Advanced Artillery - This talent increases the base damage of our auto attacks which this build is centered around.

Ambush - While this talent has great burst if the fight or combat drags on longer the initial burst is wasted. Also i find this burst end up being wasted on tanks during team fights most of the time.
Focused Attack - This talent give us a significant boost in damage at fairly regular intervals especially later in the game.

Vampiric Assault - If you really find yourself in trouble with health this will help but this deviates from the intended purpose of this build.
Hyper-Cooling Engines - Ah level 7 this is where it all starts to come together. On big maps this is such an amazing talent. This helps solve not only Sgt. Hammers slow movement but, more importantly solves give us a much better suitability rate. While in lane or team fights make sure siege thrusters are up at all times. If you are forced to return to base this gets you back into the fight as you can essentially use this twice to get back to lane or the fight.

First Aid - This talent can be taken for that extra health in emergencies but my only problem with it is if your stuck in siege mode your escape is more troublesome and the lack of having your movement speed up more often isn't worth the heal.
Napalm Strike - This is downright the better choice in this tier. Not only can it harass easy froma save distance you can clear lanes with zero effort. with its short CD this move should be spammed as often as you can. With this you will top damage in siege easy.

Blunt Force Gun - Really don't pick this it's not worth the effort especially since you need
Orbital BFG to make it useful.
First Strike - This provides excellent all around hero and siege damage. The only downside for this talent is if you have an enemy champion that just seem to have it out for you, they pretty much void this skill if they get the first shot off.

Giant Killer - This provides a steady supply of hero damage that's great on beefy champs. I would take this is you have a hard time positioning yourself.
Graduating Range - With an initial 20% range bonus to start the range of our attacks increases letting us attack buildings and champions from insanely far away. This is one of the staple skills that make us have a "kill zone" that allows our team to dish out their own justice with impunity. At this point we become a walking deterrent.

Hover Siege Mode - Some swear buy this talent saying the increased mobility is better then the range increase especially if your team chases a lot. While the limited extra mobility is nice, personally I find the smaller kill radius isn't worth it especially since we didn't take
Maelstrom Shells.
Nexus Frenzy - You've made it to twenty now its time to bring the hurt. This ability makes your auto attacks rip enemies apart. It combos so well with the rest of the build that you will find enemies that may have been giving you trouble early game are nothing but a pile of bones in the ground.

Advanced Lava Strike - A decent fall back plan useful for clearing lanes or getting that pick off from a fleeing enemy. It still doesn't output the raw damage as [[Nexus Frenzy}} though.
This build is meant to take on bottom lane on all maps. The exception being Haunted mines where you pair with the rest of the team. To play hammer well it requires a good balance of offense and defensive positioning and mentality. Since we chose not to take any of the survival talents we need to be aware of who we are laning against.
The one thing your going to get very good at playing hammer is seeing when the opponent attempts a gank. In general the person you will lane against get abnormally aggressive up to the point or they try to bait you closer to there towers. If you notice there play style change suddenly unsiege and get ready to flee.
In team fights take the rear and dispense indiscriminate justice to your foes. With the reduced CD on siege mode don't be afraid to re-position frequently.
An understanding team goes a long way. Communicate with them and try to maintain a positive attitude.
With this build you can fill a dual roll of specialist/assassin.If played right you should be near top siege and hero damage. I wish the best for you and your games. If you want more info regarding how to lane against a specific hero or more info on another feel free to PM me.
To be added:
Map Specific Strategies.
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