replacement by lesser heal.

Q2 - Lesser Heal, 5-second cooldown, smaller mana cost
Half the healing of greater heal, using it causes replacement by greater heal.

-The greater heal effectively has a full 15-second cooldown, but a small half-heal e 2/3 of the way into that cooldown allows him to both split up his healing and have a unique healing spike for fights.

Holy Nova:
I wouldn't have this be a wide circle around the hero. Instead, I would start small, but have talents to increase the radius. Also, this ability does not affect Anduin. It is a stronger ability than Uther's Holy Radiance, but isn't an aimed skill-shot or a self-heal.

Psychic Scream:
I agree with the above comment on Psychic Scream, a 12 to 15-second cooldown would prevent it from being spammable. It's a small disengage, or, if the healer positions himself well, a decent cc. Having it break due to damage... probably unnecessary, though needs to be tested. I think the longer cooldown will be enough.
Change the slow from 50% to either 15% or 20%. This allows more versatility with a solid disengage. People aren't running very far if you slow them by 50% :p.
Talent - larger slow, decaying over duration; this allows the ability to be used as a disable/cc, but loses as strong a disengage element
Another talent might involve having the slow persist after fear ends for 2-4 seconds.

I really like this ult as is.
A level 20 upgrade might be giving the lightwell spell-immunity. If it is anything like a healing ward, a nice flame strike/blizzard will destroy it easily, so spell-immunity would allow it to be more potent, though not a necessary upgrade. It would still be vulnerable to auto-attacks/cleaves.

Angelic Bulwark
Along with his huge heals, I think this is completely broken. It is basically a second health bar for your entire team. The only way to have a chance would be to force him to use it by ganking. Yet a smart Anduin would know to stick with his team, and would probably rather take a 50 sec death timer than a 90 sec cooldown on this ability.
It's also so similar to storm shield, and I shudder to think how powerful the level 20 upgrade to this would be.
I would personally remove this ult entirely. In its place give him a unique Storm Shield (level 20 talent) with the same name, which gives nearby heroes 40% of health as shields.
roastytoasty24 (1) | October 15, 2015 4:44am
nrotter2468 wrote:

Made an account just to help with this lol, I love Anduin and really think he should be added. I think that making the fear from psycic scream break on ability damage would balance it. That way it would still protect anduin without being too overpowered in team fights. If that is still too powerful, make it break on any damage. I also think the cooldown should be much longer, closer to 12 or 15 seconds. this is supposed to be more of an emergency ability than something you spam.

Alright, I think I'll actually do that.
nrotter2468 | October 13, 2015 12:44pm
Made an account just to help with this lol, I love Anduin and really think he should be added. I think that making the fear from psycic scream break on ability damage would balance it. That way it would still protect anduin without being too overpowered in team fights. If that is still too powerful, make it break on any damage. I also think the cooldown should be much longer, closer to 12 or 15 seconds. this is supposed to be more of an emergency ability than something you spam.
roastytoasty24 (1) | October 12, 2015 5:16am

Would fear affect enemy heroes? If so that's probably broken from a player enjoyment perspective. Imagine losing control of your hero for 2 seconds every 6 seconds. :P

If it only targets minions and mercenaries it's probably okay but I think the cooldown should probably be longer anyways.
I like the idea of it scaring away Misha when up against a Rexxar player!

Yeah, the purpose would mostlu be to crowd control enemy heroes. I do suppose the cooldown could be increased, but that was what I was left with when removing Power Word: SHield
Fatal Croissant | October 12, 2015 2:49am
Would fear affect enemy heroes? If so that's probably broken from a player enjoyment perspective. Imagine losing control of your hero for 2 seconds every 6 seconds. :P

If it only targets minions and mercenaries it's probably okay but I think the cooldown should probably be longer anyways.
I like the idea of it scaring away Misha when up against a Rexxar player!
roastytoasty24 (1) | October 7, 2015 4:40am

Mass Resurrection is completely broken, as far as I can say. Making the shield stay for 10 seconds b ut augmenting the cooldown to 90-100 seconds would make Angelic Bulwark good.

Okay, thanks for the feedback man, I'll try to work something in :D
TheHereticOne (10) | October 6, 2015 2:27pm
Mass Resurrection is completely broken, as far as I can say. Making the shield stay for 10 seconds b ut augmenting the cooldown to 90-100 seconds would make Angelic Bulwark good.
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