Threat |
Hero |
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Abathur |
His minions are no real threat, and you'll probably never fight him directly. If you do, a couple whacks is all it takes. |
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Brightwing |
Polymorph is annoying, otherwise it can't really do anything to bring you down. |
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Li Li |
Blinding is annoying, but otherwise she can't really hurt you directly. Nuke her to strip away her support to any other enemies nearby. |
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Lt. Morales |
The only thing she can do is knock you around with her grenade. Otherwise, same as Lili, nuke her first. |
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Arthas |
Unless he roots you in the middle of a team fight, his ice will get melted by your fire. |
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Chen |
Specced right, you can laugh as you burn through his drinking shield faster than he can charge it. |
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The Lost Vikings |
Even if they're grouped up, it's easy XP for you because their overall health is so low. Avoid the longship if they take it, otherwise they really can't do anything to you. |
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Illidan |
If he's played right, he can hurt. But even then, he really can't do anything to stop you knocking him back and then jetting away, and probably wasting his ultimate in the process. |
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Leoric |
His life leech hurts a lot, but knockback and thrusters can get away from it easily enough. Otherwise it's the same as any other tank: keep your distance and wear him down last. |
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Malfurion |
Mildly dangerous with his entangling roots, but only if you're trying to back off the entire enemy team. Otherwise you can ignore it one-on-one. |
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Rehgar |
He really can't do much to you directly. Like most healers, nuke him first. |
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Rexxar |
He can be annoying to fight if he's staying outside your attack range and letting Misha do his fighting. Luckily by late game you can completely negate that. |
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Artanis |
His Phase Prism can stick you in the middle of his entire team to nuke you. One-on-one though, he really can't do enough damage to bring you down. |
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Johanna |
Her main threat is her durability. It'll take a long while to burn her down by yourself. Ideally you'll want to be behind the lines in a team fight, saving her for last. |
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Kael'thas |
His stun and flame circle can put some hurt on, but if you can push through that, he probably can't take you out while you make your escape. With enough regen orbs collected, you'll heal up enough to survive a living bomb too. |
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Murky |
A smart Murky will throw a pufferfish at you, then immediately Octo-Grab you, so you can't get away, and then Envenom/Blood you after to make sure you die. If he's not built that way, then you're a hard counter to him, able to blast him before he can even get close enough to touch you. |
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Tassadar |
His psychic storm can hurt a bit, and his shields can make it tough to kill enemies. Otherwise, the only other thing he can do to you directly is if he takes the 20% slow on basic attacks. |
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Thrall |
A good Thrall can be a big nuisance, but that's about the worst he can do. His root can slow down an escape, but not stop it. And if you hit thrusters after he uses Windfury, his ability to chase you is gone. |
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Tyrael |
If thrusters are down, he can chase you all day long and make your life miserable. A well-timed judgment can be devastating too. Otherwise if you stay back and pound away at him, he's probably just going to run away. |
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Anub'arak |
His stuns can make it hard to escape, plus if he burrows behind you he can body-block you during a fight to keep you from escaping. Good support can negate this, though. |
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Falstad |
His AoE lightning can make it difficult to escape damage, and his short-range jump can also keep him in damage range. |
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Gazlowe |
His bombs can mess with you, and his turrets can hurt after a while. One-on-one in lanes, fight defensively. |
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Kerrigan |
If she gets close, she can hurt. And of course she can keep you from escaping. If you're not alone though, just stand your ground and pound her in the face. |
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Kharazim |
His AoE ultimate can hurt a bunch, and in general he can put out decent damage. Keep your distance and you should be fine. |
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Tychus |
He can put some hurt on you if he gets close enough to auto-attack you for a while. His grenade can mess with an escape too. Otherwise blasting him can sometimes break his attack chain and he goes down at a distance like the pansy he is. |
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Tyrande |
Her stun can be bothersome, and starfall can do some damage, but otherwise she's not much of a direct threat. Remove her healing potential if she happens to get in range. |
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Azmodan |
Until end-game, his range is longer than yours, and his minions can overwhelm you with sheer weight of bodies. Play defensively. |
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E.T.C. |
His stun and knockback, if done right, can leave you in a vulnerable position. Mosh Pit is also deadly, of course. |
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Jaina |
Her chill makes it hard to get away. And if she positioned her Blizzard right, you're gonna be hurting pretty badly. But if you can shoot back without fear, she goes squish pretty easily. |
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Muradin |
His stun, of course, can mean a bad day for you. His leap also means he can stick around and keep you slowed/stunned while the rest of the team blows you up. |
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Raynor |
An auto-attack build can be deadly, as he's just outside your blast range and hitting you at absurd speeds. But if you're good on regen orbs, you can straight-up ignore his Hyperion. |
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Sonya |
She's got great burst damage to burn you down quickly, but if you can knock her back before she gets her whirlwind off, and/or escape, you'll leave her vulnerable to a counter-attack. Especially if she's gone Rage build, your best bet is to just blast and flee to safer ground. |
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Sylvanas |
She can put out a fair bit of damage, so caution is advised. Her black arrow can mess with you too, though one-on-one you'll probably be the stronger fighter, as long as she doesn't nuke your minion support. |
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Diablo |
The gank-king is good at ganking you too. If he times his stuns right, he'll hit you after you've hit your thrusters, wasting their burn time, and leaving you vulnerable. |
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Nazeebo |
His ring of zombies can be deadly, especially in a team fight. Luckily concussive blast blows them away, but if it's on cooldown, you're probably dead. |
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Stitches |
His grappling hook can mean pretty much instant death for you. And if you're in siege mode, then you're a stationary target and easy to hit with it. Otherwise, there's not much else he can do to you, but that grapple is more than enough. |
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Zagara |
Her banelings can be hard to avoid in siege mode, as well as the roach pod. In general, she can put a fair bit of hurt on you. And her creep gets EVERYWHERE. Use concussive blast and napalm to blast the tumors where you find them and hamper her. |
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Zeratul |
If you don't see him coming, he can put a LOT of hurt on you. Even if you concussive blast him and thruster away, a shadow spike, blink, and two cleaves could be enough to end you. |
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Nova |
A good Nova can put out enough damage to kill you in 2-3 seconds, before you can escape or have a chance to heal at all. She'll pop up outside your blast range, slow you down, and a triple-tap will probably finish the job before you fly too far. |
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Uther |
A stun build Uther can keep you frozen in place for 4-5 seconds in endgame, which is more than enough for anyone with him to destroy you. Even on his own, his stun makes getting away if necessary hard to do, and in a team fight it can be devastating. Luckily he's probably not using it on you in a team fight. |
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Valla |
She's got range to match yours, and her vault can keep her close enough to keep hitting you. A hungering arrow build can hurt a lot even if you're thrustering away. Definitely keep your distance until your range is greater than hers. |
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Sgt. Hammer |
Honestly the only true threat to you is another smart Hammer. Go to a different lane early game, and hope they're picking the wrong talents by late game. Jockeying for position can be an interesting game in of itself. |
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The Butcher |
Lamb to the Slaughter is guaranteed death for you. If he's at max meat stacks as well, he'll be able to punch through any damage you can do. Just keep your distance and don't face him alone. |
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No Threat |
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