Nobundo by Thyreus123

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By: Thyreus123
Last Updated: Oct 5, 2015
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Nobundo is a former draenei vindicator and one of the most tragic heroes among the Broken of Outland. When the orcs betrayed the draenei, slowly but surely, the draenei cities such as Karabor and Farahlon were destroyed by the orcs, and Shattrath was the last one left. As the Draenei prophet, Velen, and many other draenei fled, volunteer Vindicators and even civilians (some with families) of Shattrath stayed behind to fight the orcs and buy the fleeing draenei some time. Their hope was that with a believable variety of people, the orcs would be tricked into thinking that they had wiped out all of the city's inhabitants. Nobundo was one of the brave paladins who stayed behind.
During the fight, there was an odd explosion and red mist filled the air. This mist seemed to affect Nobundo's powers of the Holy Light, as he found that he could no longer use them. The tower which he stood on fell, and he was covered with debris. Hours passed, and he was awoken by the screams of draenei women. As he dragged himself out of the rubble, he was horrified to see the Lower City as a dumping ground for the slaughtered draenei...including women and children. Although he desperately wanted to help those who were alive as captives, he was forced to admit that deep inside, he knew that the battle was over: Besides the fact that he was greatly outnumbered, his left leg was broken in the fall and he now had no Light powers to heal it with. He managed to crawl out of Shattrath into Terokkar Forest, only to pass out and be awakened in Zangarmarsh.

He was supposedly found by the draenei who fled, as were other draenei who survived the battle, Akama (who was in a coma), Korin, Herac, and Estes. The other four who could walk were eventually banished, due to the red mist which in the end deformed them. The "unaffected" draenei called them "Krokul" — "Broken", and for that they could never be in contact with one of the draenei again. In one final act of adding insult to injury, Nobundo's Light-blessed crystalline hammer was confiscated by a former friend, the last remaining piece of his past, and of who he once was.

Years passed, with some Broken devolving further into the madness of the Lost Ones, or even committing suicide when this change was apparent. As for Nobundo, his sleep was always haunted by dreams of the slaughter at Shattrath City, and every day he would walk to the peak of a mountain and sit, praying, hoping, to somehow regain his mastery over the Light and that his nightmares would finally end.

Countless times he did this, but would always go back to the Broken camps disappointed. Though one day, when his prayer was finally answered, no heavenly voice told him what to do, nor did a naaru descend from on high to aid him. No, Nobundo's prayers were answered by the Wind.

As with generations of tauren, orcs, trolls, and countless other races, the wind revealed to Nobundo the delicate balance of nature, the powers and truth of the Five Elements and the path of the shaman. He listened eagerly, and came to understand and follow this path.

Invigorated by this new power, Nobundo set out to inform the draenei of his discovery, only to find that most draenei wouldn't listen to a broken. However, one draenei did listen to him: Velen.

The leader of the draenei realized that the way of the shaman, as well as the Light, was a path worth treading, and Nobundo became one of his inner circle. With his support and encouragement, Nobundo met up with him at Telredor in Zangarmarsh and introduced the shaman's path to the draenei, teaching all who were willing to listen. The shaman would eventually accompany Velen in the raid to retake the Exodar, and survived the crash on Azeroth. He remains there today, ready to share his knowledge with aspiring shamans in the service of the draenei — and now the Alliance.

Combat Trait

Nobundo's abilities grant him charges of Fulmination,  he can cast Earth Shock to consume these and deal massive damage.

Max 30 charges.

Primary Abilities

Elemental Blast
Deal (65 +18/level) damage to the first enemy hit and gain 20% movement speed for 4 seconds.

Grants 1 Fulmination Charge

Cooldown: 6 seconds.
Lightning Storm
Deal 20 (+2/level) damage to all enemies in an area every 0.5 seconds for 5 seconds, granting a charge for each enemy that was hit by the first tick.

Cooldown: 12 Seconds
Earth Shock
Deal 50 (+13/level) damage to an enemy instantly and consume any and all charges of Fulmination for extra damage.

Deals 5 (+2/level) damage for each fulmination charge.

Cooldown: 14 Seconds

Secondary Abilities

Lava Burst
Deal (180 +43/level) to an enemy, deals 20% extra damage for every 10 charges of Fulmination you have, without consuming them. Does not grant movement speed.

Replaces Elemental Blast during Ascendance

Cooldown: 2 Seconds
Deal 40 (+4/level) damage to all enemies in an area every 0.2 seconds for 2 second.

Replaces Lightning Storm during Ascendance

Cooldown: 8 Seconds

Heroic Abilities

Take on the form of a Flame Ascendant for 15 seconds, replacing your Lightning Storm and Elemental Blast abilities with more powerful ones.

Cooldown: 80 seconds
Deal 150 (+35/level) damage to all enemies near you and knock them all back a large distance.

Cooldown: 60 Seconds

Level 1

Conjuror's Pursuit:
Spiritual Insight: Reduces cooldown of Earth Shock by 4 seconds
Enhanced EB: Casting Elemental blast gives +30% movement speed instead of 20%
Enhanced Fulmination: Now maximum of 40 stacks

Level 4

Elemental Blast Pierces
Increased radius of Lightning Storm
Shamanistic Rage: Abilities consume no mana for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 45 Seconds

Level 7

Level 13

Elemental Mastery: Cooldowns recharge 50% faster for 5 seconds

Level 16

Elemental Fusion: Casting Elemental Blast or Lava Burst increases the damage of Earth Shock by 15%
Blood for Blood:

Level 20

Echo of the Elements: Your abilities granted by Ascendance now have a max of 2 charges
Thunderstorm's CD is reduced to 45 seconds
Enhanced Fulmination: Your abilities grant 3 charges of Fulmination per use instead of 1
Bolt of the Storm


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