The Psionic Shadowstalker - A Zeratul Guide by DunkTrain

The Psionic Shadowstalker - A Zeratul Guide

By: DunkTrain
Last Updated: Nov 20, 2014
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Lazopo (1) | November 30, 2015 4:24am
i didin't like this build
TheNopester | February 25, 2015 7:20pm
With the change of removing bolt of the storm and Fury of the storm and replacing them with Rewind and Nexus Blades Which one would you choose for this build. I have been taking rewind due to the fact that 1. You can blink more often
2. You (with Double Bombs) shoot 4 Spikes
3. Double cleave can ruin someones day.
I just wanted to get your opinion on the topic because Rewind really helps the whole Burst thing but Nexus Blade could give you a better Output if you are using Searing attacks.
psycain | February 21, 2015 4:40am
What are we skilling now?
They changed lvl 7.
Cant decide what is more effective shadow spike or void slash.
Zehlulz (2) | January 18, 2015 5:49am
Slobber wrote:

Thanks Dunk, for anyone that doesnt know, Dunktrain plays one of the best Zeratuls in the professional scene right now, EU included. +1

With all respect for his knowledge but there is no professional scene in hots yet, also everyone seem to be calling themself a progamer nowadays and is such an overused term imo. I do however think it's an awesome guide, thank you for putting it together Dunktrain.
Karobetta | December 31, 2014 5:33am
I see Garden of Terror and Haunted Mine crossed out at the top of the page. Does this mean this build and playstyle is not viable for those maps? Should I then follow the other guide's style with Shadow Assault build?
(Zeratul just got free today and it's my first time trying him. Thanks for help)
PuppetMaster | December 5, 2014 8:14pm
it is a good guide but I play it slightly different

executioner is my choice because it can put extra damage on things slowed by singularity spike which is the first ability used on the target
a burst damage attack damage is usually better than attack speed
berserk is also active ability so it has recharge and the executioner works whenever a thing is spiked

I go for pure damage in the lower tiers which is the other difference

in level 20 talent fury of the storm is the second choice after nezarim because it doubles the auto attack damage output but on spread out enemies so useful in team battles but not solo assassinations

for the r ability the void prison is not good for a burst damager because Zeratul is not supposed to support it is supposed to damage so I would always get nezarim
Slobber | November 20, 2014 6:46am
Thanks Dunk, for anyone that doesnt know, Dunktrain plays one of the best Zeratuls in the professional scene right now, EU included. +1
Blightor | October 26, 2014 11:22pm
I like all of your reasoning, not quite my choice (I'm a gathering power and rending cleave).

The only thing I'll really disagree with is your reasoning against Regeneration Master. zt gets heaps of health globes - I nearly always give the lane a sweep on my way through unless I'm hunting and need to stay hidden, and I always kill the healer which takes no time, giving me the health. You dont need to be laneing to collect a health globe.

It's a late game ability, and it fits zt very well.
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