Kharazim Top
Kharazim is a good flex hero pick because he can build out into a solid melee assassin, burst teamfight healer, or hybrid healing+damage build that lets you adapt to maps, random teams, and poor comps effectively.
Kharazim can easily be punished by high crowd control like any other hero, and relies on there being present squishy team members staying in the backlines in order to secure an exit by using radiant dash on allies.
Due to the nature of his healing ability and its short AoE range, Kharazim supplements bruisers and tanks extremely well and can help reinforce their presence on the battlefield. Combine him with Diablo, Johanna, Muradin, or Arthas for greatest effect.
Because of the meta surrounding crowd control, stun/blind/slow effects, Kharazim is not always the best healer pick when compared to healers like Brightwing, Deckard, Stukov, or Anduin. He generally brings high value to any team comp when played correctly though, and is a consistent performer in medium tier (gold-diamond) leagues.
Priorities (Hybrid) Top
Pick hybrid Kharazim if the following criteria are met:
- Need more sustained teamfight damage, at the cost of burst healing
- Dont have good team waveclear or merc clearing capability in composition
- Are working with a murky/abathur and need to provide more field presence between home/back visits due to mana efficiency and offsetting member count on objectives
- Are working against low mobility comps that can be punished by extended use of deadly reach in teamfights
It is extremely difficult to make the right call to pick hybrid Kharazim over healing Kharazim in most games, but with practice and experience you'll learn when to build him hybrid over a pure heal build.
Early game, from 0:00 to 7:00, you need to be hitting everything as much as possible. dont forget to autoattack minions and nearby enemy heroes in order to farm your insight quest as the sooner you finish it, the sooner you can solo camps effectively and spam heal your team with Heavenly Zeal. Once you finish your quest, you will be able to cast Deadly Reach and Heavenly Zeal nonstop off cooldown with unlimited mana, which can be extremely valuable if achieved before midgame when heroes generally start to gain their high value talents.
From midgame, 7:00 to roughly 15:00, you should be focusing full time on keeping people topped off as it costs you nothing with your completed insight quest, which provides team confidence and field sustain. By battle of attrition, the other team will be forced to take time to drink from fountains or back into their shrine in order to keep up with an opponent that is always full health.
Any time you have the opportunity to do so without abandoning your teamfights or objectives, solo cap mercenary camps. you should always be spamming Deadly Reach (E) and Heavenly Zeal (W) to keep yourself topped off and to clear the mobs quickly.
Any time you pass through lanes, make sure to kill the healer/mage unit in the center of each wave to drop mana and health orbs so passing team members regain resources. Dont spend too much time doing full waveclear unless you're defending against a high burst composition and need to play lanes instead of teamfighting.
Hybrid Kharazim is extremely good at maintaining presence on an objective. Teams commonly fight each other off point, and Kharazim has the ability to relentlessly contest points with low risk due to his capability to cast Radiant Dash (Q) on allies to pull himself out of bad positioning.
In teamfights where you have the pushing advantage, make sure to be spamming Deadly Reach (E) and Heavenly Zeal (W) to sustain high damage output on the enemy. Only use your ultimate Seven Sided Strike to punish overextended or isolated tanks/bruisers since it does %health based damage which can drain the opponent healer's resource pool or force the tank/bruiser to not push forward. This effect is especially strong when your own tank pushes aggressively instead to compound the advantage.
Here are common mistakes to avoid with this build:
- Wasting Radiant Dash charges engaging enemies, leaving no charges for escape
- Forgetting to finish quest ASAP
- Forgetting to spam E and W on cooldown once quest is complete, affecting healing and damage output over the course of the entire match
Priorities (Healing) Top
Pick Healing Kharazim if the following criteria are met:
- Team comp requires high teamfight burst healing
- Map has good downtime between objectives that allow you to farm healing procs off of every 3rd autoattack (both for you and nearby allies)
- Enemy comp is highly AD based, with multiple tanks/bruisers or heavy physical presence
- Ally team comp revolves around a key damage hero that needs guaranteed movement clarity to deliver value in teamfights (such as Kaelthas, Kelthuzad, Jaina, etc.) and can benefit from clutch healing if picking Cleansing Touch for Tier 6 talent
Playing healing build Kharazim is a little easier on the macro game, you just need to make sure you don't blow through all your mana, especially if you're used to rolling hybrid kharazim. A lot of your healing output will actually come from teamfights due to your healing proc on every 3rd autoattack, which is accelerated with the use of Deadly Reach (E).
Your greatest value as healing Kharazim will be to dash to allies and use W on them to grant movement buff and clutch saves. This can be further improved if you pick Cleansing Touch for your Tier 6 talent over Echo of Heaven.
Try to pocket heal your highest value damage team mate by encouraging them with liberal use of Divine Palm, which gets safer to burn after gaining your storm talent tier. Healing Kharazim is greatest when played as a sidekick to another high value hero, giving them the support they need to play more aggressively and take bigger risks.
Healing Kharazim requires a lot of trust in the abilities of your team members to get the best performance. As a full on healing build, Kharazim plays more like a support with occasional damage capacity. If your team is fighting against a high CC composition, it may not be worth taking Divine Palm as an ult, instead, take Seven Sided Strike to bleed off the frontline health pool.
Here are common mistakes to avoid with this build:
- Burning excessive amounts of mana in the early game by casting Deadly Reach too liberally when healing isn't required
- Clearing camps or merc waves solo without focusing on supporting another hero full time
- Usinging radiant dash to engage enemies. Use radiant dash to clear conditions, clutch heal, and speed up key members of your team instead with combined use of Heavenly Zeal (W).
Priorities (Damage) Top
Pick Damage Kharazim if the following criteria are met:
- Something very wrong happened in draft and somehow you don't have a melee assassin and have a support hero on your team comp already (such as tassadar or medivh)
- Your team is up against a very high HP team that needs %health damage to counter and your team didn't draft a counter pick such as Tychus
- You're stubborn and picked Kharazim alongside another healer
- Your comp has heroes with significant self-healing talents and the opposite composition does not have a lot of burst damage to punish your comp (such as Varian, Illidan)
Most of the time you shouldn't be playing damage based Kharazim as there are many other better melee assassin picks that can bring more value to the table. In the rare occurence that you have to pick up more damage in your team comp instead of healing, he can still perform very well in teamfights at the cost of having no real crowd control, support capacity, or waveclear. He can serve well as a focus target burner with high burst potential.
Try to think more like a stalker when playing iron fist Kharazim. Find low health targets that can be easily punished by walking up mounted, casting Deadly Reach, following up with a single Radiant Dash, and then backing out with your second Radiant Dash. Kharazim doesn't quite have enough damage until late game to solo pick off players that are escaping behind gates, so try not to over-commit and expect to secure ganks with Kharazim. He benefits from excellent burst damage output to mana consumptiuon potential, and is really good at burning enemy HP very quickly before objectives come up, leaving the enemy team at a disadvantage before they converge on objective points.
Here are common mistakes to avoid with this build:
- Trying to main iron fist Kharazim
- Playing too aggressive and not getting value out of smart uses of Heavenly Zeal (W)
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