Junkrat by SpoopHacker

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By: SpoopHacker
Last Updated: May 11, 2017
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Explosive Maniac

A highly wanted criminal, Junkrat uses his unique attacks to lock down areas with heavy burst damage.

Combat Trait

Total Mayhem
Activate to target Junkrat's Basic Attacks on a location. Junkrat's attacks bounce off of terrain, exploding on contact with an enemy or after 3 bounces.
Reactivate to cancel Total Mayhem.

Primary Abilities

Steel Trap
Place down a trap, which stealths after 4 seconds. When an enemy Hero steps on it, they take a small amount of damage and are immobilized.
Concussion Mine
Toss a Concussion Mine on the ground. Reactivate to detonate the Concussion Mine, dealing heavy damage and knocking all enemies and Junkrat away from the direction they are facing. Junkrat is launched 150% as far as enemy Heroes.
Activate to release and take control of a RIP-Tire. The RIP-Tire lasts for 4 seconds and can go over terrain. Reactivate to detonate the RIP-Tire, dealing heavy damage. Deals 50% damage against Structures. Junkrat is immobile for the duration. Gain 2% charge per second dealing damage with Total Mayhem, and 1% per Basic Attack.

Heroic Abilities

Sticky Bomb
Junkrat throws a bomb at the targeted hero, dealing a small amount of damage and sticking to them for 7 seconds. Reactivate to detonate the Sticky Bomb, knocking all enemies far away from the Hero and dealing light damage.
Light The Fuse
Throw a stick of dynamite at the targeted location, exploding for extreme damage after 5 seconds. Reactivate to reset the explosion timer.


Junkrat is intended to be an area-denial Specialist, able to deal heavy burst damage to those foolish enough to come into his area of influence. He can immobilize, disrupt, and deter enemy Heroes from a location with his traps, trait, and Heroic Abilities.

Sticky Bomb is a short-cooldown ability that allows Junkrat to knock the enemy team around, disrupting skillshots and confusing the opponent.
Light The Fuse focuses on dealing heavy damage and deterring enemies away from a location. It can be reactivated to reset the explosion timer up to three times, allowing for Junkrat to deny an area.

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greymane | July 21, 2017 8:07pm
i love this idea for junkrat. i really hope he gets into hots someday
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