Kor'vas Bloodthorn by OverlordPej

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Kor'vas Bloodthorn

By: OverlordPej
Last Updated: Dec 15, 2020
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Kor'vas Bloodthorn

Champion of the Illidari

A mobile tank that relies on high health and self healing to keep herself in the fight.

This kit is based off the Vengeance Demon Hunter from WoW, despite Kor'vas canonically being a Havoc DH. I chose her because none of the Vengeance DHs were memorable or noteworthy enough

I have no idea how to balance numbers for damage and such, so I welcome any input anyone has on it

Combat Trait

Shattered Souls
Whenever you kill a hero, three soul fragments burst from their body, landing randomly on the ground nearby. When you walk over a soul fragment, you absorb it and restore 4% of your maximum health and 2% of your maximum mana.

Activating this ability switches your Q ability from shear to soul cleave

Primary Abilities

Cooldown: 4 seconds (shared with soul cleave)

Activate to cause your next basic attack to deal bonus damage. If this attack hits an enemy hero, it creates a soul fragment

Pressing D will change this ability to soul cleave
Soul Cleave
Cooldown: 4 seconds (shared with shear)

Activate to cause your next basic attack to hit all targets in a small area in front of you, and absorb 1 nearby soul fragment, if there are any

Pressing D will change this ability to shear
Infernal Strike
Cooldown: 10 seconds

Leap to a point and deal a small amount of damage

Stores up to 2 charges
Demon Spikes
Cooldown: 14 seconds

Demonic spines burst from your body, granting you 15 physical armour for 6 seconds. If any non-structure deals physical damage to you while demon spikes is active, they take damage equal to 10% of what they dealt to you.

Secondary Abilities

Sigil of Flame
Cooldown: 15 seconds

Place a burning sigil on the ground, dealing damage to enemies caught in its radius after a 2 second delay
Sigil of Silence
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Place a magical sigil on the ground, silencing enemy heroes caught in its radius after a 2 second delay for 2 seconds
Sigil of Misery
Cooldown: 40 seconds

Place a terrifying sigil on the ground, stunning enemies caught in its radius after a 2 second delay for 4 seconds
Sigil of Chains
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Place a slowing sigil on the ground, pulling enemy heroes caught in its radius to the sigil's centre after a 2 second delay, slowing any enemy hit by 40% for 6 seconds

Heroic Abilities

Cooldown: 120 seconds

Transform into your demonic form, granting you a shield equal to 50% of your maximum health as well as 30 armour. During your transformation, soul fragments restore 10% of your maximum health and 5% of your maximum mana.

Your transformation lasts for 12 seconds.
Fel Devastation
Cooldown: 80 seconds

Channel for up to 2.5 seconds, dealing damage to enemies in a cone in front of you every second, healing you for 15% of the damage dealt, or 30% against heroes

Fel Devastation's direction changes with your mouse cursor position


Level 1

[E] Immolation Aura
While Demon Spikes are active, deal X damage every second to nearby enemies, healing for 20% of the damage dealt

[Q] Fiery Brand
Hitting an enemy hero with Shear causes them to deal 40% less damage to you for 8 seconds

[Passive] Chaos Brand
Dealing damage to an enemy causes them to deal 5% less spell damage for 10 seconds

[Quest] Feast of Souls
Quest: Consume 30 soul fragments

Reward: Killing a hero now creates 3 soul fragments, and soul cleave absorbs up to 2 soul fragments

Level 4

[Active] Sigil of Flames
Cooldown: 15 seconds

Place a burning sigil on the ground, dealing damage to enemies caught in its radius after a 2 second delay

[Active] Sigil of Silence
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Place a magical sigil on the ground, silencing enemy heroes caught in its radius after a 2 second delay for 2 seconds

[Active] Sigil of Misery
Cooldown: 40 seconds

Place a terrifying sigil on the ground, stunning enemies caught in its radius after a 2 second delay for 4 seconds

[Active] Sigil of Chains
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Place a slowing sigil on the ground, pulling enemy heroes caught in its radius to the sigil's centre after a 2 second delay, slowing any enemy hit by 40% for 6 seconds

Level 7

[Q] Felblade
Shear deals additional damage and now has a small charge

[Q] Fracture
Shear creates 2 soul fragments upon hitting an enemy hero

[Q] Feast of Souls
Soul Cleave heals for X amount per enemy hit, with this value doubling against heroes

Level 10

[R1] Metamorphosis
Cooldown: 120 seconds

Transform into your demonic form, granting you a shield equal to 50% of your maximum health as well as 30 armour. During your transformation, soul fragments restore 10% of your maximum health and 5% of your maximum mana.

Your transformation lasts for 12 seconds.

[R2] Fel Devastation
Cooldown: 80 seconds

Channel for up to 2.5 seconds, dealing damage to enemies in a cone in front of you every second, healing you for 15% of the damage dealt, or 30% against heroes

Fel Devastation's direction changes with your mouse cursor position

Level 13

[Passive] Quickened Sigils
Your sigil activates 1 second faster and its cooldown is reduced by 20%

[Passive] Concentrated Sigils
Your sigil always gets placed beneath your feet, and its effect lasts 50% longer

[W] Abyssal Strike
Infernal Strike creates a Sigil of Flame at your feet when you land

Level 16

[Q] Spirit Rend
Hitting a hero with Soul Cleave curses their soul for 7 seconds. Hitting a hero afflicted with Spirit Rend with Shear creates an explosion in a small radius around them, generating 1 soul fragment and slowing them by 50% for 2 seconds

[E] Demonic Wards
The armour gained from Demon Spikes is increased to 25, and when Demon Spikes finishes, gain a shield equal to 40% of the damage the armour prevented. This shield lasts until it is destroyed or you gain a new one from using this ability again

[W] Demonic Leap
Infernal Strike's range is increased by 50% and increases your movement speed by 30% for 5 seconds after you land

Level 20

[R1] Last Resort
When you take damage that would reduce you to 0 health, enter stasis for 1 second before returning to 30% health in metamorphosis form. This form lasts for 3 seconds

[R2] Demonic
Transform into your metamorphosis form during Fel Devastation and for 5 seconds after finishing channeling

[Active] Spirit Bomb
Consume all active soul fragments and then create an explosion centred on yourself after a 1 second delay. The explosion deals X damage per soul fragment consumed.

[Passive] Demon Souls
Consuming a soul fragment increases your basic attack speed and damage by 10% for 6 seconds, stacking up to a maximum bonus of 100%

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Rooty | March 21, 2021 4:41am
why not use Aranna Starseeker from Hearthstone as your Vengeance Demon Hunter instead of Kor'vas Bloodthorn? Aranna is canonically vengeance anyways, and is a more recognizable character imo (being one of two demon hunters represented by the player in that game). As much as I want to see a true Havoc DH in hots, I think Illadin has that corner of the market on lockdown, and having a vengeance DH added to the game will only put Kor'vas farther back on the ever expansive list of heroes.
SMILE (1) | December 15, 2020 6:53am
Whenever you kill a hero, three soul fragments burst from their body, landing randomly on the ground nearby. When you walk over a soul fragment, you absorb it and restore 4% of your maximum health and 2% of your maximum mana.

This is really weak. 12% max health restore after killing a hero isn't good trait at all. Maybe change it to "Dealing damage to a hero with less than 20%(?) of their maximum health drops a soul fragment" or something like that.

20 armor for 8 seconds that gives you damage reflection with 14 seconds CD is too strong.

Other abilities are fine, but are you sure it's a tank and not a bruiser?
OverlordPej (1) | December 15, 2020 12:10pm
Your main source of soul fragments should end up being shear, not takedowns, its just thats the passive element of it. In terms of the healing, I made sure to keep it lower than a regen globe, because getting a regen globe worth of healing/mana every time you use your q ability is really strong. However, I had also considered making the soul fragments dropped on takedown be stronger from the ones gained from shear, kinda like how The Butcher has two sizes of meat

I've weakened some of the numbers on demon spikes, I had originally had them higher thinking it would have been too weak otherwise

I had considered it being a bruiser, I guess I had just stuck to the fact that its a tank in wow
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