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Brightwing Guide and why Lúcio won't take her throne (Text and/or Video)

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Quote | PM | +Rep by TheMavel » February 24, 2017 8:37am | Report
Hey what up friends and foes,

I wanna talk about something real Quick the little sadistic fairy dragon Brightwing is still one of the strongest Supports that can be played easily as a single support.

People comparing her with the new Hero Lúcio but to be honest he cant really threaten her place in the meta.
I wanna talk about how to play an outstanding Brightwing and leave lucio on the sparbank.
Her Abilities are :

* **Q**- Arcane Flare
* **W**- Polymorph (Point&Click 1,25sec Silence and Slow)
* **E**- Pixi Dust (Point&Click Speed boost and Block)
* **Global Teleport**

Her Basekit alone is pretty usefull and right at the start People should see that she has no *Active* heal abilities.
Basically the all the healing you do is *Passive*. The Trait *Soothing Mist* is healing a fair amount each 4 Seconds.
(In comparison with Lúcio, at base she is healing nearly the same amount each second and adds more active utility with her silence/slow)
**Level 1**

If you wanna have a big effect and direct the flow of the game you should go for *Pixi-Charm* and try to get first of the full stack. (Only go for that talent if you on a map were Mercs' matter like Infernal Shrines)

Other option is *Hyper-Shift*, with that you getting more global presence then you normaly have which is good but not ground breaking in unorganized settings.

**Level 4**

So normally there is only one Opition: *Manic Pixi*! It adds a bit heal to your Shield Dust, which sums up to a substantial amount in the end of the match.

But if there are real threats caused by melee stealthies such as Zeratul or Valeera take *Peekaboo* and break their momentum.

**Level 7**

*Cleanse* is the go to talent for all competitive supports that can utilize this ability right.

If you cant, because there are no stuns or you simply just not good at cleansing there is a great alternative with *Mistfield*. That boosts you overall healing output by a ton. And really if you new to the Supporting role there is no shame to give cleanse up if you not ready for it ;)

**Level 10**

*Emeraldwind* is such a underrated talent in the lower ranks. But it brings so much utility with it, that you cant pass it up for *Blink Heal* !
Keep always in mind that *Blink Heal*, even though the name indicates it, is in reality picked because of positioning and not for its heal, since it is nearly worthless.

**Level 13**

At this level you try to build around the enemy team.
They have for example a strong mage so you take *Shield-Dust*. With that you can give a spell shield by pressing a button.

If you don't see a problem with ability dmg then you could go for *Pixi-Boost* to strenghen your escape arts.
With a 50% movement you can make some miracles happen.

**Level 16**

I think *Bouncy-Dust* is good... but in most cases *Criticize* is better. As a healer you know what target should be focused and you can help your team to burst it down more easy.

**Level 20**

*Strom-Shield* is a good ability on every healer, there is no secret. Its a good option on Brightwing as well.
*Revitalizing Mist* though brings your healing output to another level. You healing people for over 500 each 4 sec and with *Mistfield* you even pushing it to more. In fights past 20 this sustain healing will decide either you win or lose.
**TLDR** In the end Brightwing is a like a swiss-pocket-knife, she has utility for days, and people often underestimating her so you will have a easy life.

In my opinion see adds so much more then Lucio and that makes her still the better aoe healer.

Lucio is more comparable with Kharazim, and probably better in every way ^^ but this is another story.

Try it out and Have fun with playing supports

You dont wanna read but like to watch it maybe then I also have 2 Videos about Brightwing and this Topic:

* Real Quick Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jleKZQgBDhg
* Brightwing Quickmatch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D1gIyJOvko

And let me also know what you think about AOE healer right now!

Who do you think is the best among them?

Posts: 2

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