Jesus Chirst. I've been wondering where all the Novas going with ******ed AA builds have been coming from. Truns out they were all listening to this bronze league hero right here.
Please, if you are a Nova and value not being yield at and reported by your team mates, do NOT follow this guide. The guy who wrote it has no idea what he is doing.
1) First of all, tassadar and brightwing are the absolute hard counters for stealth heroes. Placing them in "easy" shows how little experience this guy has at the game.
2) AA builds for nova give up its most important aspect: being able to quickly secure kills with insane bursts. If you are going AA with nova, you took the wrong hero.
I seriously hope this build gets deleted. I'm tired of 4v5 because Nova players choose to follow this build.
I agree that the majority of Nova players are bad. That is the only point of yours, which is true. But the fact that Nova attracts bad players, like all stealths do, or all hard to play heroes for that matter, is no excuse to flame the hero, the people who actually bothered to try and learn about HoTS from this website, or the content creators.
The only actual common factor in all your games is you. If you lose all the time, than you don't have to look for the reason further than yourself. If you actually fix your attitude and stop blaming and flaming your teammates, I am sure you will start to clime out of whatever place on the ladder you are stuck. ELO Hell is not a real thing and you don't lose because of anyone in your games. Not consistently and repeatedly.
From your comments you don't seam to understand how Nova is played. So ether you are among the bad Nova players or, you do not play her at all. Ether way I suggest you actually read the guide if you are interested in fixing that.
Great guide there sir! I have been playing Nova for quite some time now, and my build is exactly the same as yours. It proves that Nova is still valuable, eventhough people say she's **** and useless. The problem was due to the newer or improved heroes abilities that counters nova. For example : Butch's charge. It's basically cancer to nova players. I however, doesn't follow just 1 build, the build depends on the team comp and enemies; sometime I go for the snipe build (against team comps that punishes you to be visible for more than 2 seconds, so that I can hit and run without being seen).
I always got flamed while choosing Nova and then got appreciated at the end of the match due to the utilities/pressure that Nova can do. It took me about 161 games with Nova to be able to understand her. Not a master yet, but kinda able to understand what build vs team comp.
There is nothing wrong with the build, all I disagree about it is the level 13 choice, other than that it's the main Nova build. It provides a lot of burst on single targets and Precision Strike is the better choice in most situations tbh.
The problem is not the build but the players who play Nova, most of them don't understand that they should be roaming and not farming for XP. Instead of getting angry here tho maybe you should help them by telling them how's the right way to play her. ;)
Ofc if you can keep your calm, otherwise your toxicness is probably the main reason you're losing. Have a nice day!
This build is amazing - both real fun to play, and as you say, almost as valuable as a Valla in team fights. I appreciate it being updated this recently, and hope you keep it up.
This build is just plain awesome! I haven't played Nova in months and looked up this guide for an idea to get her back into my play. Took me 2 games (losses) to get used to the playstyle but ever after that it's mostly wins really and it's just so much fun. Hell, I made this account just to be able to upvote and thank you for this guide.
This build is f*cking amazing. I must say that when I read this the first time around I was sceptical about the explosive rounds but I gave it a shot and I've been topping the damage charts ever since (even more hero damage than kael'thas sometimes). Not to mention I no longer feel completely useless in terms of waveclear or teamfights. Absolutely incredible build.
Great guide! Nova is, unfortunately, a pick that provokes a lot of toxicity from your team. She's always blamed for losses, and never credited on victories =/.
I love Nova, but I think it would be cool for her to have some buffs... Like re-cloaking in 1.5 seconds instead of 3... I know, very strong. But still, currently she has a hard time if she gets decloaked by enemies - half re-cloaking time would at-least give her a bit more of a chance of escaping when ambushed.
Thank you. This is a very good guide to Nova i have ever read. Thank you very much. Have to sign up to leave a comment for this guide. Worth reading time. Thanks again.
However for covert ops talent its a maximum of 50% slow (so bonus 20%) so only takes 10 seconds to get full effect.(tho agrees till probably the weakest talent for that tier,possible only useful against lanara or lili or others with bonus movement speed ability/s)
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Please, if you are a Nova and value not being yield at and reported by your team mates, do NOT follow this guide. The guy who wrote it has no idea what he is doing.
1) First of all, tassadar and brightwing are the absolute hard counters for stealth heroes. Placing them in "easy" shows how little experience this guy has at the game.
2) AA builds for nova give up its most important aspect: being able to quickly secure kills with insane bursts. If you are going AA with nova, you took the wrong hero.
I seriously hope this build gets deleted. I'm tired of 4v5 because Nova players choose to follow this build.
The only actual common factor in all your games is you. If you lose all the time, than you don't have to look for the reason further than yourself. If you actually fix your attitude and stop blaming and flaming your teammates, I am sure you will start to clime out of whatever place on the ladder you are stuck. ELO Hell is not a real thing and you don't lose because of anyone in your games. Not consistently and repeatedly.
From your comments you don't seam to understand how
I always got flamed while choosing Nova and then got appreciated at the end of the match due to the utilities/pressure that Nova can do. It took me about 161 games with Nova to be able to understand her. Not a master yet, but kinda able to understand what build vs team comp.
Keep up the good work sir :)
The problem is not the build but the players who play Nova, most of them don't understand that they should be roaming and not farming for XP. Instead of getting angry here tho maybe you should help them by telling them how's the right way to play her. ;)
Ofc if you can keep your calm, otherwise your toxicness is probably the main reason you're losing. Have a nice day!
This guide changed my life for playing Nova. :)
I love Nova, but I think it would be cool for her to have some buffs... Like re-cloaking in 1.5 seconds instead of 3... I know, very strong. But still, currently she has a hard time if she gets decloaked by enemies - half re-cloaking time would at-least give her a bit more of a chance of escaping when ambushed.
However for covert ops talent its a maximum of 50% slow (so bonus 20%) so only takes 10 seconds to get full effect.(tho agrees till probably the weakest talent for that tier,possible only useful against lanara or lili or others with bonus movement speed ability/s)