This guide simply is a humble attempt to teach the ways of the Buglord to stupid people. Being stupid myself, I know how it feels, when simple mechanics make your brain hurt. If you are a notorious overachiever and already know the rudimentary basics of playing Anub'arak, then this guide probably isn't for you and you should look for something more comprehensive or specific, depending on the knowledge you seek.
- 4000 Gold or the equivalent of your countries currency
- Basic experience in doing things right according to a specific situation.
Before I tell you how/when to use your fine set of skills, two basic facts about our ancient bug friend:
- He is a tank, but not as beefy and unkillable as the likes of
Muradin or
Johanna. Instead, your ability to tank stuff pretty much relies on you using your skills right.
- Your abilities have fairly long cooldowns and drain a lot of your rather small mana pool.
Now, let's press some buttons.
Q - Impale
aka. The Spike-Thingy
This ability lets you send a row of spikes in a straight line. Every enemy who is dumb enough to get hit by said spikes is stunned for 1 whole second.
Considering the fairly long CD of 12 seconds and the fact, that it wastes 13% of your base Mana, this skill is nothing you should blast out freely.
This skill is no poke skill!
There are only a few situations, where it's right to press Q while Anub:
- Initiation of (team) fights, with a very good chance of enemy casualties.
- Securing kills late game.
- Evading an angry mob following you.
If nothing of the above applies, at least hesitate to press Q. 12 seconds are a very long time and there might be a situation where your Q is needed and it's sitting on CD, because you blew it out to harass somebody under their 100% health tower. Don't be that person.
W - Harden Carapace
E - Burrow Charge
R - Locust Swarm
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