Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Abathur |
Abathur's really fall pray to this build. Your Sentinel hunting ability is the second best scouting ability in the game next to Shadowstalk and at level 16, Abathur is easily two-shottable or you can locate him for you team. In most cases, Abathur's get freaked out and retreat back to base where his Locust Strain becomes inactive. |
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Gazlowe |
Though Gazlowe can be a strong lane pusher, treat him similar to Sgt Hammer and you should be able to keep his health low for a teammate to jump in and get the kill on him. |
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Brightwing |
Brightwing's polymorph is really all you need to worry about. Polying you means they really want to pull you out of the fight as much as possible. Good skill-shotting will get you ahead, but Brighwing does have stronger lane pushing power than you since his Arcane Flare is AoE. |
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E.T.C. |
I treat ETC similar to Diablo and Gazlo, he's tanky so he's not a priority for you, but you can easily keep him locked down for your team. |
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Li Li |
Lili comes out ahead of Tyrande in a one-vs-one scenario. Your best bet is to Lunar Flare her after she uses her Blinding Winds and follow up with Sentinel. Save Hunter's mark when she's low mana so you can guarantee a kill if the situation is in your favor. |
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Rehgar |
Rehgar isn't too much of a hassle until he reaches level 13 and takes Feral Lunge. Regardless, he has more lane pushing power than you do due to Lightning Shield. Your best bet is to single target hit down and Hunter's Mark, Lunar Flare, Sentinel when he mounts up and comes in at you. |
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Azmodan |
Azmodan isn't really too bad, he does have incredible strong push. Take mule if you see an Azmodan and Abathur on the same team since their double promote tactic will leave your towers without ammo. |
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Falstad |
Falstad isn't too much trouble since his health pool is low. Good skill-shotting keeps him at bay, but don't be overly cocky or else he can turn the fight around on you. |
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Malfurion |
Malfurion can be aggressive against you only in team-fight scenarios with both Entangling Roots and Twilight's Dream. He does have more lane pushing power than you, but early game he won't be able to kill you without some assistance. |
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Sgt. Hammer |
Seige Tank isn't really something to worry about. Hunter's Mark, Lunar Flare, and Sentinel can whittle him down to the point where he plays defensively. |
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Diablo |
Overpower, Shadow Drive, and Apocalypse can put you behind if you're too cocky against him. His high health pool and regen due to Soul Feast means you'll need a partner to control his terror. |
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Murky |
Murky's can be annoying and if they Octo-grab you, you'll be hurting. Save Lunar Flare for the moment after his bubble wears off and you'll be fine. Try to Sentinel hunt his egg so you can use a Lunar Blaze upgrade to take it out at level 13. |
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Raynor |
Similar to Valla, Raynor is a nuisance, but nothing that skill-shotting can't handle. Don't be overly aggressive, anticipate when he'll come to you and skill-shot then. |
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Tassadar |
Tassadar's Distortion Beam can really hurt you since you can't self shroud anymore, but nothing that counter skill-shotting can't handle. Stand out of Psionic Storm and a large chunk of his damage is negated. |
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Uther |
Divine Storm & Divine Hurricane are really the only things to be wary of |
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Nazeebo |
Witch Doctor isn't too annoying until he gets his Ravenous Spirit. Since it moves as the same movement speed as you do, you have to save your Lunar Flare for the moment you see him use his heroic ultimate. Stun him at that moment and he's fair game once again. |
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Tychus |
Tychus can be an obstacle, but nothing that good skill-shotting can't handle. Stun him out of Overkill and you'll negate alot of his constant damage. |
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Zagara |
Hydralisks and Maw are really the only things to worry about. If Hydra is on you, kite as much as possible. |
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Arthas |
Arthas can almost solo you if you let him get close to you. He has to use his Icy Howl to get close to you so try to anticipate moments when he'll use it. Most Arthas's are predictable and so he's more of a medium threat than high threat. Stay spread out to keep his Frozen Tempest in check as it has a stacking slow applied to it. |
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Valla |
Valla is a nuisance, but nothing that can't be countered with good skill-shotting. |
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Muradin |
Storm Bolt, Avatar, and Haymaker can really disrupt you and put you out of position. The moment you see Dwarf Toss used, keep yourself positioned in front of Muradin so he can't Haymaker you towards his teammates. You have stronger pushing power if you're caught in a lane one-vs-one. |
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Anub'arak |
Anub'arak has a kit designed to zone-in on a target and simply disrupt and CC them for his team. Stay spread out and avoid fights in narrow areas and your team will have a better chance at winning. |
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Stitches |
Stitches hooks are really all that you need to avoid. If you're up against a Slam Stitches, then hanging max distance is the way to go. You're never be able to out push his build because of Putrid Ground. |
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Tyrande |
A second Tyrande can be a nuisance since her objective is to whittle you down from afar, which also gives her team sight advantage. Just make sure you dodge owls and she'll be suffering on damage if your team initiates then. Remember, her objective is to land owls to reduce her cooldowns. Dodging takes practice, but it is doable just like dodging Shock and Awe is doable. |
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Chen |
A Chen that goes straight for you in teamfight's is going to be a nuisance. Sadly, the best thing to do is eat the damage he's doing to you, snag a heal from your teammate (don't heal yourself) and save your heal for a different teammate. Keep your focus on the enemy team because soon the fight will be in your favor. Stun Chen only when he uses Fortifying Brew. |
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Illidan |
Illidan can most certainly take you out one-on-one, but a good Lunar Flare can slow him down. You'll never be able to solo him or lane push against him unless he makes obvious mistakes. |
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Kerrigan |
Kerrigan's completely disrupt your tool kit. She's similar to Tyreal and if she takes Rewind, you're going to have more trouble. Have your team prioritize her the moment you use Hunter's Mark because it's a race between which one of you dies quicker. |
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Sonya |
Sonya has two ways to initiate on you. Leap and Ancient Spear. If she guns straight for you, you'll need someone to peel for you. Her kit is pretty strong against taking out low health heroes. |
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Zeratul |
Zeratul's passive cloaks with Double Bombs can make you an easy target to prioritize |
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Nova |
Nova is by far one of the scariest heroes to counter prior to level 10. Her toolkit is designed to take a target from 100% to 0%. Your best bet is to look for the shimmer and keep behind and close to minion waves so she can't Snipe you. |
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Tyrael |
Tyreal is a great bruiser against Tyrande. His Judgement and tool kit are designed to gun straight for the high priority target. |
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