Tassadar Rework by edenfa

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Tassadar Rework

By: edenfa
Last Updated: Jun 26, 2017
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Tassadar Rework

Savior of the Templar

So why Rework? What's the problem with T***?

Let me just start with saying that I used to LOVE T***, he was my favorite support to play. But he's most recent Rework was horrible in many ways, and in my opinion, he is no longer fun to play as.

1) He's shield CD became to long. He used to be able to fast-shield, and therefor had a fast-playing playstyle. But with the rework he shielding became slower and because of it he now has a slower playstyle. * It's right that now they are more "thinkful" and "anti-burst", but that is more of Medivh's or Zarya's playstyle, and it works better with them (Medivh grants "Protective" and therefor has has unlimited-burst-blocking and Zarya gains a powerspike from shielding bursts).

2) Survivabiliy. T*** used to be survivable, very survivable with both his shields and Dimensional Shift. But with the longer CD on D.Shift he has much less survivability, therefor he needs to use the shields on himself to survive. The problem is that if T*** needs to use the shields on himself, coupled with the longer CD on shields he uses the shields much, much less on allies, which should be his main focus.

3) His Auto Attacks are almost useless and pointless as they do almost no damage and are really hard to get the slow value from. Since the slow is channeled and does not linger, T*** needs to turret up and stay still while attacking and this has to main problems:
3.1- Staying still in Heroes is a really bad idea as you are much easier to hit. Ask any high level player and they would tell you that strafing between attacks is one of the most important skills to have, and T*** simply cannot do it.
3.2- T*** is a ranged hero, and his attack range is the same as his "disconnect" range. That means that T*** with start attacking enemies from about the range they need to walk away from to get rid of the slow. T*** could have walked closer to the enemy so it would be harder for them to get rid of the slow, but since T***' survivability is now really low, he can't get close without dying.

4.1) Damage T***, how I loved damage T***. It was fun to play, even if it wan't really competitively valuable. But what's wrong about one build that is not made only to be competitive? Well... with the no-damage AA, nerf to Psi-Strom and removal of Static Charge... No more damage T***...
4.2) Solo Support T***. On the same note as Damage T***, another build was Solo Support T***, which also got removed so T*** would be a more utility based hero. His shields are too weak to be the only protection, the Life Steal is good but not enough considering not all Heroes are Auto Attacks (like T*** himself for example) so even shield build is not enough to solo support.
4.3) To round up the builds problem, it is nice to have a utility based hero, but one of the things so amazing about the Talent System in Heroes is that builds not only slightly change the Hero, they can completely change a Hero. So why remove the above-mentioned Solo Support and Damage builds?

5) Bringing Leeching Plasma as a baseline was a really interesting change! But with this change sprung New-T***' biggest problem: Dependence on Auto Attackers in his team. Now T*** is so strong with Auto Attacks like Tracer, that with "Khala's Embrace" can be brought back to full life from almost no life with two shields and a wave of minion. But when there are no AAs? You have a low damage, low Shields, low survivability, high cooldown support hero that can't heal his team. Now it's not bad that he is strong with AAs, nor is it bad that he can be high utility. It is bad that this dependence is baseline and not chosen with talents like it was before.

6) Having all the Survivability focused on Archon is a bad decision. Yes, it is a buff to Archon, but except for an excuse for the 30s CD, refreshing D.Shift's CD doesn't really have a point... If the D.Shift's CD is back at 20s and Archon no longer refreshes it, suddenly Archon is not the "Let's escape" ult but the "Let's do teamfight damage" one as it was originally intended to. It is right that Arcon gives a shield and therefore was used a lot to survive a chase, but the shield is also viable in a team fight while D.Shift is not.

But what did I like about the Rework?
1) The lower CD and no-mana on Oracle made it a much more reliable ability that is important to T*** and is no longer a "Oh, I forgot to use it... No big deal".

2) Movement speed on Dimensional Shift made it a much more interesting ability as it is no longer a "Don't attack me, I'm scared!" ability, now you can chase with it or close the distance for Fore Wall, escape better with it, or even appear in a much farther away place to juke people better.

3) The increasing damage on Psi-Storm is a really interesting idea! Making the ability a better area-denial ability as enemies have time to escape but would not want to enter. But there is two problem with its execution: 12% increase is laughable and if the increase is on the enemy and not on the ability itself, enemies can enter a soon-expiring Storm without minding the damage.

4) Having the Plasma Shield apply the same amount of shield to all allies (instead of double to heroes). Never understood why T***, and minions need to be less protected...

5) Having all the 3 level 1 talent options be quests is really cool, and would stay that way if Blizzard doesn't over-use this.

So what do I want to achieve with this Rework?
- I want to bring back the fast-shielding playstyle and leave the thinkful & anti-busrt shields to Zarya and Medivh.
- I want to make T*** survivable again.
- I want to remove Distortion Beam as a baseline and make it a more reliable Talent.
- I want to bring back Damage and Solo Support T*** (without removing utility T***).
- I want to make him less dependent on having Auto Attackers in his team.

Simple Buffs are written in light green, Simple Nerfs in red

Combat Trait

Oracle (Unchanged)
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Activate to greatly increase Tassadar's vision radius, allow him to see over obstacles, and detect stealthed units. Lasts for 5 seconds.
Auto Attacks
Deal 70 damage; Attack speed: 1 per second; No longer slows

Primary Abilities

Plasma Shield
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Mana Cost: 40

Grant a Shield that absorbs 475 (+4% per level) damage over 5 seconds. No longer grants life steal
Psionic Storm
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Mana Cost: 50

Deal 84 (+4% per level) damage per second to enemies in target area for 3 seconds. Damage increases by 25% per second.
Dimensional Shift
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Mana Cost: 75

Tassadar becomes invulnerable and Unrevealable for 1.5 seconds. While shifted, he has 25% increased Movement Speed.

Heroic Abilities

Cooldown: 100 seconds
Mana Cost: 80

Tassadar transforms into an Archon and gains 600 shield. His Basic Attacks deal 166 (+4% per level) damage and splash for 50% damage to enemies within 2.5 range. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Auto attacks no longer slows; No longer refreshes Dimensional Shifet
Force Wall
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Mana Cost: 25

Create a wall that blocks all units from moving through it for 2 seconds. No longer increases auto attacks' slow.



[AA] ? Distortion Beam: (Re-Added, Previously "Templar's Will", Reworked)
Replace AA with a Distortion Beam: Increase attack speed by 400%, reduce damage by 75%, slow for 20% for 0.25 seconds and each attack restores 2 mana.
Quest: Attack enemy heroes
Reward: After spending 30 seconds attacking Heroes, Distortion Beam's range is increased by 1 after continuously attacking for 1 second.
Reward: After spending 60 seconds attacking Heroes, Distortion Beam's range is increased by 2 after continuously attacking for 2 seconds.

[Q] ? Khala's Embrace: (Previously "Khaydarin Resonance", Reworked)
Regeneration Globes grant an additional 50% Mana.
Quest: Collecting Regeneration Globes increases Plasma Shield's duration by 0.1 seconds each, up to 2 seconds.
Reward: After collecting 20 Regeneration Globes, Plasma Shield's duration is increased by an additional 1 second.

[W] ? Psi-Infusion: (Unchanged)
Quest: Gain 1 Mana for every Non-Structure enemy hit by Psionic Storm.
Reward: After hitting 500 enemies, increase the size of Psionic Storm by 20%.
Reward: After hitting 1000 enemies, increase the damage of Psionic Storm by 20%.


[Q] Regenerative Plasma: (NEW!)
Plasma Shields regenerate 60% of damage dealt by shielded allied heroes.

[Q] Concentrated Shielding: (NEW!)
Increase Plasma Shield's value by 50% but also increases it's Mana cost by 20.

[W] Electric Shock: (Previously "Resonance", Reworked)
Psionic Storm also slows enemies hit by 15%, increasing by 7.5% per second. Stacks with Distortion Beam.


[W] Static Charge: (Re-Added, Buffed)
Auto Attacks deal 100% more damage to enemies inside Psionic Storm. This bonus is reduced to 50% in Archon form. (70 bonus DPS normal 83 bonus DPS Archon)

[D] ? Mental Acuity: (Unchanged)
Quest: Each Takedown earned lowers the cooldown of Oracle by 3 seconds, to a maximum of 15 seconds.
Reward: Upon getting 5 Takedowns, the sight range of Oracle is increased by 50%.

[Q] ? Evasive Shielding: (Previously "Khala's Celerity", Reworked)
Allies have their movement speed increased by 10% while shielded with Plasma Shield.
Quest: For each 200(+3% per level) damage absorbed by Plasma Shield increase that bonus by an additional 1%, up to 15% additional movement speed.
Reward: After hitting maximum movement speed, Plasma Shield cleanses and grants Unstoppable for 2 seconds or until breaking.


[W] Thunder Strike: (NEW!)
Placing Psionic Storm deals a burst of 110 (+4% per level) damage in the area.

[Active] Nullification: (Unchanged)
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Activate to reduce the damage the target enemy Hero deals by 75% for 4 seconds.

[Q] Templar's Defense: (NEW!)
For each 100(+4% per level) damage absorbed by Plasma Shield, reduce the ability cooldown by 1 second and refund 5 mana. If the shield breaks, completely refresh the ability's cooldown.

[E] Deep Shift: (Buffed & Nerfed)
Dimensional Shift duration is increased by 2.5 seconds. No longer grants additional movement speed bonus.


[W] Psionic Echo: (Buffed)
A second Psionic Storm can be cast freely within 3 seconds of casting the first, effects of Psionic Storm do not stack.

[W] Phase Disruption: (Buffed)
Enemies being hit by Psionic Storm have their Armor reduced by 15, this is debuff increases by 10 armor per second. This does not increases Psionic Storm's damage to those enemies. (Note that the minimum armor value in Heroes of the Storm is -25.)

[Q] Khalai Link: (NEW!)
Shielding an allied hero with Plasma Shield regenerates the shield value of other allied heroes shielded with Plasma Shield, and increases their shield duration by 1 second.


[R] Twilight Archon: (Unchanged)
Basic Attacks while in Archon form increase its duration by 2 seconds.

[R] Force Barrier: (Unchanged)
Force Wall's Range is increased by 100% and its cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds.

[Active] Shield Battery: (Buffed)
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Activate to give all allied Heroes in an area (about 20% smaller than Storm Shield) a talented Plasma Shield. (Templar's Defense from shields given by this talent, reduce this talent's cooldown but cannot refresh it or refund mana.)

[D] Psionic Projection: (Buffed)
Passively increase all abilities' and active talents' range by 40%.
While Oracle is active increased that bonus to the same range as the vision range granted by Oracle.



Auto Attacks: (Reverted back from last rework)
  • Damage increased from 12.5 to 70
  • Attack speed decreased from 4/s to 1/s
  • DPS increased from 50/s to 70/s

Plasma Shield:
  • Removed life steal
  • Cooldown reduced from 8 seconds to 5 seconds
  • Duration increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds
  • Mana Cost reduced from 50 mana to 40 mana
Psionic Storm:
  • Damage increased per second the ability is active instead of per second an enemy takes damage
  • Damage increased from 12% per seconds to 25% per second
  • Total Possible damage increased from ~275 to ~320
Dimensional Shift:
  • Duration reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds
  • Cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds
  • No longer grants Plasma shield
  • Grants 600 shield instead
  • No longer makes AA slow
  • No longer refreshes Dimensional Shift
Force Wall:
  • No longer increases AA slow

Level 1:
  • Templar's Will (AA)- Merged with Distortion Beam.
  • Distortion Beam
    - Re-Added
    - Merged With Templar's Will
    - Moved from level 13
    - Changes basic attacks: 4 attacks per second, 70 dps (same), slows by 20%, returns 8 mana per second (same as Templar's will).
    - Added Quest: Attack heroes to increase continuous attack range, repeatable twice.
  • Khaydarin Resonance (Q)
    - Renamed "Khala's Embrace"
    - Removed old rewards.
    - New Quest: Collect health globes to increase Plasma Shield's duration.
Level 4:
  • Khala's Embrace (Q)- Removed.
  • Regenerative Plasma (Q)
    - New talent
    - Damage dealt by shielded allied heroes is regenerates the shield.
  • Concentrated Shielding
    - New talent
    - Increase Plasma Shield but also increase mana cost.
  • Resonation (W)
    - Renamed "Electric Shock"
    - Moved from level 7
    - Removed old functionality
    - New functionality: Psionic Storm slows, increasing over time.
Level 7:
  • Static Charge (W)
    - Re-Added
    - Increase damage bonus from 75% to 100%
    - No longer marks enemies.
    - Only grant damage bonus to enemies inside Psionic Storm.
  • Khala's Celerity (Q)
    - Renamed "Evasive Shielding"
    - Moved from level 4
    - Movement speed decreased from 20% to 10%.
    - Removed duration
    - Now lasts until Plasma Shield ends.
    - New functionality (Quest): Absorb damage with Plasma Shield to increase movement speed and grant unstoppable.
Level 13:
  • Thunder Strike (W)
    - New talent
    - Placing Psionic Storm deals a burst of damage.
  • Deep Shift (E)
    - No longer grants additional movement speed.
    - Duration of Dimensional Shift increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Templar's Defensed (Q)
    - New talent
    - Damage taken by shields lowers Plasma Shield's cooldown.
Level 16:
  • Psionic Echo (W)
    - Increase the window of time to recast to 3 seconds
  • Phase Disruption (W)
    - No longer reduces physical armor
    - Reduces general armor by 25
    - Does NOT increase the damage of Psionic Storm
  • Khalai Link (Q)
    - New talent
    - Shielding Additional heroes refreshes shields.
Level 20:
  • Shield Battery (Active)
    - Cooldown increased from 60 seconds to 100 seconds.
    - No longer effects heroes around you.
    - Effects heroes in an AoE.
    - Grants talented shields instead of untalented shields.
    - Templar's Defense reduces the talents cooldown.
  • Psionic Projection (D)
    - Moved from level 7
    - Now effects all abilities and active talents, not only Plasma Shield and Psionic Strom
    - Added functionality: While Oracle is active the bonus is increased to the same range as Oracle
  • Prismatic Link (AA) -Removed




Plasma Shield: As I said in the "Problems with current T***" section, T*** shielding is too slow, and this playstyle is already taken by two other heroes. So I brought back the 5 seconds CD shields. I also said that the Leeching Plasma baseline makes him to dependent on Auto Attackers so i removed it, and brought some of it back as a level 4 talent, this time a bit stronger.
I also removed all options of healing from T***, this way giving him a different kind of solo support playstyle.

Psi-Storm: I made the damage-increase-over-time stronger, this way both re-buffing the damage of Psi-Storm and making this addition to the ability more apparent.

Dimensional Shift: I reduced the CD back to 20s to re-increase T***' survivability. Sadly I neede to nerf the duration to balance it out.

Archon: As I said, if the D.shift CD is 20s there is no need for Archon to reset its CD. The ability now gives a base shield instead of a Plasma Shield because Plasma Shield no longer grant anything but a basic shield (without talents) and this way the shield value could be higher.


Tier 1: I kept the all quests Tier one, because it gives some interesting choices. Also this talents are very defining of his builds as they give either damage, support or utility.
- Distortion Beam: Now the slow is no longer baseline but chosen at level one to distinguish this talent as a utility based one. I also removed the damage buff to the talent and made another range increase because damage-increased attack would come later as part of his damage build. The last change is that the range increases gradually after continuously attacking so the connection range wouldn't be the same as the disconnection range, this way making it harder for enemies to disconnect while not risking yourself.
- Khala's Embrace: Now grants longer shields instead of more powerful shields as this would come later, and many other talents have been reworked to apply when the shield is up and to for a set duration, this way the effects would combo.

Tier 2: While it is interesting to see a "all upgrade the same ability" talent tier, I haven't found Plasma shield talents that would work in a damage focused or utility focused builds, so I added Electric Shock to fill that void while keeping both Regenerative Plasma and Concentrated Shielding to be the shielding build part.
I think that Regenerative Plasma is there to be "Be extremely powerful with many damage dealers but not so much with anyone else" while Concentrated Shielding is more "Be mediumly powerful with everyone".
Another thing about Concentrated Shielding- its mana-cost increase really sets it apart as a only-shields build, as increasing the mana cost means either use other abilities less, or don't have enough mana to use shields, and therefor get little value from the talent.

Tier 3: The re-addition of Static Charge is basically the re-addition of Damage T***. And Evasive Shielding is a really good movement speed talent and gives T*** a Cleanse for late game.

Tier 4: Heroics...

Tier 5: I think this tier also gives a lot of options for hybrid builds, as they all (with the exception of maybe Templar's Defense a little bit) do not relay on other talents. Also Deep Shift is an out-of-build talents as it offers survivability and not dmg/shield/utility like all other. And the longer duration of the D.shift from the current T*** (3s against 4s) allows even more interesting and fun uses for D.shift.

Tier 6: The longer time-window for the recast of Psionic Echo will bring back the glory of long-lasting Psi-Storms and static Charges, Phase Disruption is still a great utility talent and while other parts of the shield-build allow T*** to have 2 shields up at the same time, Khalai Link increases that to number to 3 while also empowering the shields.

Tier 7: The heroic upgrades in this tier has stayed the same. But I think that the new Psionic Projection and Shield Battery will be a game-changers, as Projection allows Tassadar to have an extreme-range of effectiveness if he chooses not to have Auto Attack at that range, and Battery gives a completion for the shield-build while the increased cooldown balances for Templar's Defense's cooldown reducation and the longer lasting shields. Also those powerspike comes very late in the game, maybe not at all even, so it can't be counted upon from the start.

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bfhnv1239 | June 5, 2017 8:56am
Distortion Beam, Leeching Plasma(With self-shield), Static Charge, Evasive Shielding(With self-shield), Amplifying Shields(With self-shield), Twilight Archon. This build, once Archon is activated, is basically WHEE LOOK AT ME I WILL NEVER DIE ALSO YOU ARE DEAD! In addition, Tassadar is a support, so... Y U NO CLEANSE!?!? But other than that... I really like this rework!
edenfa | June 14, 2017 1:16pm
I actually re-thought some of this rework's talents, including some of those you have mentioned here. I'd be really happy if you could take another look.

But still a quick summery of those you mentioned:
Leeching Plasma was replaced with Regenerative Plasma that regenerates shields instead of health.
Static Charge on Archon bonus was reduced to 50% (you were right, this thing is a bit too powerful)
Evasive Shielding was reworked to include a Quest and Cleanse :P
Amplifying Shields was completely removed as I didn't really like it from the first place and I finally found a replacement with Khalai Link which regenerates heroes' shields by shielding other heroes.
bfhnv1239 | June 22, 2017 7:30am
The talents look really good now! In particular I like Evasive Shielding, because it's better than a normal cleanse. They can still be crowd controlled, but if you focus them they get a cleanse, so it's pointless anyway. And the damage nerf is good. After all, his kit is mainly for a support, damage shouldn't be too high. Anyway, really good work!
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