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What's it like queueing as 3-5 in Silver / Gold storm league or finding people to do that with?

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Quote | PM | +Rep by WyattLucas » December 25, 2019 5:10am | Report
I've been playing HotS on and off since Auriel's release (August 2016), more and more frequently as time went by, racking up 50 wins over last season and dilligently keeping up with events, but I'm starting to feel burnt out on it. The game itself is great! A match of HotS that goes well feels amazing, but...all the stuff I wade through to that point is starting to feel like it isn't worth the effort, and it looks like a solution might be to get some people of a similar rank to play with.

I main tank and swap to healer, and draft can be an agonising, stressful experience. Sit in queue for ten minutes. Queue pops. If I'm lucky, we've got a healer. Otherwise, I nervously check everyone's profiles. If we get into the game, it can an amazing experienc tweakbox appvalley https://vlc.onl/
e where everything lines up, or a humdrum stomp (even if in our favour) or it can be a caustic experience where the team self destructs into flaming for 20-plus minutes and then I queue up to experience that draft anxiety all over again.

But those matches where everyone listens and works together and draft goes relatively stress-free and soaking happens, that's amazing, even if we lose. It's just not worth the lowest lows. The highest highs of Overwatch don't feel as good as HotS, but its lows don't feel as bad for me and the experience of actually getting into a match is less stressful.

I'm about to take a break from the game, but when I come back I'm probably going to want people to play with so I can take some of the sting out of the draft experience. What's it like doing that? The game's LFG tools seem kind of underutilised (and let's be honest, it's probably not a good idea to play with the kind of person who usually engages in General Chat) - do people use discords, or make an lfg thread? How does queueing with multiple people, even at these lower ranks, affect the queue times?

Thanks in advance!

Posts: 1
Quote | PM | +Rep by mileys1990 » January 11, 2020 1:24am | Report
Abolishing Hero League in favour of Team League was the worst thing that has ever happened to the games ranked modes. I get they have to do some damage control with the shrinking population after willingly ruining the game's perspective at the end of last year, but it doesn't make it any better. Especially from EU perspective that hurts because Hero League was still alive enough to keep it going.

Your dynamic queue option would be a solid bandaid to make the playing experience a bit more enjoyable again for solo players, even though it will still enable player boosting in ranked modes. But I am not convinced this is going to happen, as the goal of this change obviously was to unify the playerbases of TL and HL to keep player count high enough for matchmaking, whereas with dynamic queue the "only solo" players will not be involved in team queue matchmaking anymore.

Otherwise they can only play around with matchmaking rules: 9apps cartoon hd

If matching premade teams against solo players, match the premade against solo players with value x higher MMR.

Only use the MMR of the highest ranked player in the premade team for matchmaking to prevent boosting. That sucks for teams of friends who just legitimately have differing skill, but they can choose to either take on the challenge or go to unranked instead.

Posts: 1

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