Zera and Tera (Mostly Complete?) by SangoProductions

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Zera and Tera (Mostly Complete?)

By: SangoProductions
Last Updated: Nov 28, 2015
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Zera and Tera (Mostly Complete?)

The Zergling Terrors

Art comes from: http://phillgonzo.deviantart.com/art/Starcraft-2-Zerglings-186563255

Also, going to keep numbers vague, and just focus on the idea, rather than...well, anything else.
Zera and Tera was what I called my first two zerglings in Starcraft. The idea is that they are auto attackers, and when one falls, the other comes to back them up. [Now it's kinda Murky-esque...but...wasn't when I originally thought of it.]

For disclaimer purposes: I claim no rights to any of the stuff used here, including the concept. Go ahead and use it a template for your own stuff, if you for some reason think it's worth while.

If you want to see my YouTube channel (for some music videos or rank 1 game play), look here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2pIcKbSAAeeC3r0oKvHgPQ

Combat Trait

Spawning Pool
(On a charge system, starting at 1. Begins game as Zera, when Zera dies, it swaps to Tera, and so on. Charges recover in 1/2 the normal time it takes to respawn.)
Select a keep or fort to be used as a spawning pool. If none exist, you spawn from the original spawning pool. Whenever you die, you respawn in the spawning pool and  drain a charge.
On taking down an enemy, you may reposition the spawning pool.

Primary Abilities

Jump a moderate distance to your cursor, dealing an auto attack on everyone in melee range when you come down. May jump over walls.
Hardened Carapace
Take moderately reduced damage for a brief period.
Savage Bite
(Auto-attack reset)
Leap forward and deal moderate additional damage to the target, slowing them slightly for 1.5 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Upgrade Complete
A portion of value of Adrenal Rush is constantly active. [Passive ability]
Zerg Rush!
Maximum Spawning Pool charges increases to 4. Furthermore, activate to spawn zerglings to rush the lane the fort is in (or mid lane, if at original spawning area, or bot lane in a two-lane map). They prioritize heroes.
They are all named the zergling you have active (Zera or Tera), and look like a hero on the minimap.

Special Mount

Adrenal Rush
Increases Attack Speed and Move Speed significantly for 3 seconds.

Level 1

Devour - Whenever something dies around Zera or Tera, they regenerate some health. When something is killed by their auto attacks, regenerate that much again over 2 seconds.

Endurance Training - Whenever Hardened Carapace is activated, gain a shield as well.

Seasoned Marksman - [As standard Seasoned Marksman]

Savage Hop - The area around Hop's landing which inflicts an auto attack is increased by 50%

Level 4

Sustaining Rush - Gain health and mana back when from auto attacks when under the effects of Adrenal Rush.

Rend - Every other auto attack on a target bleeds them, reducing healing they receive.

Envenomed Bite - Savage Bite now applies a moderate damage over time effect.

Hardened Nerves - Reduces damage from non-heroic sources by a large amount and can't CC Zera or Tera when Hardened Carapace is active.

Level 7

Focused Attack - As standard. Maybe increase the cool down a bit due to massive amounts of attacks Z/T can do.

Spiked Carapace - Whenever you are damaged with Hardened Carapace active, deal a % of that damage back to the attacker.

Flayed Carapace - While you have Hardened Carapace active, deal a % of your missing life to the target with each auto attack.

Call of the Swarm - Increase the slow of Savage Bite, and the area around the target also slows enemies.

Level 10

[The heroic abilities mentioned above.]

Level 13

Ferocious Hop - Also deals an auto attack on those in range at the start. Slows when you land.

Bite of the Swarm - Savage Bite also applies Savage Bite to those in moderate range of the target.

Shedding Carapace - When Hardened Carapace is activated, the first CC effect you take is ignored.

Deadly Rush - Adrenal Rush also increases Attack damage.

Level 16

Flying - When you hop, you gain vision of the area around you, ignoring terrain. Also increase range by 75%.

Terrifying Bite - The target of Savage Bite runs directly away from you for a brief period.

Blood for Blood - As standard Blood for Blood

Infected Wound - Increase damage done to target of Savage Bite by 25% for 2 seconds.

Level 20

Upgrade Overdrive - When Adrenal Rush is activated, add its value to the passive value, rather than overwriting it.

Assuming Direct Control - The zerglings spawned by this ability now follow Z/T in a decoy-esque way. They also charge on to near by Heroes as though by Savage Bite (unaugmented). 

Nexus Claws- Basic Attacks deal 30% more damage.

Hardened Shield  - as standard Hardened Shield.

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