The Paladin Pals! [Skins added in!] by TheHereticOne

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The Paladin Pals! [Skins added in!]

By: TheHereticOne
Last Updated: Sep 25, 2015
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The Paladin Pals! [Skins added in!]

Tier 1 Talents

Home on the road [Mount Talent]
Increase the health regeneration while mounted to 350%, but adds 1.5 second to summoning the mount and 2 for its cooldown, as well as reducing its speed to 25%.

Dual Wielding the Light [Affects both]
The Paladin Pals both get a 6% attack speed bonus for every 5 minions kills near them, which can stack up to 60%, all stacks are lost upon death, and each paladin has his own stack count (IE :Gidwin won't lose his stacks if Tarenar dies.)

A strike from the sun! [Tarenar]
Tarenar's sun strike will apply an effect to all targets that did not heal him, which will deal 50% of sun strike's damage after 1 second.

Braggin' about it! [Gidwin]
Gidwin gains 5%% auto attack damage and 6% auto attack speed for every hero he gets the last hit on, which  (both) can stack up to 60%. Every time he dies, he loses 25% of this total stacks (IE : If he is at 60%, his maximum, he loses 15% attack damage and attack speed), until they fall under 10% -- in which case, he loses all that is left. If Tarenar is dead when Gidwin dies, he only loses 10% of his total stacks instead.

Tier 2 Talents

Evil-B-Gone! [Tarenar]
Tarenar's "Smite Evil" ability can be cast again on another enemy for free, which will detonate for 75% of the original damage, but it can also be cast on either Tarenar or Gidwin to heal them for that same amount.

GREAT Hammer of Justice! [Gidwin]
Hammer of justice now stuns minions for 2 seconds and deals 50% extra damage to them, and now pushes back mercenaries and deals 25% extra damage to them as well.

Packin' to leave. [Mount]
Dismounting by using the [z] key now starts a 1 second cast (during which, if they are attacked, will stun them for 1.5 second), and after which they are healed for 25% of their maximum health each.

Tier 3 Talents

The Light shall Burn You! [Affects Both]
For every 5 minion kills near Gidwin or Tarenar, they gain a stack of Burning Light. Each stack of Burning light augments their auto attack damage by 4%, and can stack up to 40%. Likewise to Dual Wielding, they lose their stacks upon dying, but do so separately.

"I can smite evil, too!" [Gidwin]
Gidwin can damage enemies with his holy smite. If it is used to damage a hero, deal 50% damage with full mana cost and cooldown. If used to damage a minion or a mercenary, deal full damage and refund half the mana cost and take 3 seconds off the cooldown after 1 second. If it KILLS a minion/mercenary, refund 75% of the mana cost instead and remove 4 seconds after 1 second.

Larger Blade [Tarenar]
Tarenar's attacks cleave for 50% of the damage if using the tip of his blade (if he is at the very maximum range he can be at), and cleave for 80% if he is within the first 50% of his range (IE : If his attack range is 2, he'll cleave for 80% damage if he is within the first 1 of range). His basic attacks now deal 25% extra damage to the primary target.

Heroic Abilities!

Gidwin and Tarenar do NOT have one ultimate ability each. You instead choose your heroic based on which of the two you are using the most, and the ultimate you feel will have the most utility out of the four.

Tier 5 Talents

Argus Highbeacon [Secondary Ability]
Asks Argus Highbeacon to help you out -- Argus is summoned at the structure in need of the most repairs, prioritizing the core, then keeps, then forts, then towers. He heals towers for 35 seconds, healing 175 health every 1 second. He also fully replenishes a tower/fort/keep's ammunition after the 35 seconds are done, or once it's back to full health. He switches to the nearest and most damaged structure if there is still time once he is done repairing. He takes a break for 10 seconds once his repairing (35 seconds) is done, during which he can cast (three times) a spell that heals allies (single target) for 3% of their maximum health. (Argus can also be cast using alt+ability to be summoned near you and start repairing structures in a more targetted area)

Cooldown : 70 seconds

Vex'tul, Troll Zombie Extraordinaire! [Secondary Ability]
You summon Vex'tul, a troll zombie. Vex'tul will be summoned with the next wave to push the most pushed lane, replacing the mage minion. Vex'tul deals a twice the damage of an archer minion, and has 230% of a warrior minion's hp. His Auto Attacks also stun lane minions for 0.30 seconds, and he takes reduced non-heroic damage (25% reduction), and Vex'tul also drops a regen globe. (Side note : He won't be summoned if a wave is already ongoing, if you cast this, he will automatically summon with the next minion wave.)
Cooldown : 30 seconds.

Sunburned [Tarenar]
All of Tarenar's abilities apply a damage-over-time effect that deals 30(+10/level) damage per second for 3 seconds. This effect does not stack and does not refresh, and prevents re application for 4 seconds.

Gidwin Lightbraids, Avatar of the Light Extraordinaire! [Gidwin]
While avatar of the Light is active, Gidwin heals nearby allies (Including Tarenar) for 1% of their maximum health per second within the area that reveals everything around Gidwin (Which has a range of 5). If no allies are within the area, heal Gidwin for 5% of his maximum health every second while Avatar of the Light is active, as long as no allies enter the area.

Tier 6 Talents

Everyone's favorite duo... [Affects Both]
When Tarenar and Gidwin are both alive, they deal 30% extra damage, and attack 20% faster.

The anvil an' hammer of the light [Gidwin] [Secondary Ability]
Gidwin targets an enemy and blocks their path with a wall of light. he then charges at them, and pushes them back. If the target hits the "anvil", they will be stunned for 4 seconds while Gidwin batters at them with his hammer, hitting them 8 times for the full worth of his auto attacks, bearing no damage reduction, but triggering no effects that would attempt to reduce the damage, either. (Note -- the stun onlt takes place if the target hits the anvil, therefore, if you push them towards anything else, the stun will not take place, and neither will the auto attacks.)
 (Mana cost : 135, Cooldown : 60 seconds)

The armed sword of the Light [Tarenar]
Tarenar's auto attacks against enemy heroes deal 25% extra damage and heal him for 10% of the original damage (without the 25% bonus). Auto attacks against minions will chain to up to 3 other minions/mercenaries. The first chained deals 125% of the damage, the second, 75%, and the third, 25%. They can chain to allied targets, to instead deal this in healing.

Final Talent Tier

Expansive Bubble [Gidwin]
Gidwin's Bubble becomes bigger, and any allies whose hitbox fully fits within the area will take 50% reduced damage from all ranged sources, and be healed for 15% of the reduced damage. Gidwin gets the same effect as he did before, but melee attacks will only be reduced by 15% to allies within the bubble.

Dawn has come, and it wants a word with you. [Gidwin]
Gidwin gets two abilities he can use while in his "Avatar" form :
[Justice has come! (Q)] : This abilities targets a single enemy, and you increase your auto attack range by 150%, dealing damage to them in three rapid auto attacks that deal 200% of the damage your attacks would normally do, with a 30% chance to stun them for 0.75 second.
[The light, is my shield. (W)] : Gidwin channels for 1 second, and generates a shield for himself that is equal to 15% of the current health of the ally he is mitigating for, added to 20% of Tarenar's maximum health.
In addition, the "Dawn Form" lasts 6 more seconds, but the cooldown now only starts when it is 7 seconds away from ending, and gains an extra 14 seconds of cooldown, and Gidwin can no longer take fatal damage while in Dawn form, and instead instantly comes back to 30% of his health, generating the same effect as a Dawn Form death in the area where he would have been dead.

Tarenar, wielder of the Light (Extraordinaire). [Tarenar]
Tarenar's Ashbringer gains a new form, and deals 40% increased damage to heroes, allows all healing effects from or to him to be increased by 50%, and he also deals 60% increased damage to all non heroic sources (Bosses and the core count as heroic sources for this peculiar talent), and he now gains a damage over time effect on his auto attacks that deals 50% of his auto attack's damage over 3 seconds, and it stacks up to 3, refreshing the duration everytime. A person who has been stacked with this cannot be stacked with it again for 9 seconds if the dot has ended (once stacked to three, the duration cannot be interrupted or refreshed). The dot can only be active on two targets at once, attacking a target beyond your second will not apply the dot. Crowd Controls also lose another 20% duration on Tarenar, and it also applies a 35% Crowd Control reduction to Gidwin, as a result of being the "Mighty Sidekick", albeit him having complained about the title. Tarenar's death timer also benefits from a second reducer ; this time a 15%, bringing his death timer to only being 75% of a normal heroe's.

Consecrated Ground
Upon landing, sword of the light generates a zone of consecrated ground that deals 40(+15/level) damage to enemies within it every 1.5 second ; the zone lasts for 6 seconds. The sword also creates four lightspawns that attack at melee range with the same health as a warrior minion and the same damage as an archer minion. Each spawn lasts for 10 seconds. The stun of Sword of the Light is increased to 0.6 seconds.


When pinging for danger

[Tarenar : This area is dangerous. Beware!
Gidwin : Eh... I dunnae why yer tellin' me this is--(an explosion is heard) ...oh.] --This one plays without Gidwin saying anything if he is dead.

[Gidwin : Be careful 'round there, will 'ye?
Tarenar : I'd be more worried about YOU being... you, around there.] --This one plays without Tarenar saying anything if he is dead.

When pinging to kill (enemy hero)

[Gidwin : Tha' guy must die!... I think.]

[Tarenar : This hero deserves some... holy retribution.
Gidwin : Like 'ye can give tha' oot! Lemme show 'ye how it's done!] --This one plays without Gidwin saying anything if he is dead.

[Gidwin : Hammer time! On this guy's FACE!]

[Tarenar : This hero is an insult to the principles I (as everyone should) uphold! Kill them!]

[Tarenar : The light wishes this hero's death!
Gidwin (Mumbling) : Well if ye'r so good, why ain't ye killin' 'em yerself?] --This one plays without Gidwin saying anything if he is dead.

When pinging to kill (Enemy fort)

[Gidwin : This fort's in need o' some destroyin'!]

[Tarenar : This fort is an insult to the beauty of this land... Destroy it.]

[Gidwin : Charge in! Fer khazmodaaaa--
Tarenar : Gidwin...! Get back here!] --If both are alive only.

When pinging to defend

[Gidwin : Move o'er here an' help defend this, will ye?]

[Tarenar : A fort is in danger, protect it!]

[Gidwin : Move yer arse an' defend our fort!]

[Tarenar : This fort requires protection!]

When pinging to help an ally

[Tarenar : Our ally requires aid!
Gidwin : Hear tha'? Well get yer arse o'er there!] -- This one plays without Gidwin saying anything if he is dead.

[Gidwin : Tha' ally's in need o' help!
Tarenar : Let us be on our way!]-- This one plays without Tarenar saying anything if he is dead.

When pinging for need of help

[Gidwin : I need a hand o'er here!] --If only Gidwin is alive

[Tarenar : Would an ally lend us their aid?
Gidwin : In other words : GET YER ARSE O'ER HERE NOW!] --If both are alive

[Tarenar : I require help!] -- If only Tarenar is alive

When an ally is low on health

[Gidwin : Tha's lookin' bad mate... You'd better run off t' a foontain.]

[Tarenar : You... don't look so good. I'd go to the healing fountain, but that's just me...]

[Both : You're more useful alive than dead ; go heal!]

When healed from low on health

[Gidwin : Tha' was CLOSE! Thank ye!]

[Tarenar : Too close... *pant* for my liking... Thank you, friend.]

When teamed with Arthas

[Gidwin : Why are we helpin' this guy a'ready?]
[Tarenar : We're not helping him, he's helpi--]

[Arthas : Silence... Minions.]

[Gidwin : See? That arseface even insults us!]
[Tarenar : *he sighs* There are better ways to start a collaboration, indeed...]

When teamed with Muradin

[Gidwin : King Muradin?! Wha' an HONOR!]
[Tarenar : Who... is this?]
[Gidwin : Wha'?! Y' can't be serious there Tarenar!]
[Tarenar : *Quick, nervous laugh* I'm... I'm dead serious -- I forgot.]

When teamed with Sylvanas

[Tarenar : It is an honor, Lady Sylvanas....]
[Gidwin : And who would tha' lady be?]
[Tarenar : Gidwin... you can't really be serious here... can you?]
[Gidwin : I can forget things too, y' know!]
[Tarenar : *Sighs deeply*]

When they kill...

Unspecific Hero ;
[Tarenar : I expected a challenge...
Gidwin : Damn right ye' did, and so did I!]

Arthas ;
[Gidwin : Eh... We... we did it! We saved th' world! Take tha' y' undea' maggot! haha!]

Sylvanas ;
[Tarenar : Your death... or... well... un-undeathing... was necessary, my lady.]

Muradin ;
[Gidwin : Wait, wha'?! Why was HE on the othe' side!?]

Stitches ;
[Gidwin : What's tha' stench comin' from?!
Tarenar : Just this... distateful wretch we just slayed.]

The Lost Vikings ;
[Gidwin : Look at 'em, stealin' our style! Aah, we teached 'em though, didn't we?
Tarenar : Indeed, we did.]

The Paladin Pals ;
[Tarenar : I get the feeling we've already seen those two...
Gidwin : We may have -- the one on th' right though, he was a pretty one, wasn't he?]

Murky ;
[Gidwin : Damnable murlocs... Keep comin' back... Oh, look, here he is again.]
[Tarenar : It's been over a dozen times ALREADY! Would you STOP coming BACK?!]

Heroic Quotes
[Gidwin : The light shall vainquish you... ALL!] -- When using "The (argent) Dawn Will Come".

[Tarenar : Let the light judge you!] --When using "Sword of the Light".

[Tarenar : I am the blade of the light, and evil shall tremble before me!] --Globally heard by every player, said when Tarenar draws Ashbringer.

Skin Ideas

Basic Skin And its Tints

(Surprisingly enough, I did not manage to find any images of them both together in the game, and my wow subscription has timed out a while ago, but this fanart should give you a pretty good idea of what their armor is like. Side note, the Ashbringer does not change appearance depending on the Skin Tint, also, since images seem to hate me now, I will give you a link towards it : Here's the image, sorry if it's too small/too big.)

First tint : Gidwin has red (it's actually orange, dammit!) hair, and black/very VERY very VERY VERY dark blue armor with yellow coatings. He has a light grey shield and a metal (grey) hammer with a brown wooden handle. Tarenar has orange (Well, technically, it's called red, commonly.) hair, with light grey armor with yellow coating. His sword (two handed) is of a very light grey, handle and all, with three yellow circles within the middle of its blade, at a small distance in between each.

Second tint : Gidwin has Blond hair and has an armor with a light grey color, coated with yellow. His shield is a dark grey, and is coated with light grey, his hammer is golden, with a light grey handle of metal. As for Tarenar, he also has blond hair, with armor that is black, coated with yellow. His sword is made of gold, with three silver circles along the blade.

Third Tint : Gidwin's hair becomes black, and his armor becomes all black, coated with dark grey. His skin turns into a dark grey, and his eyes become red. His shield is made of dark iron, and coated with more dark iron. His hammer is made of dark iron and has a wooden handle. Tarenar now has teal hair, and has blue, glowing eyes, and his skin becomes of a purple-blue. His armor is now dark and has some marks that would be scales, if you take a closer look at it. It is all coated with blue metal. His sword, is now made of blue metal, and has three teal circles along the blade.

Master Pals

(Once again, giving you the link, but for both of the two different images. That's Master Gidwin's lookalike. and this, is Tarenar's.)

First Skin Tint : Gidwin has orange hair (B-- *muffled sounds of someone crying for help*) and now has a horned helmet, as well as a slightly longer hammer, with a metal handle and a golden head. His armor is now fully made of silver, and lined with gold coating that has dark iron bolts along itself. His shield is now made of silver, and has a cross of gold with a single dark iron bolt in the middle of it. Tarenar gains an armor of bronze, lined with gold, and his eyes now glow yellow. He now has a golden colored cape, and his sword is fully made of bronze, with a golden hilt.

Second Skin Tint : Gidwin now has an armor fully made of bronze, with silver lining on it and with dark iron bolts along it. His hair is now hazelnut/light brown, and he has a shield fully made of bronze, with a cross of silver on it. Tarenar now has white hair, and his eyes shine green, his armor is now fully made of silver with gold lining, as well as having a silver sword with the three golden circles, as well as having a silver hilt, too.

Third Skin Tint : Gidwin turns back to a dark iron dwarf (Black hair, red glowy eyes, grey skin), and now has an armor made of dark iron, but this time with golden lining. His shield is made of bronze, with a dark iron cross in the middle, and his hammer has a dark iron handle, but a silver head. Tarenar turns back to a night elf lookalike, with black armor lined with gold, and teal eyes and purple-blue skin. His sword now is fully made of dark iron, with golden edges and three gold circles.

The Lightbringer Pals

(Link for Gidwin's Skin Link to Tarenar's Skin)

First Tint : Both of the Paladin Pals have a very bright yellow hair, and both wear the Lightbringer armor (Tier 6), with a small crown floating above their head. Both armors shine with yellow at the spauldrons, and are both made of gold. The crown is fully made of bronze and lined with gold. Very similar to the actual T6 WoW armor. Tarenar has a new sword ( a 2 handed version of the Sin'Dorei Warblade ), and Gidwin has a new shield and hammer ( Royal Crest of Lordaeron like shield, but with the emblem of the argent crusade on it instead, and fully made of gold, An Infection Repulser as his hammer, with the argent crusade's symbol on both sides of the head, wholly made of gold, as well as having the crusade's symbol shine in a similar fashion to his shoulderpads on both the shield and the hammer, albeit being tuned down a bit)

Second Tint : Gidwin's hair is now white, and his armor is fully made of silver, lined with whitened metal instead, and now gives off a bright (but not overtaking) shine, aside from that, everything is the same. Tarenar's hair becomes white, but his gear becomes made of bronze, and his gear gives off a bright bronze-colored light, But his sword is fully made of gold, and his eyes shine VERY brightly in green.

Third Tint : Once more, Gidwin returns to his dark iron form (Grey skin, red eyes, Black hair). His armor is now fully made of Dark Iron, and shines red. His argent crusade symbols are replaced by the Dark Iron sigil, and give off a red light as well.
Tarenar, on the other hand, now has a dark grey skin and his eye shine green. His armor is now dark, as well, and his shoulder pad and his little crown have a green light.
His sword is now made of dark iron, and has the sigil of the legion on it, which shines in green.
Specifically for this tint, Tarenar now gets the corrupted ashbringer, but with a black blade, and instead of the skull, it gets the sigil of the burning legion, glowing green.

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furynator (3) | August 30, 2015 12:37am
I forgot to say in my first comment, how much i love these guys. They may not be the established legends of Azeroth like Uthor, Tirion etc but once i found them in the eastern plaguelands and interacted with them, i never fogot them.
TheHereticOne (10) | August 29, 2015 2:26pm
Siperos wrote:

So four Heroic options even though you can choose only one like every other hero does? Mkay. But what's the point of having four options? Since I read this thing rather quickly and noticed that Gidwin is the one doing the #1 and #2 heroics while Tarenar has #3 and #4 of course I assumed that they both would get their own heroic because it would be quite stupid if only one of the two was able to perform a heroic ability. At least the text explaining the abilities made me think that. If you choose heroic #1 for instance and Gidwin dies is Tarenar able to perform the heroic himself? If not then it's quite bad and weak and should be changed so both of them can do it.

I don't read every single hero concept nor do I even spend so much time reading concepts here anymore so I haven't seen that 'Groun Steelbender's' concept. But judging from what you just said about it I bet I would not like it and say "Nnnnope!".

I'm very well aware of that. That's why I said similar and not identical. Plus I just see it pointless of having these two not only in the game but also together. At least Rexxar and Misha pairing makes way more sense since it's a beastmaster and his bear companion who're always together. Granted that these two paladins are not as strong or experienced as Uther or Tirion but the idea of two paladin rookies running around in the Nexus is just silly. And kinda downgrading to the paladin class if you ask me considering we got way better and wanted options than these two clowns.

And that's why I won't even bother to try out the expansion once it comes out. I quit WoW quite some time ago already because things were getting way too ridiculous and easy. And The Legion expansion is not going to make it any better.

I suppose it's your right to say my concept is bad. Oh well.

I still am taker for extra critic and suggestions.
Siperos (9) | August 29, 2015 12:57pm

I specified that they only pick ONE heroic for the both of them -- Making one of them more powerful than the other. Also, I mentioned that this is a WIP, constructive criticism is appreciated.

So four Heroic options even though you can choose only one like every other hero does? Mkay. But what's the point of having four options? Since I read this thing rather quickly and noticed that Gidwin is the one doing the #1 and #2 heroics while Tarenar has #3 and #4 of course I assumed that they both would get their own heroic because it would be quite stupid if only one of the two was able to perform a heroic ability. At least the text explaining the abilities made me think that. If you choose heroic #1 for instance and Gidwin dies is Tarenar able to perform the heroic himself? If not then it's quite bad and weak and should be changed so both of them can do it.

As for the Ashbringer complain, go look over at Groin Steelbender's concept -- He forges up to four legendary weapons. I did not see your comment saying "how about no?!" on that concept. I only added Ashbringer in because it was an icon of the power of paladins -- I could've just made his sword look shinier, for all you would know.

I don't read every single hero concept nor do I even spend so much time reading concepts here anymore so I haven't seen that 'Groun Steelbender's' concept. But judging from what you just said about it I bet I would not like it and say "Nnnnope!".

And Blizzard has ALSO specified that you will not be able to directly control misha -- My concept says that you can switch control from one to the other, while misha can only (And ONLY) be controlled through the "Misha, CHARGE!" Ability, which makes her have a short dash in the desired direction.

I'm very well aware of that. That's why I said similar and not identical. Plus I just see it pointless of having these two not only in the game but also together. At least Rexxar and Misha pairing makes way more sense since it's a beastmaster and his bear companion who're always together. Granted that these two paladins are not as strong or experienced as Uther or Tirion but the idea of two paladin rookies running around in the Nexus is just silly. And kinda downgrading to the paladin class if you ask me considering we got way better and wanted options than these two clowns.

(PS : In the next WoW expansion, every nobody paladin will be able to have Ashbringer, and every nobody death knight will have reforged frostmourne... So I mean...)

And that's why I won't even bother to try out the expansion once it comes out. I quit WoW quite some time ago already because things were getting way too ridiculous and easy. And The Legion expansion is not going to make it any better.
TheHereticOne (10) | August 29, 2015 8:00am
furynator wrote:

Do you think you can put some stats? It will help seeing if they are good in battle, survivability etc

Stats are coming -- Although I'd say that Gidwin will be tankier than Olaf from the lost vikings, but Tarenar, albeit being tankier than Erik, will have lower hp than Baleog.

As far as damage goes, I'll refer to the unupgraded damage of Baleog at lvl 20 (which is 159), so Tarenar will probably have a little more than that (thinking somewhere in the 175 damage range) and Gidwin will have a little less than this (thinking maybe 140, 145)
TheHereticOne (10) | August 29, 2015 7:55am
Siperos wrote:

So basically two heroes in one each of them having not only their very own Basic Abilities but also Heroics as well? And... One of those nobody f*ckers daring to wield the legendary Ashbringer as his heroic?!?!

How about no? Having six Basic Abilities AND two Heroics at the same time is not only too complicated for its own good in a simplified MOBA such as Heroes of the Storm aimed for noobs and casuals but also overpowered. Plus the way how you control these two is too similar to Rexxar and Misha in my opinion.

I specified that they only pick ONE heroic for the both of them -- Making one of them more powerful than the other. Also, I mentioned that this is a WIP, constructive criticism is appreciated.

Stats WILL be tweaked, and quite heavily. They also SHARE a talent tree, meaning that you can't upgrade the both of them every tier.

Also, they will be much weaker than a normal hero on their own.

That given too, the one you're not controlling will behave as a bot, and cannot use some abilities -- Later on, I'll add in to a few talents that these are not in effect when the one it upgrades is not being controlled by the player.

As for the Ashbringer complain, go look over at Groin Steelbender's concept -- He forges up to four legendary weapons. I did not see your comment saying "how about no?!" on that concept. I only added Ashbringer in because it was an icon of the power of paladins -- I could've just made his sword look shinier, for all you would know.

And Blizzard has ALSO specified that you will not be able to directly control misha -- My concept says that you can switch control from one to the other, while misha can only (And ONLY) be controlled through the "Misha, CHARGE!" Ability, which makes her have a short dash in the desired direction.

(PS : In the next WoW expansion, every nobody paladin will be able to have Ashbringer, and every nobody death knight will have reforged frostmourne... So I mean...)
furynator (3) | August 29, 2015 5:09am
Do you think you can put some stats? It will help seeing if they are good in battle, survivability etc
Siperos (9) | August 28, 2015 7:29pm
So basically two heroes in one each of them having not only their very own Basic Abilities but also Heroics as well? And... One of those nobody f*ckers daring to wield the legendary Ashbringer as his heroic?!?!

How about no? Having six Basic Abilities AND two Heroics at the same time is not only too complicated for its own good in a simplified MOBA such as Heroes of the Storm aimed for noobs and casuals but also overpowered. Plus the way how you control these two is too similar to Rexxar and Misha in my opinion.
furynator (3) | August 26, 2015 10:07am
You have something unique here. Waiting for the talents. Amd maybe try to find a better hero icon because some people click to a hero if he looks cool on the icon :)
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