D2 Paladin by Deioth

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D2 Paladin

By: Deioth
Last Updated: Jan 8, 2016
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D2 Paladin

Wardhand of Zakarum

v1.0 - No stats at this time

The Paladin is a melee support built to face the front lines with all the conviction of his faith and the ability to empower his allies in the fight ahead.  He wields a longsword and shield and wears full platemail and crownhelm.  His trait allows him to toggle between a Defensive aura and an Offensive aura, whichever is more important at the time, benefiting most immediately from increased health regeneration or stronger basic attacks.  His skills are primarily supportive of the team, having a heal that also acts as a damage skill, a unique style of shield skill, as well as a small stun.  Borrowing from his kit in Diablo 2, he can be built as a powerful support assassin in his own right or focus heavily on a variety of support purist options.

I have not come across any other paladin concepts before making this, but there may be similarities to any that are out there.

The most immediately difficult part was making him unique enough compared to Uther and providing a shield that doesn't take from either Reghar or Tassadar. I believe his shield ability has achieved this endeavor beautifully and is entirely unique compared to other support classes as it applies stacks of Block to the target rather than a health or damage shield.  I also feel I've made him different enough from Uther in his heal and his stun that both will fit into their own playstyle well enough without the D2 Paladin being Uther with auras.  The stun skill is less a stun and more of an interrupt and damage skill, but can be talented for an offensive support build, while having only one heal that explodes on impact rather than healing/damaging in a line.  Like Kharazim, there is plenty of room to commit to a more offensive build and still achieve a good level of support for your team.

My design philosophy with my D2 hero concepts is to be able to bring in as much of their D2 kit as possible in as balanced a way as possible.  Talents effect precisely how you'll determine the part of the kit you would use and focus on and leaving room for multiple builds, just as with D2.

D2 Assassin concept: http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/concept/d2-assassin-3559
D2 Necromancer concept: http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/concept/d2-necromancer-3440
D2 Amazon concept: http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/concept/d2-amazon-3439

No stats at this time

Combat Trait

Switches between Prayer and Might auras.  4 Second cooldown.

Prayer: Paladin and friendly hero health regeneration rate is increased 50%

Might: Paladin and friendly hero basic attack damage increased 7.5%

Primary Abilities

Smite - Q
Melee Range Targetable - 45 mana, 9 second cooldown

Knocks the enemy back slightly, damaging them and applying a brief half second stun.
Holy Bolt - W
Skillshot - 50 Mana, 10 second cooldown

On impact, the Holy Bolt will either heal a friendly target or damage a hostile target and explode in a small radius applying healing to friendlies and damage to hostiles at 55% the effectiveness of the impact.  Pressing W again triggers the explosion without impact for a 33% radius increase.
Holy Shield - E
Targetable - 60 mana, 10 second cooldown

Applies 4 stacks of Block to the target that lasts 4 seconds.  Holy Shield blocks are used before blocks granted by other means.

Secondary Abilities

Melee Range Targetable - 30 second cooldown

At the cost of 5% max health, the Paladin will add that much as damage to a basic attack.

Heroic Abilities

Fist of the Heavens
Targeted Ground AOE - 100 mana, 70 second cooldown

Lightning sparks over the area for 1.5 seconds before erupting in a thunderous bolt of divine energy, damaging all enemies in range and healing all friendlies.
Divine Blessing of Akarat
Toggled Trait Buff - 15 mana per second, 15 second cooldown, lasts up to 10 seconds

Paladin channels the conviction of the legendary Akarat to empower his aura, doubling the effect of the active aura for all friendly heroes except the Paladin.

Level 1 Talents

Divine Smite: Smite heals in a small radius for 50% of the damage caused

Spread the Faith: Doubles radius of auras

Purity of Soul: Holy bolt costs 15 less mana and reduces cooldown by 1 second.

Block universal talent

Level 4 Talents

Cleansing & Holy Fire: Prayer also reduces control effects by 30% to all friendly Heroes in radius.  (A talent an individual Hero uses that would reduce for higher than that takes precedence and does NOT stack with Cleansing)  Might also applies 9 +(4%/LVL) in damage in a small radius around all friendly Heroes.

Crusader: The base effects of Prayer and Might are doubled for the paladin, only.

Charge: Smite can now be used from range and the Paladin charges to their target, doing up to 100% more damage depending on the length of the charge, ignoring collision with minions, mercenaries, and other heroes during the charge.

Ward: Holy Shield also reduces ability damage taken by 20% for 1 ability.

Level 7 Talents

Scales of Justice: 10 seconds after changing the active Aura, build 1 stack of Scales of Justice every 2 seconds until 10 stacks.  The next time you switch auras, you retain the previous aura for 1 second per stack.  The inactive aura does not gain the doubling effect of Divine Blessing of Akarat.

Defiance & Thorns: Prayer also applies up to one stack of Block to all friendly Heroes in radius once every 8 seconds (4 seconds with Heroic).  Thorns now reflects 7.5% of basic attack damage received back to the attacker up to once per second per attacker.


Battle Momentum universal talent

Level 13 Talents

Meditation & Blessed Aim: Prayer also regenerates 2 mana per second.  Might also adds an additional 20% basic attack damage every 3rd hit.

Lingering Light: The radius of Holy Bolt's explosion increases 25% and applies an additional 50% of the explosion and direct hit heal and damage over 6 seconds.

Zeal: Every 10 seconds, the Paladin strikes 3 times in a single basic attack.  This cooldown reduces by .5 seconds per basic attack.

Shared Conviction: Holy Shield also applies to the Paladin when used on a friendly Hero.

Level 16 Talents

Vigor & Fanaticism: Prayer also adds 7.5% move speed.  Might also adds 7.5% attack speed.

Steadfast Faith: At less than 50% health, Holy Bolt applies 30% of its impact heal over 3 seconds to the Paladin on cast.

Imposing Presence universal talent

Blood for Blood universal talent

Level 20 Talents

Fury of the Heavens: Fist of the Heavens is now global.

Faith of the Zakarum: Reduces mana cost by 3 per tick, lasts up to an additional 5 seconds per toggle, and now affects the Paladin.

Redemption: Any friendly heroes who die inside of an aura respawn 50% faster.  Can only trigger once every 60 seconds.

Salvation: Your active aura lingers in the area of your death for 15 seconds.

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Mermeoth | January 9, 2016 8:49am
I really like this concept, however I have few issues.

1) If you look into game, you find that every healer got targeted or autotargeted heal for simply reason. Healers have to be reliable. Uthers W is probably only heal skillshot in game and even thought it heal everything in way, his Q is preferred heal.
This version holy bolt will collide with 1st target, which will make it even less reliable than Uthers W and simply uncompetive as healer.

2) Rather than another big ulti AoE I would prefer Fist of Heavens as low cd single strike with some healing component

3) Divine Blessing of Akarat sounds boring. I believe there could be more interesting option.
Deioth | January 9, 2016 12:58pm
1. An interesting observation, though I would also remind you that Holy Shield offers its own kind of protection and in a fairly unique way. In a team fight, while impacts may be difficult to get off, the bulk of the healing would rely on the explosion. Lingering Light would offer a fair amount of extra healing and damage both. Of all current supports, the D2 Paladin would certainly be potentially more offensive than Kharazim. His heal, for maximum efficiency, would certainly be a higher skill requirement and ceiling than other supports, as well.

2. That would start making him too much like Kharazim and he was already hard enough to make different from Uther. He needs to be unique enough on his own. There really are no area heal nukes in game and Fist of the Heavens plays into his offensive support theme given the nature of Holy Bolt so it's both thematic and useful.

3. I can try and think of something different, but at this point his kit is used up. I feel a very unique support role would be to follow from his capacity in D2 to rely on his auras, so a heroic playing off of that would be a logical choice. If I make it a level 20 active skill, that risks being way OP considering he'd still have a heroic, and how to give him an appropriate alternative heroic will be difficult. The only skill really left (without using the hammer that Johanna can talent) is Vengeance. I have ideas for that now, though, so I'll add an alternative proposition.
Mermeoth | January 10, 2016 2:22am
1. I didnt forget about Holy shield. Few blocks and maybe some ability reduction won't save your ally. If you stay behind, you will hardly heal your tank. If you go to front, you will hardly heal your squishy ranged assassin. He is not usable as solo healer.

2. I can't see how it would make him too much like Kharazim.
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