Garrosh Hellscream by bfhnv1239

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Garrosh Hellscream

By: bfhnv1239
Last Updated: Jun 19, 2017
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Garrosh Hellscream

Warchief of the Horde

Garrosh is a high-damage melee Assassin, wielding the legendary axe Gorehowl.


Garrosh has a large health pool compared to other Assassins.

Mortal Wounds provides a lot of utility to you team, with the choice of Hellscream providing even more.

Both of Garrosh's Heroics offer large boosts in damage, with Hellscream providing damage to both you and your team, albeit for a shorter duration.

Battleborn is able to provide either sustain or damage.


Garrosh is exclusively close-range and is prone to being kited.

Garrosh is lacking in crowd control, so it is hard to pin enemies down.

Garrosh relies mainly on his basic attacks to damage enemies, so blinds are very potent against him.

Gorehowl's Hunger lacks utility for your team.


Health: 1500 + (6%)

Health Regen: 10 + (20%)

Attack Damage: 130 + (6%)

Attack Speed: 1

Combat Trait

Mortal Wounds
Garrosh's basic attacks and abilities apply a stack of Mortal Wounds, up to 5, for 6 seconds. Each stack reduces healing recieved by the target by 5%. In addition, Garrosh uses Fury for his abilities. Garrosh gains 1 Fury per second in combat, and basic attacks generate 5 Fury. Fury maxes at 100. When out of combat for 3 seconds, Fury decays at a rate of 5 per second.

Primary Abilities

Passive: Garrosh gains .5 + .1 per level attack damage for every point of Fury he has.

Active: Garrosh consumes all Fury to heal himself for 3 + .1 per level health per point of Fury consumed. 10 second cooldown.
Passive: Garrosh's basic attacks deal 25% of their damage in a cone around the target. This damage does not apply Mortal Wounds.

Active: Garrosh swings Gorehowl, dealing 100(+ 5% per level) damage to enemies in a cone in front of him and applying 1 stack of Mortal Wounds. 25 Fury, 7 second cooldown.
Blood Rush
Garrosh's blood boils, giving him 50% movement speed and 25% attack speed for 3 seconds. The cooldown resets when Garrosh gets a kill or assist. 40 Fury, 10 second cooldown.

Heroic Abilities

Gorehowl's Hunger
Passive: Enemies take 5% more damage from Garrosh's basic attacks and abilities per stack of Mortal Wounds.

Active: For 10 seconds, Garrosh's attack speed and attack damage is increased by 50%. Generates 50 Fury, 80 second cooldown.
Passive: Mortal Wounds also removes 2 Armor and Spell Armor from the target for every stack.

Active: Garrosh bellows a war cry, removing all Armor and Spell Armor from nearby enemy heroes and making them Vulnerable, taking 50% increased damage, for 5 seconds. Generates 50 Fury, 90 second cooldown.


Level 1:

Grevious Wounds: Mortal Wounds can stack an additional time on enemy heroes.

!Bloodthirsty: !Quest: Basic attack enemy heroes with Blood Rush active 50 times. Reward: The duration of Blood Rush is increased to 5 seconds.

!Thirst for Battle: !Quest: Heal a total of 1500 from Battleborn. This does count overhealing. Reward: Battleborn's base heal is increased to 5 per point of Fury.

!Mass Destruction: !Quest: Hit enemy heroes with Cleave 75 times. This is triggered by both the active and the passive. Reward: Cleave's AOE basic attack damage is increased to 50% and applies Mortal Wounds.

Level 4:

Blood Scent: Allies gain 5% increased movement speed towards enemies afflicted by Mortal Wounds for every stack they have.

Raise Morale: When Garrosh gets a kill, assist, or a nearby tower or keep is destroyed, allies within 2 range gain 15% movement and attack speed for 6 seconds. This can stack infinitely.

Violent Tendencies: Allies within 2 range deal 10% increased damage for every enemy hero near Garrosh.

Level 7:

Contaminated Blade: Cleave does 50% increased damage to targets affected by Mortal Wounds. This affects both the passive and the active.

Rage is Contagious: Allies within 2 range gain 25% of the attack damage and healing from Battleborn.

Bloody Dash: Blood Rush gains 5% increased movement and attack speed for every enemy hero afflicted by Mortal Wounds.

Level 13:

Hemorrhage: Mortal Wounds causes enemies to bleed for 15 damage per stack while it is active.

Mortal Reminder: Mortal Wounds causes enemies to take .5% increased damage for every 100 maximum health, the ratio increased by .05% for every stack.

Debilitating Wounds: Mortal Wounds slows enemies by 5% per stack.

Level 16:

Resilience: Activating Battleborn breaks crowd control and makes Garrosh Unstoppable for 2 seconds.

Speed Demon: Blood Rush breaks slows and roots and makes Garrosh immune to them for 3 seconds.

Audacious Cleave: Cleave increases Garrosh's Armor and Spell Armor by 5 for every enemy hero hit.

Level 20:

Unending Thirst: Gorehowl's Hunger lasts 5 seconds longer and the cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds.

Battle Rage: Hellscream gives Garrosh 20 Armor and Spell Armor and 25% movement speed.

Furious Anger: Garrosh's maximum Fury is increased by 50.

Nexus Blades: Basic Attacks deal 20% more damage and slow enemy movement speed by 20% for 1 second.

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Challenge (8) | June 19, 2017 6:50pm
Ill be the first one to give feedback for you.

So first off, im not sure the rage mechanic is needed. The same feel of a berserking orc warrior can be accomplished with a momentum based toolkit with low cooldowns and kill reset mechanics. Not to mention rage is the same mechanic sonya uses so unless it also works exactly the same it wouldn't be consistent.

D- Love it. Its the perfect amount of strong without being broken because it has to be stacked. And having a healing reduction ability at a baseline level gives him a specific niche no one else does yet.

Q- Again, i just dont feel like rage fits here which also makes this ability not fit. Sonya rage mechanic works well because she basically doesn't have cooldowns, theres always a moment where you can dump rage, with your concept you are limited by long cooldowns so it might as well not have a rage cost and just a simply CD. Now i understand the passives where more rage gives you more damage, but is that fun? you choose to do more damage by basic attacking or you choose to do more damage by using your abilities? I think theres better ways to give him sustain without a pimped out version of sonya's 7 talent

W- Kinda boring, which isn't a bad thing, but i feel like it could be more creative. A front cone cleave has been done to death.

E- I like it. Its seems fun enough BUT, i feel like it shouldn't be used as an escape, as i cant imagine Garrosh a person who wants to run away from fights. So im not sure how you could change that, but thats my opinion. Garrosh should 100% have some kind of engage, but not a disengage.

R1- Similar to the E and Q passive combined, doesn't bring or add anything to the play style.

R2- Thats a lot cooler. I honestly like it and the only critique to give on it is 50% is too much. No other vulnerability in the game is past 25% except nazeebo's 13 talent which gives him 30% physical vulnerability only. And also, spell armor is already covered by armor, no need to mention it.( there is psychical armor, spell armor, and then theres armor which covers both types.


Overall- Ditch the passive on every ability thing. Passives should only be used seldom as a tuning tool, not to enhance gameplay. If you want to buff the ability, buff the actual ability imo.

D- The stacking healing debuff is great, no critique there.

Q- I dont like the rage mechanic on him, and i dont like this ability as an extension. I get it, hes a warrior, but that didnt stop varian from having mana and it didnt detract him the trifecta warrior feel. Maybe some sort of victory rush type ability instead?

W- Boring imo. Perhaps make a more decision based skill rather than more mindless aoe (not just you, i mean the game in general has too much silly aoe), such as interacting with your trait stacks?

E- Idea is solid, but perhaps make it only as an engage rather than disengage somehow. That im not sure how you could accomplish, but something like the butchers E, where the chances of using it to run away is very low but its a great engage tool.

R1- Doesn't add anything notable or special to the kit, id redesign.

R2- Good ult, tune the number down slightly though. Even just a simple aoe 25% vulnerability would be strong.

Anyways thats my starting feedback, hope this was helpful
bfhnv1239 | June 19, 2017 5:46am
Any feedback would be appreciated!
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