Hello guys, and welcome to my guide for Falstad. I've been recently playing Falstad alot and noticed there aren't much upvoted guides for this Hero. So I decided to share how I play with Falstad. I've added multiple builds wich fits for various situations and maps. This guide it ment for players who are looking for new builds and ofcourse people who are just started playing Falstad.
My guide and builds are not law ofcourse!
The headers are made by myself and I would rather not have people stealing it without my permission. Thanks!
THIS GUIDE IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. Come back later for the full guide!
[*] Currently way to busy to finish this. Will finish this before the open Beta! (I hope)
My name is Sabine, I am a 21 year old girl gamer who very much enjoys HotS at this moment. You can currently find me on the european server of HotS named Queen. I play games like LoL and WoW. Not much left of playing WoW and LoL since I'm totally addicted to HotS atm. I'm currently rank 32 and climbing the rank ladders. I usually don't play alone, as I love to play games with my friends.
I started playing Falstad because I love ranged Asassins, I saw people playing with him and he looked like alot of fun to play with. My Falstad is currently level 9 And I'm working towards level 10 to buy his Master skin. The only downpoint about Falstad is that his only skin looks alot like his default skin, only with a little bit of armor. I have it. Just to have it but meh, I rather have the Master skin.
As you might have seen I've posted 4 diffrent builds for Falstad. These are the ways I play Falstad and depending on the enemy team comp, I base my talents. The cool thing is that Falstad can pretty much adapt to every situation if you play him right. But you need the right talents for it.

The ability damage build is the build I enjoy the most, personally. It diffrent then most others that play Falstad. And its defenitely worth a try. This build is mostly based on your abilities, so it doesn't give extra attack damage. You can keep your distance with this build, which is basicly playing it safe. But its playing safe with a ****load of damage.
Power Throw increases the range of your Q. Why I chose this talent above other starter talents is because the range makes you deal damage from far away. I presonally don't like to get really close to enemies unless I know I can get a kill out of it. With Power throw you can scout bushes better and bounce it over walls. As the other level 1 abilities don't add much more except
I rather pick
because it just adds a bit more to Felstad's later talents. As I dont really much of normal hits while I spam my talents.
is still a good pick for his damage build if you do alot more normal attacks then I do. Seasoned Marksman also really combines well with your W. But still, because of the extra the range I'd still rather pick Power Throw over Seasoned Marksman in this type of build.
For the pure Damage build I mostly take Charged up. Combined with
This talent can really start up doing some nice extra damage. Why would you chose Charged Up over Gathering Power? Gathering power is a rather good pick for a quick and flawless match. But if the enemy team is stronger or equally strong, you have to keep in mind that this talent will reset to 5% on each death. The percentage is still fairly high of the ability power you'll get, but with Charged up you're working to a late game combo. Unless you don't want higher late game damage, have a better team comp or your team is already winning you should go ahead and pick
needs a little bit more effort and precision when you use Q. You have to click it twice on the right location to deal the extra damage. Which can be a pain for people who are just getting started on Falstad. I chose this talent above
because its gives more CC to your kit. While secret weapon is focussed on one target, BOOmerand can be casted on multiple targets. Since Falstad is more of a 1v1 Hero, this adds a bit more damage.
Hinterland Blast is your pure damage Heroic ability that requires some precision.
Is your finisher in this build. It does require some casting time so make sure you aim it right. As Mighty Gust is really ment for devensive plays and really fits well most maps, I mostly go for
. Only use
in this build when your team is losing teamfights pre-10 and you're losing objectives.

Is not something I recommend right away. But comes in handy for people who want to play it really safe. This build does not give any ectra damage, so feel free to play around with it a little bit. This is the perfect build for those who are not sure about the way they play Falstad and a perfect beginner build to try out Falstad.
Is a good talent in various ways. But some people are stuggeling when to time it right without that affecting your team in a negative way. Lets make this clear fast. Mighty gust doest NOT deal alot of damage and only pushes your enemies away. So its more of an supportive talent then a assassin/damage talent.

As we just came out of a team fight you see that my team is pretty low on health. The enemy team comes close and my team is getting the treasure for the Doubloons. As I see that my team is not ready to fight off without getting killed, I'm preparing to use
to help me and my team out in this situation.

You see that while I use Mighty gust the enemy team is stunned so they can't get out.

Even after Mighty gust ends the enemy team is still stunned for a short period of time which gives us a little more time to get the Doubloons.
How to effectively use wind tunnel
How to properly use Falstad's Kit
I'm thinking about making a video for this one since it can would take alot of space to place all those screenshots here.
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