Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Abathur |
Easy mode, your burst will be more then enough to take him down. |
1 |
Kael'thas |
As long as you stay cloaked and use your burst on him, he is a dead blood elf. |
1 |
Murky |
Burst him down. Only defense he has is his bubble, but chances are he wont hit it in time. |
2 |
Brightwing |
Can block your AA, but still easy to burst down. |
2 |
The Lost Vikings |
Only a threat if they are grouped. Chances are they will be split up. |
3 |
Gazlowe |
As long as you dodge his turrents and bomb, he is an easy one to take down. |
3 |
Li Li |
Not really a threat, take down with triple tap. |
3 |
Malfurion |
No real threat, just make sure you dont get rooted by him |
3 |
Nova |
Make sure you get the jump on yourself. |
3 |
Tychus |
Can pull his minigun on you, but chances are you will kill him off with a burst first. |
4 |
Jaina |
If you get the snap on her, she is dead. But watch out, her chill is very punishing if you mess up. |
4 |
Sgt. Hammer |
A threat if she catches you out of position. Wait for her to siege, sneak up, and burst the #@#$ out of her. |
5 |
Illidan |
Illidan is hit or miss. If the player is good, then you may have a bad day. Just make sure to position and take the shot when the time is right. |
5 |
Nazeebo |
Watch out for the toads/spiders/and his wall. |
5 |
Rehgar |
Can do a little damage, but mainly he will be healing. |
5 |
Thrall |
Watch out for his chain lightning and wolf. |
5 |
Zagara |
Banelings will bring you out of cloak due to splash damage. You should be able to take down with a burst and triple tap. |
6 |
Falstad |
His range added with his stun can put you down quick. Make sure you are not alone when attempting to take him down. |
6 |
Tyrande |
Watch for her AOE, other then that burst her down. |
7 |
Azmodan |
More of a tanky hero. Make sure he is lower on health before bursting him. |
7 |
Kerrigan |
Careful with Kerrigan. If you dont take her down, she can punish you with her claws that drag you back to her. |
7 |
Sonya |
Careful, she can do lots of damage and make you pay for your own mistakes. |
7 |
Sylvanas |
She can dish out some damage, but you can scare her easily with 1 burst, then take her down with another. |
7 |
Valla |
High damage. Make it your priority to take her down. Watch out for her Strafe ultimate. It will wreck you. |
8 |
Raynor |
MAKE MAKE MAKE sure, that you dont waste a full burst on him. His heal trait will make your burst useless. Watch for it to hit, then hit him hard. |
8 |
Tassadar |
Only real big threat is he can detect you easily. And his archon will destroy you |
9 |
Arthas |
High HP. Only burst down if at 1/2 or below |
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E.T.C. |
High HP. Only burst down if at 1/2 or below |
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Uther |
High HP. Only burst down if at 1/2 or below. Plus he can stun you. |
9 |
Tyrael |
High HP. Only burst down if at 1/2 or below |
9 |
Chen |
Dont attempt to take him down unless he is low on HP. And make sure he is not drinking when you do. The shields he gets when he drinks can mitigate a bit of your burst. |
9 |
Stitches |
High HP, can wrangle you in, and can put you in his belly. Make this shot the kill shot, or you will be punished. |
9 |
Zeratul |
Dont be caught out of position. Punish him when he goes for your teammate |
10 |
Anub'arak |
Anub'arak. Even though the squishier out of the tanks, he is a force to be reckoned with. Don't ninja unless he is at 1/2 HP or less |
10 |
Diablo |
High HP. Only burst down if at 1/2 or below |
10 |
Johanna |
High HP. Only burst down if at 1/2 or below |
10 |
Muradin |
High HP. Only burst down if at 1/2 or below. If you fail to burst ninja kill him, then run fast. And watch out for his hammer. That stun will be punishing |
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