So, you're wondering why listen to me? Well that's a good question, and the answer is. You don't have to, all I want to do is to help someone that might want to learn
Artanis. but in the end you have no reason to read or listen to any of this, but if you do, please read the disclaimer. Comments are accepted and suggested, always looking for helpful changes and suggestions, I will always try them out and see how they work.
Minion Killer Focus - Depending on the map is how I take my first talent, if I am on tomb of the spider queen then Seasoned Marksman is just fine since you are going to have to kill minions for the gems regardless. However I normally will take
Reactive Parry due to having to deal with other heroes in lane. But if you are not needed for your team to assist with the majority of kills or fights then
Amateur Opponent for the extra damage to the minions and camps however that should be a last resort.
Hero killer - The reoccurring theme for level 1 is
Reactive Parry the reason for that is 9 times out of 10 you wont be able to farm Seasoned Marksman or farm enough for it to be worth taking it. Of course there is nothing saying you can't take it however I wouldn't advise it.
Tank -
Reactive Parry let's be real, only thing that gives you the any form of tanking at all
Minion Killer Focus -
Lethal Alacrity the range and increased speed can allow you to clear the camps faster. Of course you can take
Templar's Zeal because while you may be under 50% health while farming and taking camps you will be able to use it a lot more often.
Hero killer - Just like I said above with the
Lethal Alacrity the range and speed allows you to go through the enemy team, hit their back line and then come back and be the front line again when it is required in team fights, it is also a good finisher when someone like
Valla decides she can run away from you
Tank -
Lethal Alacrity in general is a good choice just because it allows you to have that little bit of damage to the back line and the front line that can make or break a team fight
Minion Killer Focus -
Follow Through just a little bit of damage to help clear out those annoying camps that you just don't want to spend much time on. To let you get back to the lane and pushing down their core.
Hero killer -
Follow Through works well in this build for dealing a good amount of damage after you use
Blade Dash to the enemy front line or after being able to
Phase Prism onto the enemy carry. I find
Solarite Reaper works well for adding the additional damage to
Blade Dash in order to add constant damage in case they wont be hit by the second dash.
Tank -
Psionic Synergy helps you be able to regen you shield faster allowing you to tank more damage if you for some reason are the one focused in the fights.
All Overall I recommend taking
Purifier Beam however if the enemy team is a lot of auto attacking then
Suppression Pulse is not exactly a horrible choice however I primarily recommend
Purifier Beam for the reason that you can put it on there damage dealer and have them get out of the fight for fear of dying to the beam and your team while they dodge it.
Minion Killer Focus - My preference is
Burning Rage due to the free AOE that you can deal to the camps and to the minion wave, if you happen to have to deal with a hero then will get additional damage while beating the **** out of them.
Hero killer -
Triple Strike is just my overall personal favourite because I can just sit there and wail on the enemies while just simply dealing tonnes of damage to them.
Tank - Let's be real here, taking half the damage while your shield is up is a good talent you can get if you want to be tanky
Phase Bulwark in my opinion is the good one for you to take
Minion Killer Focus - When every other talent is based on Heroes or the amount of shield you get. Your trusty
Zealot Charge is there for you to help you deal with the unwanted heroes that decide to mess with your system as well as getting back to the minions or camps that you were just minding your business with.
Hero killer -
Zealot Charge have you played starcraft? How can you pass up chasing a Zergling down when you have zealot charge or being that zerg dealing with the zealots constantly attacking you while you retreat. Well just change that zergling to an assassin or an enemy team trying to disengage. you just can't pass that up.
Tank - A main benefit to
Artanis in my opinion is your ability to trick the enemy team into believing you are about to die and with the aid of
Shield Surge increasing your shield by 100% you are able to mitigate the damage that they did to you earlier and stay in the fight longer soaking more damage.
Minion Killer Focus - With the assistance of
Nexus Blades you get the bonus damage to any minions and camps that don't already submit to your power. If a hero decides to venture into your path, well the slow helps to let you kill them along with
Zealot Charge that is
Hero killer - Like I said above only change the minions and camps to enemy heroes and your set.
Tank - Here's where it get's the most questionable in my opinion. Now
Force of Will does let you reduce the cool down letting your shield come back even faster but that is all dependant on how their team is built and if you aren't just being CC'd for days. I However still enjoy it.
These builds are not to be followed 100%. All talent selections are based on the enemy team I however have just outlined what has worked for me in the past and in the future I will be adding what I believe would be suitable replacements given certain situations that are encountered in the game. However I will not be able to predict every situation and what you should take in every given situation. I am providing the rough outline to assist you in understanding the hero and letting you learn what talents will assist you in certain situations.
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