Introduction Top
I really like playing
because he is a really rewarding hero if played well.
Nazeebo needs decent positioning because his E won't pass through minions and will hit them instead.
Your aim is to trap an opponent on your W , corpse spiders and frogs on him for maximum damage.
The type of playstyle you are aiming for is hit and run , because early on you will be squishy but still be able to dish insane ammounts of damage.
Early on you want to kill lots of minions so that
| can give you stacks for increased life + mana.
Middle game you should follow your team and try to get objectives / mercenaries / win teamfights or you can try solo pushing a lane.
Late game you should be tanky enough to be able to take some punishment. You should do exactly what you did on Mid game , but now , you have
| and
| you can use this either to position yourself better , escape and / or chase down opponents.
Heroes that Nazeebo combos well with. Top
- If you combo his ulti with Ravenous spirit , it's a REALLY strong combo.
- His ulti , with your ravenous spirit or gargantuan is a decent combo , make sure no one interrupts your ravenous spirit cast.
- Her W in combination with her ultimate + Ravenous spirit is a high damage combo.
- Root and Sindragosa + Ravenous spirit.
- You have enough health + mana regeneration from
| and with Malfurion's
| +
| you might not even go back.
- The shield is awesome , and together you can push like insane.
Heroes that Nazeebo is weak against. Top
- If he roots you , you will pretty much die.
- You can actually kill her , but if you miss your W you might die.
- He is a pain.
- A combination of her spear and ultimate on you might be fatal.
- Judgement.
- With his leaps , he can pretty much get out of your W , he can make you miss your Spiders + Frogs and with The Chase , he can pretty much interrupt your ravenous spirit OR worse.
- She can burst you down pretty fast on Early / mid stages of the game.
- Not a big threat , but if he saves his blink for the right time he can easily kill you.
Tomb of the Spider Queen - This is the BEST map for Nazeebo , as it allows you to farm gems , and
| stacks. Coordinate with your team to turn in gems , capture mercenary camps or push. Once your webweavers are out , you want to push a lane without much heat.
Cursed Hollow - This is one of the best maps for this Hero , as you can stay on the lane and kill minions to get
| stacks. Coordinate with your team for objectives + mercenaries. You want to take middle lane.
Dragon Shire - Another great map for Nazeebo , go middle , and start farming
| stacks. Wait for your team to get the shrines and try to get the Dragon knight , if you are struggling , call for help. Worst case scenario , enemy team tries to take the Dragon knight , you can always interrupt them with corpse spiders or even better , trap them with your Zombies and try to kill them.
Garden Terror - Decent map for Nazeebo. You take middle lane , and you farm your
| stacks. When nightfall comes (Seed time hype) you want to go for the objectives.
Blackheart's Bay - Is not so good for Nazeebo , as you have to roam a lot , gather coins , kill mercenary camps , team fights go on pretty often.
Haunted Mines - Worst map possible. Two lanes , you cannot get
| high stacks , you need to enter the mines every now and then , capture mercenaries. Involves lots of roaming.
Videos and Pictures. Top
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