November "Nova" Terra is a ghost of the Terran Dominion and one of the most powerful psionic soldiers ever known. Nova is highly focused, determined, and extremely deadly.
- High Burst DMG
- Invisible
- Very good at roaming
- Can have a global presence
- VERY squishy
- Has no escape
- DMG based on cool downs
- Skill shot base

Combat Trait: Permanent Cloak
Cloak allows you to to be any where on the map without being noticed. Can freely gank any lane, Scout for your team, also get the enemy watch towers very easily. Since you are invisible you can play a bit more risky

Q: Snipe
Snipe is a great long range poke that deals a lot of DMG. Has a thin hit box so you can hit the target you want in between enemy heroes. Since it dose have a thin hit box landing Snipe's is very important on being a great Nova player

W: Pinning Shot
This Skill is just a on target slow that dose decent DMG. A good skill to open up with when you gank a lane

E: Holo Decoy
Makes a clone of yourself that dose the basic attack animation if enemy's are near but it dose not deal DMG
Can get a talent where your clone uses skills but dose only 25% of the dmg. Clone has unit collision so it can body block, block path ways, and block skill shots. Also clone gives your team vision if place in a brush
Ambush Snipe - Gives your snipe more DMG coming out of cloak, you only get the DMG boost when you are cloaked but since you are going to be roaming between lanes you are going to us it alot
Psi-Op Rangefinder - Increase your Snipe's range, make you play at a safer distance, allows you to use snipe more effectively through walls.
Tazer Rounds - It dose give a much longer slow but you are built around your Snipe, In the long run it is better to get talents that benefit Snipe more than anything else
Conjurer's Pursuit - you are rarely going to be in lane for this to ever be effective you want to be roaming at all times being a pest for the enemy team
Envenom - Greatly increases your DMG output. you do have to be closer to use it but it is well worth it
NO: FN92 Sniper Rifle,
Vampiric Assault,
Focused Attack - they all have the same reasoning on not to get them. Nova is a caster so getting anything that helps her basic attack is not as efficient if you were to get talents that benefit your skills. You just want to cast your ability's with basic attacks in between them and then re-position and cast your ability's again.
NO: Extended Projection - It just gives your clone a much greater area on where it can attack. So if you cast it on hero it will case them down to make it seem more like you. Not really worth losing envenom for.
Explosive Round - This is best option for this tear. It give you the ability to wave clear with your Snipe.
Battle Momentum - give you a slight cool down reduction for your skills each time you basic attack. works well with rewind at LvL 13. Just basic a few time to get you skill's at 10 sec then you rewind.
Follow Through - It is a decent talent, it just you have to basic attack in between skills. Not really effective if you are going to use all your skill on one hero.
Digital Shrapnel - Makes your clone doing exploding DMG when it dies or when the timer runs out. The DMG is not there to make it worth getting.
Precision Strike - A really great global Heroic on a short cool down. That deals DMG in a medium area. You can zone heroes out of objectives, get forts if they are low enough, and always part of the team fight regardless on where you are.
Triple Tap - A good single target ability that fire three projectiles but it can be block by other heroes and structures
Rewind - It reduces the cool down on your basic skills by 10 sec. It allows you to pump out more DMG since all your skills are 10 sec plus cool down. You want to usually use Rewind right after Snipe and Pinning Shot is on cool down
Spell Shield - It reduces incoming ability DMG by 50%, good talent just not on Nova since you are so squishy 50% Ability DMG reduction. Dose not matter if you are going to die just pump out as much DMG as you can
Advanced Cloaking - give you more movement speed and health regen while clocked it is alright but you want to get talent that increase your DMG out put
NO: Holo Drone - Not bad of a skill it is more of mind gaming your opponent since your clone can use your ability's. Just to make them think that the clone is the real Nova
NO: Remote Access - I allows you to gain control of your clone and give more vision. Don't get me wrong vision is important. like I said before you just want to put out as much DMG as you can. you really don't want to go with and defensive or utility skills

All the talents in this tier are good. It just depends on your
SITUATION. Try them all and see witch fits your play style. I personal enjoy all of them. I don't really pick one more than the other I just pick one that fits the
Railgun - Allows Snipe to pierce throw its target. It is great if you cant find flanking position on the enemy team. You can just use whenever you want and not worry about if anything is going to get in your way.
Crippling Shot - It is good if your team wants to focus a single enemy hero. Pinning shot marks the target allowing them to take 25% more DMG
Blood for Blood - A great skill that gives you a slow, more burst, and Health regen. It deals 15% DMG of the enemy hero Max HP and give it to you. Works very well on tanks. you can heal for over half of you health if you use it on them.
Overdrive - give your ability's a boost in DMG for the cost of more mana. it works very well with you basic ability's but I mostly use it for my heroic ability to give a bit more DMG. it is on a 25 sec cool down so you just wait a bit so you can use it on your basic ability's
Precision Barrage - You get 2 charges of your heroic, it is really good because you can use them back to back. To put out a lot pf DMG
Bolt of the Storm - Blot allows you to have an escape on a 40 sec cool down you can have it every team fight great thing about it is you can Bolt through walls.
Fury of the Storm - It allows your basic attack to chain up too two additional targets. you are not going to be auto attacking a enemy hero. I don't see why would you get this.
Fast Reload - It give
Triple Tap the ability to reset if it kills a enemy hero. If it dose not get he last hit it wont reset. a better option if you picked up
Triple Tap at LvL 10 is to get
Bolt of the Storm at LvL 20

You want to be a pest to the enemy team and be annoying as possible. Gank all the lanes, even camp one and when they send someone to that lane roam to a new one. Go into the enemy's jungle scout if they are doing it. if an enemy team has a watch tower cap that too. they are going to send someone to re-cap it. In the early game you have to make your presence know make the enemy team think you can be at any lane at all times.

During mid game you are mostly going to be scouting checking on giants, Knights, and Golem. At this stage of the game you want to look for pick off's. Also try to get the camps as much as you can.

At late game everyone is grouping as 5. your goal is to try to to predict the enemy's movement you want to use your Clone to scout for you. To see if the enemy team is passing by or going toward your team. You want to get the flank on the enemy team just focus the back line that is all
Map strategies
Basically for every map besides
Haunted Mines your play style on nova is going to be roaming to the lanes and try to get a gank off. If you can't do that go do Merc Camps. When the enemy team is missing go scout there Merc Camps. To see if they are doing. usually in solo que people tend to solo Merc Camp. you can get an easy pick off when you do find an enemy hero doing them. If there is a watch tower in the game always try to get Enemy team watch tower. After capping wait a few seconds to see if they send someone to re-cap it.
If the send some that you can easily pick of then do so. If you are unsure it is best not to try. It is better to play safe.
Haunted Mines in this map you are going to play more in the lane rather than ganking. Usually the lanes are a solo lane and the other 4 in the second lane. You are mostly with the 4 man lane you can try ganking the solo lane but it gives the enemy team a bit of advantage. Once you go missing the solo lane will play safer and the enemy team has the man advantage and can keep pushing. you can mind game the enemy team by not showing yourself a bit longer so they don't know what lane you are in.
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