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The Lost Vikings |
Lost Vikings are really never a thread to you, as your skills deal decent damage to them + auto attacks can finish boat in no time. Possible exp disadvantage made by enemy's vikings can still be sorted out with this solid build |
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Malfurion |
Malfurion has completely no way of stopping you effectively, you can even just finish him off even with his ult on |
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E.T.C. |
ETC is not any deal for this build. Just don't get caught in Mosh Pit (which is not that difficult after all) + you can cancel it with Rain of Vengeance immediately. |
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Gazlowe |
You can burst him down extremely quickly, and he won't do anything about it. Your mobility is good if he goes for bomb ult, not a big deal in overall. |
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Murky |
MRLGHGLRM... This flavour hero is just cute but no any danger for you. Don't get caught by the octopus. |
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Stitches |
Stitches is generally no thread, just avoid being at front and getting caught with a hook. You are even able to finish him off. |
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Tyrande |
Tyrande is just not a problem for 'ya. You can finish her off in no time, no matter what build she takes(heal, owl or damage). Just don't get stunned and marked, you can do it. |
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Uther |
Uther with no offensive abilities in his ghost form is not a danger for your Valla. His afterlife's heals are not enough, when he's alive he's not too difficult to deal with either. |
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Anub'arak |
Anub'arak may try to ambush you, but he's still vulnerable, so you can deal with him eventually, if you just play good and hide behind your tank. |
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Azmodan |
In duel, Azmodan has no chances against you on further levels. Be careful about getting dunked with low life though. |
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Brightwing |
The polymorph is only thing here that Brightwing can mess you up with. However, her area heal is usually too little to save her or her friends from your hatred. |
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Illidan |
This build is grear against Illidan, cause Rain of Vengeance just wrecks him, giving your team more than enough time to just finish him off. However, in early stages of the game you need to be more cautious, don't get ganked by him later on either. |
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Li Li |
Lili's winds may look as causing you some problems, while they target your autos, however you're shooting yor arrows with very high frequency so it's not very big deal. Her heals are annoiyng sometimes, as they target weakest enemy, however you can try stopping her ult with Rain of Vengeance. |
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Rehgar |
Rehgar himself is not a danger. You might even try to stop him from making his ult working sometimes, while your burst is really big, and it may just not go off in time. |
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Valla |
This is only qm advice. Of course if you're facing the same build, it's just about your skill andBut if it's sth else then YOU will have advantage over an enemy. |
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Kerrigan |
What is obvious, you have no chances in melee fight with her. You need to keep your distance, and not to get caught in her spikes. As she has no escape abilities, you know what to do in she gets to deep. |
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Sgt. Hammer |
Sergeant Hammer is a danger for every ranged assassin, that's just how it is. However, jumping in and releasing all your skills (your ult included) should be enough to finish her off. |
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Zeratul |
Zeratul is less dangerous for you than Nova cause he's a melee hero. Well unleashed Rain of Vengeance can stop any of his aggresion, before he even does much. Just as always, keep an eye for moving air around you and don't get ganked, especially in the early game. |
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Abathur |
You need to beware of him supportive abilities and be on guard every second. However, if sorted well, it's not very big deal either. + Monstrosity is not a problem at all. |
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Arthas |
Don't get caught in his freeze and you're good, however it's not only that easy. You can escape his aura and sword attacks with your E so it's acceptable. |
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Falstad |
He's very mobile so you must be aware of that. In teamfight don't try to pay too much to burst him down, cause you might not manage and put yourself in big danger instead. Just. Play. Safe. |
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Muradin |
New damange build Muradin may be dangerous for you, however you should be able to escape in time. With tank build, of his, is not really a problem and much to talk about. |
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Nazeebo |
Nazeebo has a lot of ways to deal quite serious damage, so you need to be moving whole fight. If he goes for Ravenous Spirit, hey, you got your ult too. |
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Sonya |
It's just kill or be killed here. When she has her ult already, she might try to burst you down. And she might even sometimes manage to kill you. Other times, she'll be the one who's killed effectively. |
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Chen |
Chen is good counter to auto attacks in overall, and can deal some decent damage sometimes, so he can act as a pain in the butt sometimes. On the other hand, you just need to focus everyone but him, he needs to be very last target of yours in every teamfight. Beware both of his ults cause they're both quite dangerous for you. |
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Tychus |
Tychus is quite dangerous, but not ESPECIALLY dangerous. Fighting with him is quite schematic. You wait for him to unleash his Q at you, then you jump back with your E (out of range) and you come back when it finishes, trying to get your advantage when you can. Double your caution if he goes for laser ult, it's super effective against folks like you if your team doesn't finish it. Dealing with Odin is not easy either, but it's manageable. |
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Tyrael |
Tyrael as a quite offensive tank can be difficult to deal with. You need to keep safe distance from him, while being close to your teammates at the same time. At least your E is usually enough to dodge his Revenge. |
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Zagara |
Zagara is difficult to deal with, especially on low levels. However, the later in the game it is, the more the situation is shifting in your favour. You need to be cautious about Hydralisks all the time, but apart from that, you're just good. |
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Diablo |
Diablo is very dangerous for every squishy hero, and it's just no different here. However, you can try saving yourself with E, you can also deal some decent damage even to such a though tank as Diablo. |
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Nova |
It might sound stupid, and it actually is stupid, but she can gank you alone no problem, even if you have full life (on later levels). Keep your eyes open and try to reveal her before she does it herself. It may give you a needed momentum to turn this fight in you favour. |
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Tassadar |
Tassadar in as difficult for support against you as it can be. His shield is really effective, buffing himself or teammates against your auto attacks and abilities. What is more, if you try focusing him, he'll most of the time escape in the right moment, with not any problem. Even though it might be sometimes difficult, try finishing his whole team first. |
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Thrall |
Thrall is most dangerous melee hero you can play against with this build. His heals and burst shift fights in his favour, and even Rain of Vengeance is somewhat less effective. You need to be on your guard effectively all the time, and stay back for all costs. |
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Jaina |
Jaina is one of the most dangerous hero's out there against you, her burst might often be even bigger than yours. You should use your mobility all the time, the later you get hit with her ability, the betterm it gives you an advantage, When you get slowed down but her freeze, it becomes much more complicated in a few next seconds, what might be really decisive. |
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Raynor |
He has many ways to put you in danger. His Q may push you ought of range of your attacks, while he still be on shooting at you. In addition, rocketeets ult dead decent damage if you can't deal with them instantly (and sometimes there is just no time for that). Moreover, his E heal also changes much in terms of bursting each other down. |
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Sylvanas |
Sylvanas is dangerous, and she can escape, if you let her. However, well hit Rain of Vengeance may stop her right when she'll want to teleport, and then she's all yours. Don't chase her too much while she can do you damage moving, what you're not so capable of. |
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Kael'thas |
His burst is incredible (too big in opinion, needs working over I think). Nevermind, what to say... You often can't live through if he focuses you (unless maybe Rehgar ult will target you). However, you're still able to kill him before pyroblast reaches you, or living bomb triggers, to just get honorable 1 for 1. If your team acts great in teamfight, you'll manage, but it's always like that obviously. |
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No Threat |
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