For this build. what your going for is seige damage in the first half, and when you gain your lvl 10 talent you can start capturing the hard to get merc camps/high dps in team fights.
_ With the extra 2 charges on hunter killers you slap both of them on the focus hero for HIGH dps.
_ Have changed the extended banelings into the reconstitution because of the simple fact of it lets you lane a lot longer.
_ Make sure to spread creep whenever possible. ( it can reveal blind spots/restore hp and give you a speed boost.
_ When your teir 3 talent comes along ur able to start taking bruiser camps. make sure they tank the mercs for you. it will be rougher at lower lvls but easy affter 10.
_ with the increased impact damage to bile drop when landed on enemy heros can really hurt. ( really bad when they are grouped up).!
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