Abathur, the 200IQ of HotS. by Kamehameha

Abathur, the 200IQ of HotS.

By: Kamehameha
Last Updated: Nov 9, 2018
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Build: Full Nest Locust

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Threats to Abathur with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
Tychus [h2]Threat Level: 3[/h2]. Has a good waveclear and some mobility, but plenty of chars have it, but he needs to channel a short range ability to waveclear, which makes him a good target for our spikes, he also soaks mines with his battle costume quite well.
Li Li [h2]Threat Level: 3[/h2]. Squishy, short range, no flashy mobility. Sewing her a dress right on her with our needles, why no threads needed, you'll ask? :>
Mal'Ganis [h2]Threat Level: 3[/h2]. Mal'Ganis players are straight forward and unintelligent Kappa JK ofc, but he will still soak all our mines with his face, and it will make him slow and be forced to use his CC in order to get mobility, coz it's also a mobility cd.
Garrosh [h1]Threat Level: 10[/h1]. If he's in our team, can garb our butt and throw us in a teamfight. So, a threat level 10. What do you mean by "enemy team"?? Ah, that. He's nothing. Tho poke someone else unless he can get bursted down an the moment. Real Threat level: 3.
  No Threat
  No Threat
Diablo [h2]Threat Level: 6[/h2]. If Full Nest, if he soaks all mines in the map and even dies, he's back after 3 sec. Also annoys us with a rune stun, knocking off Symbiote. ALL TANKS AS WELL. WATCH TANKS PLAYSTYLE AND USE YOUR JUDGEMENT WHEN LANDING MINES. OUTTHINK THEM!
Lunara [h2]Threat Level: 6[/h2]. Can spot us with a wisp and try to kill, has a big movement speed and mobility/range ultimates and high damage. Though, will be 1st to know a mine was Right There. Kappa
Deckard [h2]Threat Level: Item Identification[/h2]. His beard soaks all spikes as he has negative mobility, though, he has a great CC and his potions work kind of out Nest, but doing a positive number on allies' health, not negative on enemies', so, our Mine Poke won't do much most likely, as he also stores health moving power :)
Rexxar [h2]Threat Level: 6[/h2]. Can soak mines with bear, can reveal em with a flare, can stun us and kill when we bad, can waveclear well.
Lúcio [h2]Threat Level: 6[/h2]. Soaks our mines while chilling with a hoverboard riding and music + heals it right away, though, can reach critical damage recieved, which I used to force. Used to force his ultimate Kappa So, pros and cons. Playstyle-wise as well, a hero of a GO-TEAM, with 1 strong GO, smashing everything with a burst under his BEAT. While Aba is more like a hero of a sustain team, where pokes happen and happen and things somehow are decided through time. Though, Lucio is not a bad target for a Simbiote, if he doesn't fall into fury from some fiery music and push too deep (DEEP Kreygasm )
Tracer [h2]Threat Level: 6[/h2]. Can Fss-fss-fsss-Pi-chkk-pi-pi-Cheers, love!-pi-pi-pi-BOOM us, can dodge spikes, but very squishy and cannot dodge Spike Burst. Can kill mines really easily and negate a part of their damage with Recall. Pros and cons! :>
Junkrat [h2]Threat Level: 7[/h2]. Long ranges, bouncing projectiles, good mobility and people go psychopath while playing him, might ruin any our logical anticipation with it.
Gazlowe [h2]Threat Level: 7[/h2]. Turrets defuse all our mines, kills our mobs and the whole wave fast due to TNT + turrets + really good AA dps, throws a lot of camps on us as well. Ask team for depushes, can also consider a gank of all soaped Gazlord exited to push with a camp. Jebaited
Sgt. Hammer [h2]Threat Level: 7[/h2]. Smacks our mobs fast, can hit us with an ultimate easily as well following some Tyrande owl.
Ragnaros [h2]Threat Level: 7[/h2]. Can Wave all our Minions and force us to crawl for our life, can just waveclear minions as well and can kill us with a Molten Core if we didn't get away from its' range.
Anub'arak [h2]Threat Level: 7[/h2]. Same as DvA, interrupts, mobility, tankyness. Also, his beetles tank our spikes, which doesn't help wave clearing. He's a good ally though, we can sit on his beetles with a Simbiote, it feels amazing, mobs outside of lanes who chase heroes :)
Johanna [h2]Threat Level: 7[/h2]. Can jump on our head and smush-smush us, very very tanky, but can lack damage to finish us off, so, we can get away if reacting right after the ult. The problem is that she can take other ult or hold this one and gank us under the tower, with her Unstoppable Trait actually following for a limited time, that might be enough to kill us and get away with a kill/assist. Also waveclears well + helps to waveclear instantly by pulling mobs to her.
Kel'Thuzad [h2]Threat Level: 7[/h2]. Very high distance destructive poke, can try to use it against us. But big body and squishy.
Nova [h2]Threat Level: 8[/h2]. Playing vs Nova for us is to kill or to be killed. Her fragile body with zero mobility might be a victim, if you expose her near some Greymane, especially with a Full Nest build, so also slowing her by 40%(!!) and already doing some number on her hp before Greymane starts his violent act. But! Her clone can easily defuse your mines, reveal you under the fort or in bushes and kill from distance, if you see her clone, walking to your hidden place, you can already consider running(walking Kappa ) or Deep Tunneling, depends on what are your hiding options. For example, if she won't see you and it wasn't possible for her to see where did a locust come from, or even no locust now and for some 6s, can really consider walking away to a fog of war and coming back when a clone expires. If you didn't leave any Avidance, it will become a COVER. It might be REALLY HUGE (HUGE Kreygasm ), if she won't give up and will try to find you in the rest of the map, wasting 3 minutes of time on it with a risk of being revealed and killed / forced to HS. Believe me, that's a very doable thing. NB!!... SURROUND YOURSELF WITH MINES!!! WATCH MAP AND NON-FOG SMOrc
Genji [h2]Threat Level: 8[/h2]. SONO TEIDO KA 4Head This Guy. Can basically run under the tower YOLO Keepo full R-rd mode: ON (it was never OFF THO, since the day of releasing, wait, even since the day of release of the development order WeSmart )... JUST TO SEE IF WE ARE THERE. And then. HM. He's not here. W, reflect reflect, let's damage something near, having fun in 2k18. And, okkeh, CIAO, D pressed. TOH! And, he can jump in our bushes through the whole lane doing the same thing, so we might even be not able to reveal him. Our only hope is to land mines a lot and react fast, if done ideally, we can even force an ultimate with a Deep (DEEP Kreygasm ) Tunnel. And, he's not invisible, so no screen QUEST GAME PIXELHUNTING Kappa We should be fine. Though, still... NB!!... SURROUND YOURSELF WITH MINES!!! WATCH MAP SMOrc
Chromie [h2]Threat Level: 8[/h2]. Reeeeeally long oneshot poke and can reveal stuff, but we kill her CC with our mines a lot and put her out with our damage as well. Well, we can do it with anybody in a map, but, in order to always stay alive and keep our global presence, we gotta aim at always staying alive.
Medivh [h2]Threat Level: 7-8[/h2]. Can harass our butt and at least easily reveal us. Depending on a skill, different Medievhs might dramatically differ in being able/not being able to get us into some trouble. For example, a good Medievh can harass us with revealing, poking with stacked Q+portal and maybe even kill, and a bad Medievh will do some low map vision in the mid or wherever else Keepo
Sylvanas [h2]Threat Level: 8[/h2]. Very annoying to push vs her in a lane + a good Sylvanas might even succeed in attempt of killing us, due to freezing all PvE content :>
Tyrande [h2]Threat Level: 9[/h2]. Can and will try to reveal us with an owl constantly and 20lvl invis ultimate talent, owl with +dmg*distance talent from some 30% of the Dragons map length distance can 2shot us.
Hanzo [h2]Threat Level: 8[/h2]. Reveal mines and our body + Long Range Bouncing Projectiles that actually also Waveclears mobs EASILY, increasingly easy through leveling and questing(jeez, this PvE, btw, Blissard DansGame ), Acrobatical, can even go for a kill under the fort or a tower and get away with that.
Azmodan [h2]Threat Level: 8[/h2]. As all normal specialists, hard to stand against, can whisper his minions to go in a direction where we can possibly sit and put us out with bomb + Ult, so we gotta stay cautious, though, -1 hero in teamfight value we provide decreases his damage stacking/damage to heal overall as well.
D.Va [h2]Threat Level: 8[/h2]. Can try to nuke us with a Self-Destruct and has a really strong mobility with tankyness and interrupt mode, if spotted us in a fort, can try to kill us, with assistance can be done easily, use your judgement and Deep Tunnel if things are going that way.
Mephisto [h2]Threat Level: 8[/h2]. Can poke and chase us under the fort, no damage recieved and finish us with an ultimate if a damage was good enough.
Stitches [h2]Threat Level: 8[/h2]. Can be dangerous for our body if being a 1st tank and really wanting to pull us, can be dangerous for our pushing as a 2nd tank when using a Slam build, even 30 mobs won't deal any damage to this guy, he will kill them all. Though, when he pulls a guy, especially, a MOB with our Simbiote on the head, we can Spike Burst the whole team. FeelsGoodMan
Zeratul [h2]Threat Level: 9[/h2]. Due to absolutely crazy mobility and burst, can knock us out while being safe, just a fancy blink under the tower, even 3 of them... Done. With a Full Nest build we can put more mines to make Zerathuls' life worse, so he gets revealed and loses HP before he reaches us and it stops him from killing us by making hesitate this HP level is enough + making us aware of his appearance. I've dodged Zerathuls a lot, for example, I'm a very annoying Abathur who can actually dodge all skillshots in a pointblank range and slap. If you can do it, you'll be much more fine. Mines to reveal, increased awareness to you, lower hp for him -> stopped. He returns 30s after -> new mines are ready to answer him + still will have plenty of mines to disrupt the rest of the team. NB!!... SURROUND YOURSELF WITH MINES!!! WATCH MAP AND NON-FOG SMOrc
Murky [h2]Threat Level: 9[/h2]. Absolutely frustrating to stand against Murky, his map presence is not global, but he still has it extended + can put us out and absolutely annoy us sinse we cannot kill his fish. He can waveclear our gameplay. Ask for a team help vs specialists and Murky especially, it's not so bad to get FE ED from Murky by killing him constantly or just pushing him away, as normal heroes can easily kill a fish and will destroy him with your Symbiote on their head.
Abathur [h2]Threat Level: 9[/h2]. For QM mirror situations, gonna put him here, for obvious other reasons as well, though, weirdly enough, a counter is not that big, and both Abathurs can do their job even w/o meeting each other much, body-wise, mines-wise or Symbiote-wise. Though, if really craving a meeting, can easily do it, plant 4 mines simultaniously and test if he can Deep Tunnel the fontain fast enough, and he still will be pushed back with it, being forced to crawl to get better positioning which is crucial for Abathur with his Locust spawning, body soaking and mines range.
Tassadar [h2]Threat Level: 9[/h2]. Reveals us and mines, shields vs mines and spikes, good waveclear. Can and most likely will be very annoying. When he comes to lane, it's usually "Okkeh, Aba, I'm here so your mines are going to be destroyed and mobs burnt. A good decision will be to spread mines on a map a lil bit more evenly, not talking about yolo minefields vs squishes.
Samuro [h2]Threat Level: 9[/h2]. Invisible, with clones being counted very tanky, high damage, very good mobility and pushign power and tankyness significant increase through clones swap from level 10. Can assassinate us and get away and noone will know which Samuro was real, maybe, a real was was drinking a fresh on Hawaii.
Dehaka [h1]Threat Level: Oh dear LORD.[/h1]. Came for our squishy body even from Starcraft to not to let us celebrate the victory. Deep Tunnels our Deep Tunnel, tanks fort easily, appears in our bushes randomly and other stuff. Obvious counter.
Falstad [h1]Threat Level: 10[/h1]. When this doodle is using his mount ability and we can see it's HERE, we gotta Tunnel at the right place at the very first second or we're getting REKT. Can also not CBA using GUST to us to interrupt a Deep Tunnel if didn't land the best way possible. Basically all heroes that can travel the whole map are bad for us. Obvious counter.
Zagara [h1]Threat Level: Hello and I'm Actually a Real Global Hero[/h1]. Just outpushes us + globally as well, high map presence after lvl ~12, when having 3+ Niduses, can kill all our mines if she wants coz spawning a lot of mobs, counting mines as well, can regen all damage we've done with mines with her Nidus, never OOM because of that as well. Normal hero that's actually even good in teamfights, even with siege builds, and can outpush us. Hm-m-m. All we can do is to kill her Creep. ;> When in our team, can do a big favor to us, both putting away that danger of facing Zaga and increasing a global Map Presence to unreal level, up to never being ganked by an enemy team split pushing madness.


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VS Invisible / Long Range Deadly Poke / High Mobility and good damage / Very High HP and enough mobility and CC(tanks!):


ALSO! WATCH TANKS PLAYSTYLE AND USE YOUR JUDGEMENT WHEN LANDING MINES. OUTTHINK THEM! Don't let them soak mines, they can do it all day, they are designed for it.

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