Tyrande rework by Murraythehuman

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Tyrande rework

By: Murraythehuman
Last Updated: Nov 26, 2023
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Tyrande rework

Designing for Cohesion

Tyrande is a hero with quite the unusual identity. While initially released with a Medivh-esque 'utility' design, the need to shift her character into the Healer role has left her kit feeling rather unfocused, with core mechanics that point her in drastically different directions.

To wit, her main source of healing, Elune's Light, isn't a particularly deep or dynamic heal. A point-and-click heal without any resource or time-sensitive tension often lacks skill expression, but this fact is mitigated due to its cooldown reduction mechanic, which changes the source of skill in the ability away from using the ability, and into earning the ability.

At least in theory.

Because when one looks at Tyrande's other abilities, their extremely long cooldowns make them largely impractical for reducing the cooldown of Elune's Light. In fact, her other two abilities suggest Tyrande is supposed to be a long-range sniper whose moves are saved for key moments.

The end result is a healer who
A) Wants to stay up close to enemies in order to lower their armor and earn her heals through constant damage.
B) Wants to stay away from enemies and hold onto her sniping moves for critical moments.

To this end, Tyrande can often be seen focusing her basic attacks onto minions, granting her cooldown reductions with very little risk or skill expression. It's an effective, but decidedly uninvolved style of play.

This rework aims to give her a style of play where her snipe-style skills directly provide her team with heals, without forsaking her utility focus or the subtleties of her gameplan.

Pain Points
  • Abilities that are all individually fine, but don't gel together.
  • Fan favourite talents often require forsaking her role.
  • Often feels unimpactful, even when doing well.

  • Give Tyrande abilities that follow a cohesive theme.
  • Maintain and/or push her more unique aspects.
  • Create a hero who feels more impactful, without removing her sense of subtlety.

Combat Trait

Elune's Chosen
Cooldown: 5 second.

Activate to make an ally Elune's Chosen until they leave Tyrande's radius or a new Elune's Chosen is made.

Elune's Chosen gains shields equal to 50% of the damage Tyrande deals to enemy heroes, with Tyrande gaining the same amount. Shields last for 5 seconds, or until the target is no longer Elune's Chosen.

Maximum shield size: 615 Tentative, and really just there because of niche scenarios where Tyrande finds a way to stack up to obscene amounts. She will probably never get this high.

As an additional change, Tyrande's range has been reduced to 5, down from 6.

Primary Abilities

Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Cost: 20 Mana.

Activate to empower your next basic attack, causing it to gain 50% increased range and damage, and reduce the target's armor by 10 for 2.5 seconds.

This move has effectively replaced Hunter's Mark. Turning Hunters mark into a basic ability just makes more sense, as the original design of the move, while enabling interesting talents, always had the cadence of being 'just another basic ability'. This move should also just feel better to use than Hunter's Mark, as it has a more direct impact and fits better alongside Lunar Flare and Sentinel, as all three have more of a focus on ranged damage.
Cooldown starts after Trueshot is fired.
Cooldown: 15 seconds.
Cost: 50 Mana.

Send an Owl across the battleground revealing its path, dealing 120 damage to the first Hero hit, and revealing them for 5 seconds.

If a hero revealed by Sentinel dies, refresh its cooldown.

Basically unchanged.
Lunar Flare
Cooldown: 12 seconds.
Cost: 60 Mana.

After 0.75 seconds, deal 180 damage and Stun enemies in the target area for 0.75 seconds.

Cooldown has been reduced by 1 second, and damage has been improved by 20%.

Heroic Abilities

Unchanged, though the healing will need to be reduced, or replaced with spell armor.
Unchanged, but pairs neatly with Tyrande's new trait, so its damage will require adjusting.

Level 1 Talents

A talent tier dedicated to granting Tyrande more power for her Trueshot ability. Seeing a return from Anduin's old talents is an option that grants the benefits of both other talents, at the expense of general effectiveness. In this case, Tyrande can either increase the frequency of her ability output, or increase her (and her team's) damage output further.

Q: Moonlit Arrows - If Trueshot's main target is a hero, reduce the cooldown of Sentinel and Lunar Flare by 2.5 seconds and restore 30 Mana.

Q: Huntress's Fury - Trueshot deals damage in a radius around the target, applying its armor reduction to all enemies hit.

Q: Charged Shot - Waiting 1 second after activating Trueshot causes it to gain the effects of both of Tyrande's other level 1 talents when fired.

Level 4 Talents

A fairly flexible talent tier that includes the first Sentinel talent, which follows a theme that all W talents going forward will include: Piercing an additional hero. The idea here is that while you may want to take one or two W talents because the pierces are nice, once you've taken a few of them, the extra pierces start to become more and more superfluous, so the diminishing returns will encourage players to grab only one or two W talents, diversifying their talent pool.

Q: Everlasting Light - Basic Attacks against heroes reduce the cooldown of Trueshot by .5 seconds. Passive: Gain 15% increased basic attack damage.

W: Ranger - Sentinel pierces, allowing it to hit an additional hero. Additionally, its width is increased by 25% and it deals up to 250% more damage based on distance travelled.

E: Lunar Blaze - Increase Lunar Flare's range by 30%. ? Quest: Hitting Heroes with Lunar Flare increases its damage by 5%, up to 100%.

Level 7 Talents

A talent tier that grants Tyrande a small amount of healing and group support. This is now her only source of healing outside of her Heroic. Support heroes can do a bit of healing, but only so much.

Trait (D): Protector's Light - While below 25% health, or when stunned, rooted, or silenced, Elune's Chosen restores 1% of their maximum health per second.

W: Blessing of the Moon - Sentinel pierces, allowing it to hit an additional hero. Every time Tyrande hits a hero with Sentinel, she restores 165 health to herself and all nearby allied heroes.

Active: Elune's Light - Heal an ally for 105 health and grant them 10 armor for 2 seconds, stacking up to 20 armor. Stores 2 charges. 9 second charge cooldown.

Heroic Talents


Level 13 Talents

A flexible talent tier full of general 'goodies' that help Tyrande and her allies. Moonfire Arrows seems odd, but it does greatly improve Tyrande's ability to shield her ally.

Trait (D): Quickening Blessing - Whenever Tyrande damages an enemy hero, she and Elune's Chosen gain 2% movement speed, up to a maximum of 20%. This bonus is lost after 5 seconds of not damaging a hero, or until Elune's Chosen changes target.

W: Harsh Moonlight - Sentinel pierces, allowing it to hit an additional hero. Addtionally, Sentinel Slows enemies hit by 35% and reduces their damage dealt by 35% for 4 seconds.

Q/E: Moonfire Blaze - Hitting a hero with Trueshot or Lunar Flare ignites the target, causing them to take 79 damage every second, lasting for 3 seconds. Damage duration is refreshed whenever Tyrande or Elune's Chosen damage the affected enemies.

Level 16 Talents

Power Spike talent tier. Blessing of Elune is the 'new hotness' that gives Tyrande a chance to swing battles.

R: Blessing of Elune - Casting your heroic ability makes all allied heroes into an untalented Elune's Chosen for 5 seconds, regardless of distance from Tyrande. Passive: Basic attacks against heroes lower the cooldown of Tyrande's Heroic Ability by 3%.

W: Empower - Sentinel pierces, allowing it to hit an additional hero. Heroes hit by Sentinel take bonus damage equal to 6% of their maximum Health.

Passive: Darnassian Archery: Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes grant a stacking 7.5% Basic Attack damage bonus for 4 seconds.
Reduced down from its current 12% per hit, as this now also greatly increase Tyrande's sustain, not to mention that Trueshot lets Tyrande land hits from a distance, keeping the combo going.

Storm Talents

Tyrande's Level 20 talents have seen very few changes, mostly just being reworded to be more easily understood (swapping out the largely unused mechanic of range units for more easily intuited and universally used % increase), or being consistent with other talent descriptions.

R1: Eyes of the Huntress - Shadowstalk reveals all enemy Heroes for 10 seconds and heals for 75% more.

R2: Celestial Wrath - Increase the Slow of Starfall to 60%. Enemies within Celestial Wrath's radius rapidly have their armor reduced to -20 armor, causing them to take 20% increased damage.

E: Shooting Star - Increase Basic Attack Range by 20%. Every 8th Basic Attack casts a free Lunar Flare at a random enemy near Tyrande's position, prioritizing heroes.

Passive: Iceblade Arrows - Increase Attack Speed by 20%. Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes reduce their damage dealt by 5% for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 10 times.

Elune's Chosen Finer Points

I wanted to go into a bit more detail on how exactly this new Tyrande functions.

Elune's Chosen is the new focus of Tyrande's playstyle, changing her into a hero who really wants a partner, someone that she can fight alongside and allow to thrive against the odds. If she has no Elune's Chosen, much of this Tyrande's survivability is lost, as she loses almost all of her Sustain. This Trait is comparable to Auriel's, but instead of the other Hero enabling you to use your abilities, you use your hero damage to enable them, allowing your partner (and yourself) to survive encounters you otherwise couldn't.

Now, having an enemy hero constantly gain shields as you attempt to whittle down their last mote of health can be frustrating, which is why I did the numbers on what this would imply. 55 damage times 1.33 hits per second is 220 damage every 3 seconds. So if Tyrande is landing every basic attack on a hero, she has a semi-consistent 110 shields from that alone. Trueshot every 4 seconds ups this amount slightly, adding in an extra 30-ish damage every 4 seconds. Sentinel adds 60 every 15 seconds, and Flare adds 90 every 12 seconds. This amount of power increases greatly when Tyrande is using talents and hitting multiple heroes at once, but the amount of shielding provided should only allow her to delay the inevitable (which is still important in longer fights) and make the occasional save when she lands the perfect Lunar Flare.

Compared to the old Tyrande, this new one spends considerably less time basic-attacking minions, and instead tries to focus her damage onto enemy heroes, which is a considerably more dynamic playstyle. Of course, a fragile hero like Tyrande would ordinarily suffer under such conditions, this potential problem is serendipitously offset her abilities all having high range. When fighting a team who is just waiting for the squishies to overextend, Tyrande has the option of hanging back and relying on her Q ability, which starts the game strong with a set of strong talents that allow it to contend with a wealth of scenarios.

One subtlety of the move is its counterplay. Focusing heroes who aren't Elune's Chosen can be a good way to force Tyrande to change targets, making her lose the shields she has already built up. On the other hand, if Tyrande builds up too many shields, it can be a good strategy to back off for a few seconds and re-engage after the shields have worn off. Because of Tyrande's relatively low damage and by extension lower shielding, Tyrande's job is more about delaying the enemy's damage long enough for her ally to accomplish their goals.

Version History

1.0.0 - 27/12/2021
Original version.

1.1.0 - 28/12/2021
Out-of-Combat Healing update.

Level 7 talents have been completely reworked to fit a theme of granting Tyrande alternative healing methods that are useful out-of-combat.

2.0.0 - 15/10/2022
Completely reworked the hero into a Support, replacing healing with shielding, and adjusting to compensate.

2.1.0 - 14/8/2023
Adjusted some numbers.
  • Tyrande's range has been reduced to 5, down from 6, forcing her to get closer to her foes. This also reduces the range of Trueshot, making it much less of a 'free hit'.
  • Elune's Chosen now only grants shields equal to 50% of the damage done, down from 60%. Additionally, Elune's Chosen now has a cooldown of 5 seconds, up from 1, forcing Tyrande to make critical decisions on who gets to be Elune's Chosen. This ability cadence should be familiar, as it's similar to Abathur's. Additionally, she was given a maximum shield size, but this is just to prevent silly scenarios from popping up.
  • Level 1 talent Charged Shot now only needs to be held for 1 second, down from 1.5 seconds. This should just make it feel better to use and make up for its somewhat situational nature.
  • Level 7 talent tier description updated. Elune's Light has had its armor-per-cast reduced back down to 10 (from 15).
  • Level 13 talent Quickening Blessing has had its duration lowered from 6 to 5, to match the duration of Elune's Chosen's shields.
  • Level 13 talent Moonfire Arrows has had its damage reduced from 101 to 79, to factor in the shielding that the effect brings, especially against multiple targets.
  • Level 16 talent Blessing of Elune has had its effect duration lowered from 6 to 5, to match Elune's Chosen's shield duration.
  • Level 16 talent Empower has had its bonus damage reduced from 7% to 6%, to further cement the idea that some of the talent's power has been converted into the piercing effect.
  • Added an additional section (Elune's Chosen Finer Points)

2.2.0 - 2/09/2023
  • Changed the phrasing on Elune's Chosen and all associated talents. The selected Hero is no longer "marked by Elune's Chosen", they are instead just called "Elune's Chosen". This cuts out some words in talent descriptions. In addition, the word has been marked in white wherever it appears.
  • Armor reduction time from trueshot reduced from 3 seconds to 2.5.
  • Maximum shields on Elune's Chosen increased to 615 (from 515).
  • Sentinel's cooldown refresh mechanic has been reworded to match the in-game version.
  • Level 16 talent Darnassian Archery's power boost has been increased from 5% to 7.5%. It's still being kept much lower than the in-game version, just because this version of Tyrande gets so much more out of it thanks to Elune's Chosen.

2.3.0 - 26/11/2023
  • Level 1 Talent Moonlit Srrows now reduces the cooldown of Tyrande's other basic abilities, but not Trueshot, helping to diversify the move and weakening it to be on par with the other abilities. In return, its cooldown reduction effect has been increased from 1.5 to 2.5.
  • Level 13 Talent Quickening Blessing has been reworded for readability.
  • Level 13 Talent Moonfire Arrows renamed to Moonfire Blaze. Its damage duration is now only refreshed when hit by Tyrande or Elune's Chosen, rather than by any allied hero.

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