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Strategy for beginner duo

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Monkeydgarp » March 6, 2016 10:06am | Report
Hi , im playing duo with a friend , we are both noobs and looking to reach higher ranks , is there a good and simple strategy we can use to get an advantage and reach higher ranking?

I know the basics about not dieing and playing safe overall but i need something more specific something like take these heroes -> do x steps -> win.

Posts: 1
Quote | PM | +Rep by naztiva » March 15, 2016 5:02pm | Report
Hello Monkeydgrap

I'm currently in the same struggle with my Brother but he is Rank 30ish and I'm still making placement matches. We tried Tank+Heal, Tank+DD, DD+Heal and double DD but we have always to rely on the rest of our team.

So far I think Teamplay is really important in HotS and there is no way to carry the whole Team. The objectives forcing teamfights on specific places at specific moments, and if one of your team mates doing bad or dies from useless greedy solo actions, you losing the objectives wich causes to lose the game.

I am totally mad about the matchmaking because if feels like there is none. Either you win without any problems or you loose and can't do anything against it.

Posts: 1

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