This is a good Damage and confusion spell and it passes through terrain! Use it to reach teleporting heroes through gates or from escaping damage in a fight! Or us it to quickly get rid of that low health hero running away! It will mess up the auto attacking of heroes and melee units (on auto attack) will try to follow you which means on your return you have some leeway to run. Solarite Reaper makes the ability deal massive damage. Use it to initiate fights and to finish off heroes.

This is your bread and butter damage ability with low mana (40) and a very low CD (4 seconds. It evens lowers the CD of your Shield Overload meaning your staying alive for longer. With Triple Strike and Titan Killer this ability will give you more instant damage than every other instant ability in the game! In fights use it off cool down.

A hard ability to land with a very small hit box and no upgradable range. Swaps your position with the enemy you hit.

Amazing trait that boosts your survivability by a LOT and its Cd is decreased by basic attacks (and twin strikes). This is an amazing trait and you can tell if its up by the blue orb on your back. This is useful when vsing another Artanis
Artanis is the Hierarch (leader) of the Daelaam (unified protoss) and controls the Golden Armada (the giant protoss fleet of starships) hailing from the Starcraft Universe. He is a brilliant hero which some people may call op and honestly will prob be nerfed soon. Regardless he is a hero with amazing hp, DPS, survivability and is the master of confusion. His DPS is probably highest in the game with Titan Killer and Triple Strike combo able to kill squishies VERY quickly and easily. Unfortunately he lacks escape and is usually the first to be burst down in fights. His Q is good and quickly going through enemies dealing damage and returning, while his E can get him into some sticky situations.

Seasoned Marksman is a good ability to take as your Q can easily wipe out creeps and this talent is especially good on Infernal Shrines, Tomb of the Spider Queen, Sky Temple, Haunted Mines and to an extent Garden of Terror.

This is me second choice if they have auto attacking heroes (Valla ect) and the map isn't suited for Marksman like dragon shrine.

This is the only Talent that is worth it to get in this Tier, later on sheild battery's CD is reset very fast any way and there is no reason to be spamming templars zeal, especially on low health. Chrono surge is a skillshot and personally you would lose 1-3 seconds of the AS reaching the hero anyway.

This is a MAJOR damaging ability in this build. Later on in the game it can do nearly 1/4 of health to squishy heroes like Zagara. Warp sickness is not really needed and is a waste, Psionic Synergy you would take if you are going tank build but

Is the second one i would take as using Twin Blades activates this and then you get a major boost to your first twin blades strike

Now this is where it gets interesting. Both ults are very closely matched but i find this to be the best. In teamfights the last thing the enemy needs is a giant circle popping up dealing damage and making them miss attacks. I usually take this one.

This ult is quite good and will usually take a hero out of a fight either by killing them or making them run away or in circles. The only problem i have is 1 person out of the fight or their WHOLE team out of the fight? It is also a useless ability to put on heroes like Artanis, Valla, Tassadar and Anub'arak ect as all of them have some way of getting away from the beam.

This ability is amazing and allows you to do a lot of damage especially with titan killer.
Graviton Vortex is more dangerous than good, burning rage isnt that good but Phase Bulwark is good for tanking.

This ability. Hands ****ing down. Its like Giant Killer on steroids. There is no reason not to take this ability at all (unless you are going tank build).

This is my second choice if there are a lot of fast heroes that can escape like Valla with vault or leoric with his wraith walk ect.
Sheild surge shouldnt be taken unless your going tank and Psionic wound is pathetic and should never be taken.

I usually take this as being able to do this twice is a big advantage. If your winning and you have enough team fight ults like Strafe ect then take

As this is a nice boost to damage and will stop people from getting away. Take Force of will if tanking and take Nexus blade if you took Purifier beam as an ult.
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