Artanis- Stand up to the big 3! (Varian Patch) by Rainbow

Artanis- Stand up to the big 3! (Varian Patch)

By: Rainbow
Last Updated: Nov 26, 2016
7 Votes
Build 1 of 3


Build: Never Back Down

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Gutter Fighting

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Stone Cold Killer

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Thing you should know... Top

If you're like me, when you see Muradin, E.T.C. or Johanna. You want nothing more then to stand up to them and prove you can be the tanks they are.

Common knowledge suggests Artanis is a bruiser, and not a tank. However, in my opinion the way you play him will drastically define your limits as both a bruiser and a tank.

Learning that Artanis can and will be outplayed by one or more of the above mentioned heroes is the first step to beating them.

In this guide I will refer to Muradin, E.T.C. and Jojo as "The Big 3"

Strengths Top

-Can 1v1 almost any hero in the game at close range (providing your ability to auto attack/cast abilities isn't obstructed)

-People will underestimate how much punishment you can take
-> Use this to capitalize on their mistakes with Phase Prism

-Strong single target zoning potential with Purifier Beam
NOTE: Use the beam to kill heroes who recently engage either you or your team. EX. The Butcher
Alternatively: Use the beam to zone a healer like Lt. Morales away from her team.

Weaknesses Top

-Cannot peel as effectively as The Big 3
That being said: Phase Prism is an effective tool for peeling if you can land it on someone who's diving your backline.

-Crowd Control hurts Artanis greatly because they impede his only way of staying alive, which is to be in the fight casting Blade Dash and Twin Blades

An out of position Artanis is almost a guaranteed kill for the other team unless a crafty use of Phase Prism is used.
NOTE: If you find yourself in trouble look for an enemy who is perhaps fighting closer to your team than you, swap their position with yours and you can get away easier.

The Golden Rule(s) Top

When engaged in a teamfight it is imperative you continue to attack and use Blade Dash to reset the cooldown of Shield Overload.

Shield Overload is your lifeline, without it you will be dead in a matter of seconds. Respect the power your shields can give but learn the limits of said power. This, I believe, is the only way to master Artanis.

Purifier Beam v.s. Suppression Pulse Top

Purifier Beam In my opinion is better. You can zone key members out of a fight, punish dive heroes, and kill low hp targets. At level 20 with Target Purified you can quickly wipe an entire team with the beam and a little support.

Suppression Pulse Definitely has it's uses, if a team is very auto attack heavy, a 4s global blind is extremely powerful.

The Spear of Adun is your best friend

V.S. The Big 3 Top

Muradin: He can stun you with Storm Bolt, and lower your attack speed with Thunder Clap, because of this, it is best to stay a fair distance away from him until his team is engaged as well. Wait for him to initiate a fight and use Dwarf Toss before you Phase Prism him away from your team.

E.T.C.: Powerslide and Face Melt are relatively low damaging abilities but they do give him a fair bit of control over the battlefield. The key to beating E.T.C. and keeping your team safe lies in him wasting his cooldowns only for you to re-position him with Phase Prism or kill him in his Mosh Pit with Purifier Beam.

Johanna: Shield Glare can blind you for 1.5 seconds, cutting off your shields and your damage, so be careful when engaging her team. Always play more cautious than you need until you know your basic attacks will connect with something. Condemn into Punish can lock you down but much to Jojo's dismay, that's exactly where you want to be, right next to her and her team making sure to keep Shield Overload up as much as possible.

The Artanis Misconception Top

You only have Phase Prism as your CC and primary means of displacement but that does not mean you cannot keep your teammates safe. Put your body in between the enemy and your team, making sure to AA along the way.

Remember: Punish backline divers with Purifier Beam and Phase Prism.

Have confidence in your ability to beat the enemy tank at something they think they can do better than you. Know your limits and don't be greedy, but also know that Artanis can be much more of a tank than everyone gives him credit for...

Thanks for reading, if you enjoyed the guide let me know if you want to see more on other heroes.


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