Symmetra by wuethree

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By: wuethree
Last Updated: Jun 1, 2024
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Architect of Perfection

Symmetra uses hard light construction technology to create infrastructure out of thin air. With precise design and meticulous strategy, she blocks charging enemies and forms a stable fire net.

Strongness : Strong at countering melee heroes. Anti-Shield. Supporting ally heroes. Defence specialist.

Weakness : Vulnerable, Short dealing distance compared to range heroes. Has no dashing abilities.

Health : 1480
Regen : 2.45

Mana : 500
Regen : 3.10

ATK SPD : 4.0
Damage : 36
ATK Range : 4.5

Combat Trait

Passive : Light Rebuild
Deal 15% more damage to shield. Steal 75% of Symmetra's damage to shield for 3.5 seconds.
Gain 50% of the original recovery amount from regeneration fountain and regeneration globe as a shield for 10 seconds.

Primary Abilities

Q - Photon Projector
Shoot light ball ahead. The light ball Changes 285(+4%) health of first hit enemy as shield. Changed shield disappears 3 seconds later.

Cooldown : 5 seconds.
Range : 12.0
Mana : 45

*The enhanced light ball by W - Telepromotor explodes at level 7, giving a 50% effect to all nearby enemies.
W - Telepromotor
Put a ellipse shaped Telepromotor for 2.5 seconds. Telepromotor enhances the damages and range of Symmetra's basic attack and skills passing through the Telepromotor by 25%.

Cooldown : 14 seconds.
Range : 5.0
Mana : 75
Width of Telepromotor : 4.5
E - Sentry turret
Launch a small turret to specified location that attacks and slows down nearby enemy.
Sentry Turret can be sticked to wall or friendly characters.

Cooldown : 1 seconds
Charging time : 10 seconds.
maximum charge amount : 3 turrets.
Range : 6.0
Mana : 30

Health : 3 (Takes 1 damage from a basic attack)
Duration : 5 seconds
Damage : 35(+4%) for 0.25 seconds
Damaging distance : 5.5
Enemy detectionrange : 5.5

Heroic Abilities

R1 - Photon Shield
Installs a protective shield across the entire battlefield for 10 seconds.
Press D to change the direction of Photon Shied to horizontal or vertical.

Durability : 650 (+4%)

Cooldown : 90 Seocnds.
Mana : 100
R2 - Marammat
Install a temporary friendly structure.
Press D to change a structure to install to a cannon tower or a well or a gate that remains for 10 seconds.

Cooldown : 55 seconds.
Range : 10.0
Mana : 80

level 1 traits

Concentrative Compulsion

Increase the target of basic attacks by one more enemy. This trait can be stacked with the same trait.

Everything in Design

[New ability - (1)] press to uninstall the targeted Sentry Tower - E.
! Quest install 50 Sentry Towers.
Reward install 25 Sentry Towers to gain another charge of Sentry Tower.
Reward install 50 Sentry Towers to increase the damage of Sentry Tower 15% more.

Stone by Stone

! Quest Hit 40 Enemy heroes by Photon Projector - Q.
Reward Photon Projector's radius increases by 15% and mana cost reduces by 30%.

level 4 traits

Concentrative Compulsion

Increase the target of basic attacks by one more enemy. This trait can be stacked with the same trait.

Suppression Field

Enemy hero in the range of your Sentry tower get their atk speed and moving speed slows down by 20%.

Efficient circulation

When enemy dies by Photon Projector - Q, regenerate mana used for Photon Projector and reduce the cooldown of all basic abilities by 1 seconds.

Level 7 traits

Concentrative Compulsion

Increase the target of basic attacks by one more enemy. This trait can be stacked with the same trait.


Sentry turret's 4th attack roots the damaged enemy for 0.75 seconds.

Bending Light

Enhanced light ball - Q slows down the damaged enemies by 25% for 1.25 seconds.

Level 13 Traits


[New ability - (W)]
Cooldown : 2 seconds.
Range : 5.5 based on the Telepromotor.
Only available when W - Telepromotor is installed.
Teleport to the desired location based on the Telepromotor.

In Perfect Motion

Gain 15% moving speed while your shield is over 250(+4%). When losing all shields get from Light Rebuild(Passive), gain 30% moving speed for 2.5 seconds.

Out of My Space

Push away nearby enemies and deals 100(+4%) damage.
cooldown : 11 seconds.
Area: 6.5 circle.

level 16 traits

Concentrative Compulsion

Increase the target of basic attacks by one more enemy. This trait can be stacked with the same trait.

Shield Battery

lose all shield to gain 2 temporary charges of Photon Projector - Q.

cooldown : 10 seconds.

Art Deco

increase the basic attack range of You and Sentry Turret by 1.0.

level 20 traits

Photon Barrier - R1

Photon Shield spreads out in the shape of a cross. Press D to rotate the shield by 45 degrees.

Blueprint - R2

Marammat - R2 gains a second charge.

Reconstruction Archive

Available when you have shiled.
[New ability - (2)]
Remember the amount of shiled you have.
Activate to gain shield recorded and 20 armor for 2 seconds.

Obesessive Concentration

Your basic attack's strike deals the damage for 1.25% of enemies maximum health.

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