Duriel is a Diablo Melee Bruiser who loves to single out targets
Difficulty: Medium
Duriels design is intended to be true to his boss fight. To be terrifying to fight. Duriel has very little ways to engage a fight himself and lacks wave clear and AOE damage aswell as the ability to rotate very quick, but once engaged from an enemy, Duriel becomes a true terror, able to outchase almost any opponent, and being singled out can easily assure a quick death.
2231 Health
0.88 Attacks per second
121 Damage
For comparison Sonya is
2435 Health
1.25 Attacks per second
84 Damage
Additional Notes Duriel cannot use mounts
Duriel does not use mana, his resouce bar is his pain levels
Combat Trait
D - Savor the Pain
All damage taken is applied over 5 seconds instead. This effect can stack up to 100% of Duriels maximum health.
Primary Abilities
Q - Annihilate
4 Second Cooldown
AoE around you
After a 1 second delay, wildly slash all around you dealing 499 damage evenly split between all enemies hit.
-Goal is to always single out a target to inflict maximum amount of damage.
W -Blood Maggot
15 Second cooldown
Point and Click
Drain all of your Savor the Pain to spawn a Blood Maggot that will charge attack its target. Maggots heal duriel for 150% of the damage dealt. Blood maggot's damage is increased based on the amount of Savor the Pain transferred. Last 15 seconds
-Can be controlled as a pet, similar to Ultralisk, Water Elemental, and Raynor's Banshees.
-More pain used=more damage done=more healing recieved
-Point and click cast will cause the Maggot to charge at its target is only upon being casted
E - Demonic Cleave
8 Second Cooldown
When activated Duriels next 3 basic attacks knockback all other nearby targets and deals an additional 48 damage over 3 seconds to the target. This effect stacks. Last 5 seconds
-Cooldown starts upon auto attacking 3 times
-Will not knockback the auto attack recipient.
Heroic Abilities
R1 - Enraged Frenzy
While Break out is active, your abilities are enmpowered-
Anhilliate will pull enemies nearby closer to duriel while charging Blood Worms gain 50 armor Demonic Cleave's knockback distance is increased by 50%
-Will still be a damage over time effect when transfered.
Storm Talent-After casting blood curse on an enemy, all damage you recieve in the next 3 seconds is also transfered to the victim
R2 - Unholy Aura
Enemies near duriel recieve less healing and deal less damage, up to 25%. Enemies closer will be more effected.
In addition, your ability power is increased based on the amount of pain you have, up to 50%.
-The further you are from Duriel the less this will affect you.
-The bonus ability power is also applied to his Blood worms, which can further increase its damage/healing
Storm Talent-Unholy Aura also slow enemies, up to 25%
Special Mount
Z - Break Out
25 Second Cooldown
Passive: Duriel moves 10% faster
Duriel gains an additional 20% movement speed for 1.25 Seconds. If Duriel takes damage the duration is refreshed
-Mainly to be used in combat. Duriel cannot use mounts. Savor the pain will proc the refresh.
Pairs well with
Malfurion's roots can help secured enemy kills by singling them out. Enemy allies can are forced to let their ally take maximum duriel damage or join them in the roots, also equally deadly. Innervate also helps with Duriels lengthy cooldowns and Regrowth is very effective with Duriel's Trait. DIABLO
Diablo's ability to flip and single out enemies back into your team allows for easy blood slash single hits. Demonic Aura also pairs insanely well with both Diablo's Heroics
Strong Against
Duriels trait ensures Butcher recieves his brand healing much much slower, making it easy to burst him. And Duriel is one of the few heroes the Butcher does NOT want to engage solo. LI MING
Li ming has almost no ways to deal with Maggot Spawn. Which can also block her skillshots. Putting them on her will force her to play defensive.]
Struggles against
Her poison damage almost ignores Duriels trait completely, and her movement speed makes her almost impossible for Duriel to catch AZMODAN
Azmodan's endless army of demons makes it not only hard for Duriel due to lack of wave clear, also makes it hard to ever secure a singled out target. His globe of annhilation can also make easy work of Maggot Spawn
Talents are a WIP
Level 1 Q-Blood Flow*QUEST*- Killing enemy heros with Blood Slash will increase its damage by 50. W- Carrion Maggots- Maggots deal 100% additional damage to non heroic targets D- Existance is Pain- Increase the duration of Savor the Pain to 6 seconds
Level 4 Q- Heart Strike- Blood Slash E- Die Alone- Enemies knocked back from Demonic Cleave have their movement speed reduced by 50% for 1 seconds E- Screams of Pain- Demonic Cleave no Longer stuns but instead silences the target for 1.25 seconds
Level 7 Q W- Maggot King*QUEST*- Attack enemy heroes with Maggot spawn. After they attack 200 times, you now spawn 3 Maggots E- Demonic Momentum- Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Demonic Cleave by 1 seconds
Level 13 W- Unholy Spawns- Blood Maggots move 20% faster and gain 40 spell armor. D- Relish the Pain- For the next 4 seconds, all damage taken with Savor the Pain instead heals you. 60 second cooldown
Level 16 Q- Blooddrinker- Damaging an enemy under 50% health with Blood Slash will reduce the cooldown to 2.5 seconds
W- Blood Worms- Your basic attacks against targets focused by Maggot spawn deal 25% more and cleave in front of you D-
Level 20 R1-After casting blood curse on an enemy, all damage you recieve in the next 4 seconds is also transfered to the victim R2-Unholy Aura- Demonic Aura also reduces healing recieved, up to 75% Z-No Escape- For every 2 seconds Break Out remains active, gain an additional 5% movement speed, up to 25% E-I am your Doom- Demonic will now trigger a Free Blood Slash on the target
This is a really interesting concept! I do think he will need a few tweaks, but overall? amazing!
But my biggest problem is with Break Out. All heroes that do not have a mount have their Z on another ability that lets them to quickly move around the map (like flight or worker rush) to get to objectives on larger maps. But in this concept it is a combat ability, which means that if you are at top lane but there is a tribute, temple or shrine in bottom lane you will never get to the objective in time.
yeah thats 100% intended. Heroes like lunara only have a 20%(overall) bonus movement speed passively with no other way to rotate fast. I wanted one of his weaknesses to be rotations but this goes away once hes engaged in a fight, just like in his diablo boss fight.
Think of it like a reverse probius Z. Both have a passive 10% movement speed but one specifically works in combat and the other works out of combat.
This is kinda interesting concept. However it certainly required tweaking. Few of my notes:
1.)Concept screams this is warrior (bruiser). Which would make sense
2.)I can understand reason behind Q ability, however it doesn't fit him well.
3.)Why is his auto-attack so slow? He was actually hiting relatively fast compared to rest of diablo 2 monsters.
1. Ive considered that. The idea was to have him as an assassin because I think I like the idea of a slow, tanky killer. Someone who, you know it might be a while before they get you, but if they you, you're dead. Like most of the assassin cast are really mobile or have insane burst on demand and they have some ways to go on a mass killing spree under the right conditions. Hes not a Zeratul or Kealthas. He's not able to instantly turn a fight on a dime or be the huge playmaker BUT, when I think of a Bruiser, I think of a warrior with damage rather than a Tanky Assassin. Bruisers Like Artanis, Rexxar, Zarya, they dont offer direct peeling or crowd control, and they can have good harrass and damage, but ultimately, they CAN help teammates. They can protect you in some degree less than a full fledged tank. Duriel doesnt do this. He helps you about as much as Thrall helps you by tossing a Feral root your way to let you escape. I hope I explained myself well enough to get my point of view across.
2. I took creative liberty there. A lot of the D1 and D2 boss fights have a lot of generic abilities between poisons and slows and such. They arnt really character specific. Its just a way to translate him into HoTs with a clear purpose. Do you have another suggestion to replace it?
3. Thats a fair point. He was very hard hitting aswell as fast hitting. I decided to go with hard hitting over the latter but im not totally immovable on this. Since hes moreso ability driven than auto attack in the base kit, I could tweak the AA damage to be lower but the AA speed to also be higher.
Thanks :) Im currently working on a Belial Multiclass concept i think will be my best one yet. Also still wondering who to do for a diablo support hero to make it one of each class before i move on to starcraft or warcraft and do 5 of each there
I got time to waste so guess ill comment on the least boring of your other concepts. First off, that Q is overpowered as all hell. 1k damage that fast at LEVEL 1 on a lone target is pretty much instant kill on any enemy solo laner(and even duo laners since it doesnt seem that hard to catch one standing alone, and even hitting 2 people with it still does a massive amount of damage). It needs its damage toned down, hard.
Secondly though, is other than for his Q this reads more like a warrior/bruiser than an assassin. His trait, his other 2 abilities(Low damage life steal, Knockback around a selected target) do low damage and give sustain and cc. Lets not forget he even acted more like a big bulky warrior in the fight against him in diablo 2 than an assassin. He even looks big and bulky.
Personally I would change his Q to something else, swap him to be a warrior instead of an assassin, and give more interactions with his trait. The ultimate that gives his stored pain to a targetted enemy hero is interesting already. Having more interactions between his abilities and his trait would be cool. For example, giving bonus effects when hes at certain levels of 'damage stored'.
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But my biggest problem is with Break Out. All heroes that do not have a mount have their Z on another ability that lets them to quickly move around the map (like flight or worker rush) to get to objectives on larger maps. But in this concept it is a combat ability, which means that if you are at top lane but there is a tribute, temple or shrine in bottom lane you will never get to the objective in time.
Think of it like a reverse probius Z. Both have a passive 10% movement speed but one specifically works in combat and the other works out of combat.
1.)Concept screams this is warrior (bruiser). Which would make sense
2.)I can understand reason behind Q ability, however it doesn't fit him well.
3.)Why is his auto-attack so slow? He was actually hiting relatively fast compared to rest of diablo 2 monsters.
1. Ive considered that. The idea was to have him as an assassin because I think I like the idea of a slow, tanky killer. Someone who, you know it might be a while before they get you, but if they you, you're dead. Like most of the assassin cast are really mobile or have insane burst on demand and they have some ways to go on a mass killing spree under the right conditions. Hes not a Zeratul or Kealthas. He's not able to instantly turn a fight on a dime or be the huge playmaker BUT, when I think of a Bruiser, I think of a warrior with damage rather than a Tanky Assassin. Bruisers Like Artanis, Rexxar, Zarya, they dont offer direct peeling or crowd control, and they can have good harrass and damage, but ultimately, they CAN help teammates. They can protect you in some degree less than a full fledged tank. Duriel doesnt do this. He helps you about as much as Thrall helps you by tossing a Feral root your way to let you escape. I hope I explained myself well enough to get my point of view across.
2. I took creative liberty there. A lot of the D1 and D2 boss fights have a lot of generic abilities between poisons and slows and such. They arnt really character specific. Its just a way to translate him into HoTs with a clear purpose. Do you have another suggestion to replace it?
3. Thats a fair point. He was very hard hitting aswell as fast hitting. I decided to go with hard hitting over the latter but im not totally immovable on this. Since hes moreso ability driven than auto attack in the base kit, I could tweak the AA damage to be lower but the AA speed to also be higher.
Secondly though, is other than for his Q this reads more like a warrior/bruiser than an assassin. His trait, his other 2 abilities(Low damage life steal, Knockback around a selected target) do low damage and give sustain and cc. Lets not forget he even acted more like a big bulky warrior in the fight against him in diablo 2 than an assassin. He even looks big and bulky.
Personally I would change his Q to something else, swap him to be a warrior instead of an assassin, and give more interactions with his trait. The ultimate that gives his stored pain to a targetted enemy hero is interesting already. Having more interactions between his abilities and his trait would be cool. For example, giving bonus effects when hes at certain levels of 'damage stored'.