Complete Nova Master Guide (good for Kharazim Patch) by General Wafflez

Complete Nova Master Guide (good for Kharazim Patch)

By: General Wafflez
Last Updated: Aug 18, 2015
1 Votes
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Build 1 of 2


Build: Standard Decoy Build

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Threats to Nova with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
Falstad Falstad has so very little health making him so easy to burst his boon against Nova is his Barrel Roll but that is rarely enough to save him this on top of the hard truth that the only way he has to reveal Nova is his Hammerang, a slow skill shot, Nova will often be able to shoot first though if Nova is caught out Falstad can kill her very quickly.
Kael'thas Now people all the time try to argue that Kael'thas op and maybe his damage is a bit too high but his health sure isn't. In game he is just a big red target waving his arms around he has no escapes except blink at level 20 and his reveal methods are sub par at best. Basically if you are playing well the enemy team should seem not to have a Kael'thas player.
Brightwing Currently Brightwing is almost unplayable, still her passive healing and the fact that she can give block charges can be annoying. She is squishy enough to burst and her poly morph usually comes a bit too slow against Nova to be useful. The only reason that I give her any threat currently is that she can talent to reveal stealth heroes even if it is tied to her mount ability its something.
Thrall Thrall has fallen off a lot for many reasons but one thing he still has is damage and sustain. If Thrall can get up to you it may be too late but you can possibly peel him off with pinning shot leaving him with no way to reengage. His health is low so its easy to burst him just be wary of his sustain because he can bind his wounds fairly quickly. The real threat you have to watch out for is his Sundering heroic because it will stun you and there isn't much of an escape for you in that situation. Other than that be thankful he doesn't have a good way to reveal Nova except sometimes his chain lightning will bounce to Nova even while stealthed.
Valla Valla match up is very similar to the Falstad match up. Though Valla can take you down if you step out of line her health pool is tiny and is easily bursted if you have initiative. Unlike Falstad Valla can very easily reveal you with multishot or Hungering Arrow and if Valla can gain that initiative on you she will most likely end you. Basically don't be stupid or cheeky and walk around her while cloaked thinking you are invisible and strike when her teammates can't react to kill you and she should get bursted over and over with ease.
Jaina Jaina is pretty easy to kill she doesn't really have any escapes except her passive slow however all of her abilities can reveal nova and the only ability that doesn't have an AOE is her frostbolt that on top of her ice block can make Jaina deceptively hard to finish off. You should never expect either ult choice to ever hit Jaina unless you have seen her use ice block and know that it is on cool down. The water elemental is another problem all on its own, it can block skill shots yes but its main threat is that it slows you with its auto attacks and since Nova has little health sometimes a water elemental can just finish Nova itself since it stays up after Jaina dies making death from the grave a real problem. This would all be horrible if Jaina wasn't so immobile and squishy so normally, if you line it up right, Jaina will fall before she can properly react.
Kerrigan Kerrigan is not built to fight Nova in a way she has high burst and gains passive shields but her lack of ways to easily reveal Nova and a low health pool make her fairly easy to deal with just watch out in the early game because her burst is still very scary and she can kill you if you pop up too soon or in the wrong situation.
Li Li Facing Lili goes 1 of 2 ways either you can burst her and she dies without much she can do about it because it is impossible for Lili to reveal Nova or you as Nova try to burst Lili or another hero and Lili brings them right back up. Since her passive gives her move speed if you try to burst her alone and fail she will probably walk away without much trouble. Her big threat generation is her really good healing from Keg of 1000 Cups but you don't have to worry about her revealing you or killing you most of the time.
Raynor While Raynor doesn't have health he has the ability to get it back fast so you need to attack when you know he will die instantly or don't attack at all. If you reveal to him and you don't end him he will most likely kill you this combined with his Penetrating Round being pretty good at revealing you he can be a threat but only if you let him be just make sure you are counting your damage before going in and you will be fine.
Sgt. Hammer Hammer is easy to talk about she is immobile half the time so hitting her is a no brainier but she has a decent health pool with the ability to pick up first aid not to mention that the game needs to be protect the tank with a Sgt Hammer on the field so it is likely if you fail or even succeed at ending Hammer you may suffer a death as well.
Diablo Diablo is a brick wall of health pool though his sustain is not great Nova doesn't have a lot of sustained damage. His CC can interrupt Triple Tap but more importantly he can through you around once you appear and normally a team will take you down shortly after. The biggest advantage Nova has is though she can't really kill Diablo by herself Diablo doesn't have the chasing power to keep up with Nova to take her down by himself.
Stitches Stitches in this current state isn't good for much but he is fat as hell so hitting him with snipe is easy but he has so much health that you don't want to but his fat can save some of his teammates from your snipe. Stitches slam is an easy reveal so don't go near him for fear of reveal and depending on his ult choice he may put you in his stomach and carry you off, this is bad. But right now Stitches doesn't offer a lot of offensive threats to Nova but a rogue hook could do you in and I should mention you can and should try to block his hook with clones not just protecting you but teammates as well.
Azmodan Azmodan is kind of weird to talk about vs Nova because he doesn't really have a way to threaten Nova's life directly but he does have the highest health pool in the game making him so hard to actually take down on top of the fact that he can buff lanes with his passive and push lanes back to no end and if left to Nova she doesn't have any real way to counter those pushes herself however unlike Abathur, Azmodan has to walk into lane in person so he is more easily targeted.
Nova Nova mirror is actually kind of fun to play against it really is a game of cat and cat where the winner will usually be the one that is more experienced with the hero Nova or the Match up. One of the key factors in this match up will be your clone. If facing off against Nova try to put your clone between you and the enemy Nova to block snipe attacks as well as getting the initiative in skirmishes with the enemy Nova going after your clone. Since you both have low health its easy to burst eachother and you may choose to try to focus on countering the enemy Nova if you have high protection priority heroes or go after other enemies but when you face off against the other Nova player who shoots the correct target first will win so decide if you are going to be Han or Greedo.
Sonya Sonya can be a nightmare if not dealt with properly and there are things that you as Nova can do to make your life harder in this match up. Now the one gap closer that Sonya runs these days is her spear so make sure you can block it with your clone and she wont be able to chase you or really deal with you however if she can hit that spear on you, well at least your death will be swift. Watch out for a rouge leap as well its a good way to reveal you and if Sonya hits you with leap you probably aren't going to walk away from it. Now Sonya has some sustain but the way she sustains is what you have to pay attention to. For instance if Sonya is using her spin to sustain any you put a clone or two in her spinning death circle you are just giving her more healing, don't do that. Overall just pay attention and try to coordinate to take her down because she doesn't have the most health and don't help her heal and you should be fine.
Zagara Zagara has a lot going for her in the world of vision with her creep tumors but that only helps if Zagara pays attention since you still won't show on the mini map. Now Zagara like other specialists will push lanes very well and Nova can't deal with those pushes so you are forced to stop her by bringing her down. This is a lot more tricky than taking down a Sylvanas or Gazlowe because Zagara can do a lot damage with her Hydras and in a 1v1 Zagara may actually kill Nova depending on the circumstances such as Zagara may choose to take Rapid Incubation keeping her pretty healthy along with being able to shake off one of your attacks, so making damage stick to her can be difficult. However Zagara doesn't have a reliable way to reveal Nova nor does Zagara gave good escapes so catching a Zagara will probably lead to her death but missing killing her after level 10 and Zagara may just put you in a maw and walk away. To truly understand the match up this one needs to be played there are a lot of factors that can influence an advantage either way but if you respect her healing and damage you should do fine.
Gazlowe Gazlowe is more of an annoyance rather than a threat much like Abathur and Azmodan the lane pressure he can put on can be intense and as Nova you have no real way to deal with big pushes. His turrets also cause a lot of pain and suffering for Nova since they can be used to insulate a team from snipe damage as well as make sure Nova stays unstealthed for a longer period of time. All this annoyance come to the base fact that Gazlowe has no real way to kill Nova on top of the fact that Gazlowe is fairly squishy and usually predictable making him an easy target to find or hunt for especially in the mid game when players have reached level 10 and merc camps rise in importance.
Nazeebo There are 2 stages of Nazeebo, early game and late game both are 2 very different beasts are far as Nova play is concerned. Early game Nazeebo will be very squishy and targeting him will make sure he can get less stacks of his Death Ritual making his late game worse. At all stages of the game his ability to reveal Nova is minimal at best and early game aside from catching you in a Zombie wall he doesn't pose much of a threat to you. Now late game Nazeebo he throws off the training gear and assumes his true form. (there is no final form he can always be stronger) Late game depending on how well he built stacks he will have a really large health pool and can't be bursted easily, he also goes from having no escapes to having sprint and possibly blink. But the big time threat comes from his spiders, once he gets leaping spiders they will chase you down and do insane amounts of damage that Nova can't mitigate or heal back easily on top of his passive poison effect it can be a really really long time before you have the chance to cloak again that is if you can live that long. Usually Nazeebo will focus his attention elsewhere and won't focus on killing you unless it would be easy to do so and in this case you don't have too much to fear in team fights but caught alone the spirits can get quite restless indeed.
Sylvanas Though she has the best win pose in the game it doesn't make her less of an annoyance to go against. Her ability to push out lane control and siege towers to no end makes her a big lane threat that needs to be dealt with. Luckily Sylvanas has little health so she can be bursted with some ease though her escape of her banshees is normally enough to escape if you don't finish the job. This as well as her Heroic Wailing Arrow can mess you up a lot since you rely on your abilities to do damage if you get revealed by her arrow and she follows up usually this kills the Nova. Other than her Wailing Arrow heroic her banshees, only escape, is the only way she has to reveal you so you don't usually have to worry about not having initiative. Just try to deal with her and stop her from pushing and your team should be thankful just make sure she doesn't catch you out or it could spell death.
Tychus Tychus is the hardest ranged assassin to deal with. Tychus usually packs first aid to bring him back up and he is naturally pretty tanky for a ranged assassin making a clean burst hard to pull off. His mobility is weak but he can move while he shoots making him mobile in team fights and a mobile target is difficult to hit. Tychus also packs a frag that can knock you around and reveal Nova easily and if he gets you in his sights with overkill you don't have much to fall back on to protect you. If you must go after Tychus just make sure if you reveal that he will be dead or Tychus will give you a lot of bullets to remember him by.
Abathur Abathur is not a hero you physically encounter much on the battlefield and mostly stays behind towers close to forts and or moves a lot. However with Nova's Passive she can get behind these structures and kill Abathur and can do so easily however Nova can't deal with Abathur's pushes most of the time and in the late game will not have enough time to hunt for him or he will be in unreachable areas. His ability to push lanes is the big threat to Nova but also his shield can save enemy heroes from your burst as well as offering additional ways to reveal you specifically with his mines making it very hard to sneak around the battlefield if the mines are placed correctly but as far as killing Nova he has little threat to offer in that department.
Chen You don't want to try to kill Chen unless you are sure that he will die otherwise he will jump on you, slow you till you burn down completely. His shield will usually protect him if used properly and he can give allies shields to make them even harder to kill though he doesn't really have a good way to reveal you if you are cloaked.
Leoric To properly determine Leoric's threat to Nova its more of a situational thing rather than a raw answer. If Leoric is in a situation where he is getting a lot of sustain he is very hard to kill and his passive is annoying to deal with but this isn't just annoying to Nova. However Leoric does have a low health pool for a warrior making him somewhat easy to take down. His skeletal swing causes a lot of problems for you with the slow and easy reveal but his drain hope doesn't really hurt. Overall a moderate threat due to him sustaining back all the damage that you did to him while pushing lanes hard but not really having a good way to take you down himself.
Rehgar Rehgar saves like no other hero, his ancestral healing will save anyone you fail to burst fully and his mobility from his mount will get him away from you or help him catch right up to you. His storm shield pretty good at revealing Nova if used correctly and the Earth bind Totem usually secures your death once you reveal. Healing, mobility, decent reveal, and some killing power makes him scary to go against but not horrible and it is something to mention that he can build Far Sight to detect you but this is not standard for Rehgar players to use though in high level or organized play you may want to be wary of Far Sight.
The Lost Vikings Nova suffers the same as most against the Vikings. They spread and push really well catching them can be difficult with their Leap and Sprint and the Viking Boat ruins some best laid plans. Much like Murky in the early game you can farm them, specifically Eric the Swift, for stacks of Gathering Power. In the late game you are usually best to ignore the vikings for the most part and go after more valuable targets because if you kill 1 viking there will still be 2 vikings you can' t deal with and your damage is best served elsewhere usually just watch out for their Viking boat and you should be safe since they don't have a good way to reveal you.
Tyrande Tyrande can be one the greatest allies with Nova and a major hindrance against Nova. Nova already has low health so making Nova take 25% more damage is huge not to mention that Tyrande's Hunter's Mark reveals the target for 4 seconds making Nova wait to cloak again. Tyrande's owl has a similar effect where if Nova gets his by an owl Nova will be revealed for 5 seconds and stealth and surprise are what Nova has to succeed. Finally Tyrande can take Shadow Stalk as her heroic which will reveal Nova for 3 seconds making Nova's attempts to sneak around in team fights be in vain. All these advantages still leave 1 thing, Tyrande has very little health and killing power so Nova can usually kill Tyrande and usually isn't worried about Tyrande taking down Nova by herself. I would suggest trying to take down Tyrande as soon as you can in team fights because she can do some harmful things if given the opportunity and you have the tools to make sure she won't bother you.
Anub'arak Anub'arak poses a lot of threats to Nova some obvious some very passive. Anub'arak has a good gap closer and follow up CC to control Nova and can inturrupt Triple Tap as well as having more than enough damage to kill nova himself while staying alive. Though one of the more annoying things in this match up is Anub'arak spawns a lot of beetles passively and these beetles can block snipe and make it hard to cloak to escape.
Muradin Muradin is a big fat Warrior with pretty good mobility and very good sustain. If you try to burst down Muradin and you fail he can stun you and jump away to heal up with his passive not needing to rely on supports to make Nova's damage go away is not good for the Nova player considering if you get into a fight with Muradin he has more than enough damage to take you down along with a ton of cc to hold you in place to do it. If a Muradin jumps on you its usually a death sentence so try to make sure he uses his jump before you engage or that snipe you shoot might be your last... until you respawn.
The Butcher Butcher is one of the few assassins that can cause a ton of grief for Nova. Sure The Butcher is able to be bursted well enough but his gap closer is so strong against Nova especially in the early game. If you reveal while he has his charge all he has to do is click on you and it will be certain death. I suggest waiting till he uses his charge, Butcher players tend to have itchy fingers, or bait it out with good clone work. All there is to succeeding in this match up is paying attention to Butcher cooldowns and never getting near him as hamstring is very good at revealing you and it only takes one hit to lock you into the Butcher Pain Train.
Zeratul I like to call Zeratul safe Nova and in many ways they are similar. Zeratul doesn't have near as good burst damage and is melee but makes up for these disadvantages very well. When it comes to revealing each other Zeratul can do this much better than Nova due to his large AOE cleave and increased mobility. Zeratul also can escape from Nova with blinks and Void Prison where Nova doesn't have a way to get Zeratul away other than teammates or a slow. The key to this match up is to try to keep initiative and do your best to use your clone to block his Singularity Spike. Always assume that Zeratul will try to ruin whatever you are trying to do so act accordingly and play a bit safer than usual because if he reveals you can burst him down other than that watch out for what might be lurking in the shadows.
E.T.C. Etc has a lot of health, as warriors tend to have, so bursting him is fairly difficult, but what makes him such a threat is his Powerslide and Facemelt can easily reveal you this combined with the ability to stick to you once you are revealed with the damage to kill you throw in a bit of sustained healing and you have yourself a scary cow to face.
Illidan Illidan may not have a very large health pool but what he lacks in health he makes up for in damage and mobility. If Illidan gets on top of Nova your only hope is that you can kill Illidan which can be very tricky. Illidan has evade that can block your horribly slow auto attacks, his mobility makes it difficult to aim your snipe or just get away, the damage aura he gets makes it child's play to reveal you, and both of his Heroic abilites mess with your ability to kill him and land either of your Heroic abilities on him. Your only saving grace is his low health just watch and wait for his evasion to be down before you try to commit and have your team engage him first otherwise you won't be prepared.
Malfurion While somewhat squishy Malfurion can ruin everything for Nova. His moonfire is a big ruiner of fun because it is a ranged ability with some AOE that reveals targets for 2 seconds after they are hit. it is so easy for Malfurion to reveal Nova in this way that on top of all the heals that he can throw out specifically his heroic Tranquility that is an AOE heal and healthy heroes are not easy to kill. However, unlike other healers most of his healing comes overtime so he usually can't save someone from your burst with the same reliability as other supports such as Uther. Watch out for that moonfire and keep track of his healing and you should be able to overcome his advantages though against a very experienced Malfurion it will be an uphill battle.
Tyrael Tyreal is problematic for Nova. His El'Druin's Might and Smite will easily reveal Nova as well as giving the enemy team a move speed advantage. His Righteousness is always moving the bust damage goalpost for Tyreal and his team and finally his Judgement and Sanctification both mess you up pretty badly. His Judgement will lock you into a death if he targets you and Sanctification will make your attempts to harm his teammates sometimes fizzle. The only thing you have on Tyreal is his health pool isn't fantastic for a warrior so you can do some serious damage that he can't easily get back himself. When facing him wait for him to use El'Druin's Might before revealing and watch out for his passive bomb as it may be enough to end your life or reveal you with a heavy damage tack on. Careful and Smart play will win the day against Tyreal but if he sets his focus on you watch out.
Arthas Arthas is a nightmare for Nova to deal with, Arthas's sustain is more than enough to fill him back up after you try to burst him through his mortal coil and Army of the Dead. His army of the dead also can easily block snipe shots making it difficult to hit Arthas or his teamates. Finally, he has an AOE slowing aura this makes to too easy to reveal Nova and once he gets you in the Frozen Tempest there is no escape only death.
Johanna There is no tank that is more Tank than that of Johanna. If you face Johanna as Nova you should fear her at all times because she doesn't fear you. With her abilities to get shields, sustain, and even resist death she is a force to be reckoned with a true counter to Nova. Johanna has no problem revealing Nova thanks to shield glare which causes blind and Nova can't afford to miss auto attacks, punish and condemn will make sure that you won't go anywhere once she decides that you need to be removed along with the constant burn of burning rage to make sure cloaking isn't an option. Johanna at level 1 can pick up Reinforce which gives her constant block charges dropping Nova's damage against her or she can go with Knight Takes Pawn to generate lane pressure that Nova can't deal with. If all that isn't bad enough at level 20 she can pick up indestructible so if for some reason you do finally manage to burst her down instead of dying she gets a shield and keeps going. This is a near perfect counter to Nova Fear and Respect Johanna and don't pick into her.
Murky Anyone who has played a good amount of Heroes has probably cursed Murky's name at one point or another and his match up against Nova is a shaky one. On average late game Murky will make Nova's life hell. Murky can pick up block, push lanes non-stop, easily reveal Nova, CC and murder Nova horribly, sustain as long as he needs with his bubble, and he doesn't fear death. Now there are some positives for Nova in this match up such as Nova can get behind sturctures and take out Murky's egg so he can actually die and in the early game at level 4 you can farm Murky for stacks of gathering power. The most effective way for Nova to deal with Murky is just to constantly burst him over and over in the early game making his usefulness dwindle though Murky can usually throw a Pufferfish before his demise and still cause the lane to push in his favor not to mention this takes all of your time not letting you help your team. Late game you might not want to or be able to fully burst Murky and Murky can build for his bubble to heal him that combined with his slow and he will stick to you till you die. Early game farming tool late game major threat.
Tassadar Tassadar has the power to make your life as Nova Hell and there isn't really anything that you can do about it. His passive will reveal a large area around him for 5 seconds removing any advantage your stealth gave you and without the ability to sneak behind enemy lines you can't do too much and will be jumped on if you try to move up in team fights. Tassadar can take this further by picking up the talent Mental Acuity reducing Oracle's cooldown to 15 seconds rather than 30 leaving only a 10 second window where the world around Tassadar is not revealed. Tassadar also has the ability to slip into other dimensions with his Dimensional Shift which he can cause to heal him as well as go off if he reaches under 15% health making bursting him down a gentle art of balancing his hp to hit him so hard that he doesn't reach between 0% and 15% health. If this wasn't bad enough Tassadar doesn't really need help taking you down with his Archon Heroic he will have little to fear from Nova herself and can dish out a lot of damage. The only upside you have to look forward to is Tassadar doesn't have healing and instead has shields which are too slow against Nova to usually be effective so taking down other enemy targets is possible. Tassadar is the absolute perfect counter to Nova don't ever pick Nova into Tassadar you will regret it especially a seasoned Tassadar because he will take pleasure in ending all of your fun.
Uther Bane of existence, this can be something you will be calling Uther after facing him. Uther has a decent enough health pool to not worry about being bursted and he has the best burst healing in the game. He also has an AOE healing ability that can reveal Nova with ease. Then in the best case you bring down Uther first this doesn't take him out of the fight he will still be there healing people until he finally fades away or comes right back to life if Uther picks up Redemption at level 20. Playing against Uther requires you to be a bit more perfect than usual in you burst damage which will be extra difficult since Uther doesn't let his teammates limp around the battlefield making low health targets scarce. A lot of times you will have coordinate heavily with your team to be effective. Play smart and don't let him stun you and dont waste damage when you are against Uther and you can overcome all the heartache Uther can bring to Nova.


Build: Super Sneak

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Introduction Top

Greetings this guide will go over all the aspects of Nova from how much damage she can do, her match ups, positioning and much more. Nova has a fairly basic kit of abilities but how you use them can be tricky and there are a lot of things that separate the good Nova players from the Great Nova players and in this guide anything you wanted to know or needed to know should be here so just read through and start making the big bucks as Nova says.

Alternatively if you are too lazy, too cool, or just want to listen to a guide rather than read it a video will be provided highlighting the main points of the guide.

Pros and Cons Top

-Highest single target burst
-Mana efficient late game
-Great quotes

Very low health
-No real escapes
-Can't push lanes well
-Can't solo or help much in merc camps
-Early game mana and damage issues

Abilities Top

As Nova you have no escapes and need to rely on your passive to help you engage and slip away afterward. Stealth is NOT invisibility and people will be able to see a shimmer you can't be targeted but skill shots can still hit to reveal you. Towers, forts, and hero made structures will not target you while cloaked but the Nexus and objective minions such as those on Sky Temple will be able to attack you in fact being in range of the nexus will reveal you regaurdless if it hits you with the lazer or not.
Snipe is your big damage ability that you will need to land to get the majority of your burst. Snipe has a long reach but a very thin width making it very easy to miss especially against heroes with small hit boxes like Murky. However, This ability fires almost immediately where ever you are pointing it so you don't have to lead the shot and it can time to get used to but practice makes perfect.
Pinning Shot is not really used for the damage so much as it is for the slow. With the slow you can set up snipe hits a lot easier as well as help your team chase or get away from enemy heroes. When your clone hits with a Pinning shot it also slows the enemy. Furthermore if you pick up Crippling Shot your Pinning Shot will apply a 25% vulnerability but your clones will also apply the vulnerability though it is hard to guarantee the clones will hit the right target consistently.
The Decoy creates a CLOAKED clone that will walk around and shoot at things doing no damage. At level 13 you can pick up lethal decoy and have the clone do 25% of all of your damage, not only auto attacks but snipe and pinning shot as well. I will discuss all the cool things you can do with your Decoy further down under Decoy Shenanigans.
Triple Tap is considered the weaker heroic choice because the damage can be blocked and Nova will need to stand still and channel being revealed which makes you all too easy to take down this on top of your target you are trying to hit may not have the damage ever reach them and it can be interrupted but does more single target damage than Precision Strike. The real reason you would want to take Triple Tap is for the level 20 talent Fast Reload to keep refreshing the cooldown on a squishy team. Triple Tap is also useful against teams with high mobility heroes as they may consistently dodge your Precision Strike.
Most will recommend Precision Strike over Triple Tap and rightfully so. Precision Strike has a lower cooldown, has more utility than Triple Tap, can synergize with your team, and doesn't have you stand still for long amounts of time though it does have Nova throw her hand in the air which will tip off that you are the real Nova. Precision Strike may do less single target damage than Triple Tap but the damage has a large AOE effect and at level 20 base if you hit all 5 enemy heroes you will be dealing 5000 damage. The range is also global with no need for line of sight so you can cast it anywhere from anywhere making it possible to stop people from activating objectives, checking boss (ability gives vision), killing Murky's egg after you kill Murky on the field, and killing Abathur from lane. With the versatility it is usually the better choice over Triple Tap.

Raw Numbers Top

The Nova Combo is always going to be the same unless you pick up rewind then you just repeat.
Level 1
Total Damage 236
Level 20
Total Damage (no ult with and without Gathering Power) 2630 < 2799
Total Damage (with Precision Strike with and without Gathering Power stacks) 3680 < 3949
Total Damage (with Triple Tap with and without Gathering Power stacks) 4961 < 5352

With Rewind
  • Total Damage (no ult with and without Gathering Power stacks) 4397 < 4734
    Total Damage (with Precision Strike with and without Gathering Power stacks) 5447 < 5884
    Total Damage (with Triple Tap with and without Gathering Power stacks) 6428 < 7287

Decoy Shenanigans Top

As Nova using your Decoy effectively will grant you much more than possibly confusing enemies or 25% more damage potential. No the Decoy can save lives and not just your own.

The decoy can and should be used to block skill shots. Any skill shot in the game can be blocked by a decoy and sometimes this can mean living where you normally would die such as blocking a Nova Snipe or Zeratul Singularity Spike. This also messes with CC skill shots such as Crusaders Blessed Shield where the ability bounces and if you don't block it there is a good chance Blessed Shield will soak up a bounce. This also works with auto target abilities like Lili's Blinding Wind or Sylvanas's Withering Fire.

Decoy placement is something that can be easily messed up by an unskilled player by making it too obvious. You always want to place your decoy somewhere you would probably be as Nova already such as in a bush with a clear escape path. Placing your decoy in situations where it doesn't fire immediately can make the decoy very convincing if an enemy walks into a bush and your decoy is ready and waiting as a Nova would be. The decoy is also the only escape Nova has so you need to use it wisely and act wisely after you use it for instance running from an enemy placing a clone into a bush you were running into, run into the bush then back toward your enemy. Doing this will break line of sight and you will seem like a clone acting dumb this can save your life more than you may expect.

Clones love to soak up turret and fort shots for you. In the early game this can help safely secure kills by placing a clone into enemy turrets as the enemy runs toward their base so your team can continue to chase right up to the gate. Clones soaking turret shots can actually help run them out of ammo and in the very early game it may be all you can do for your team. Finally this is how Nova can kill Abathur and Murky eggs tucked near forts. Make sure you put your clone down before you uncloak and WAIT for it fire and be shot at or the clone will be cloaked when you fire causing you to be the fort's target rather than the clone. Wait till level 7 or you won't have a good chance at killing Abathur.

When it comes to doing damage with your clones to ensure full effectiveness in the damage they do make sure no other enemies or minions are around. Clones tend to focus heroes but also have a tendency of getting distracted so giving them a clear goal is your best bet for full damage.

Dragon Shire Top

This is the best map in the game for Nova to play on. This is one of the few maps that REQUIRE a team to split up. Nova hunts single targets so getting the enemy team to split up for temples can give you easy targets and if they decide to roam together then you can keep recapping points to ensure the enemies won't be getting the Dragon Knight. Though this map is fairly linear in design people will usually be able to tell where you are going once you reveal making chasing the Nova down easier than it could be. Your goal on the Dragon Shire is to try and catch people once the shrines activate and stay close to the team in the in-between. It is worth mentioning that the channel to take the Dragon Knight can be interrupted by your clone even if the clone deals no damage making defending the Dragon Knight safe and easy.

Haunted Mines Top

Haunted Mines is a very tempo oriented map that values pushing. Nova does not push very well making her weak on this map. Nova can't really participate in the objective, can't take merc camps, and can't push a lane effectively. The only reason you may want Nova on your team on this map is to specifically counter someone like Kael'thas which is still difficult because the size of the map is small and it can be really hard to get behind enemy lines in team fights as Nova and even harder to live after you reveal. The other instance is if you have s specific AOE combo pre-made team for some reason other than that try to pick something else for this map and in quick match just try to burst the squishy heroes best you can and work with your team heavily.

Blackheart's Bay Top

A top tier map for playing Nova since people will tend to separate to gather coins you can hunt them and take their coins because you are jealous that you can't get the coins from mercs yourself. On the other hand teams sometimes decide that they should all group and remain as 5 most of the game and this hurts Nova but since the map is filled with tons of nooks and crannys to hide in or strike from getting behind enemy lines is fairly easy and this makes escaping easy as well. To note you can stop coin turn ins with your decoy even if it does no damage this can sometimes help delay safely until your team can arrive.

Cursed Hallow Top

A wonderful map that lets you take full advantage of your kit and put your skills to the test. Your experience may dictate how well you do on this map more than others but with some practice you will realize that the design of the Cursed Hallow allows for so many different angles for attack, escapes, and jukes. Getting behind enemy lines is a breeze since there are way too many angles of attack for the team to properly defend from and if you are patient an opening will present itself. What you want to be trying to do on this map is catching people going to the tributes. The tributes will tell you where the enemy team will be going and you can set up in the pathways they may take to get there waiting for your prey to walk by. The only real disadvantage Nova has on this map is that Nova cant really do much with the merc camps and there may be long periods where you don't do anything of real value. It is worth noting that your decoy can stop a team from taking a tribute even if the decoy does no damage.

Garden of Terror Top

This map is ok when playing as Nova. Garden of Terror map is very large and has few mercs with many places to hide but the objective is not something Nova can really take part in. During the night teams will tend to group and this makes it hard to catch people out and there isn't much Nova can do during this time. Nova's time to strike is just before night, taking out just one enemy hero can give your team enough room to gather most of the seeds or at least many seeds with the number advantage. However, the biggest drawback this map has is games last a long time. Once Nova hits level 20 she doesn't get much stronger but other heroes gain more health making them harder to burst and the levels past 20 will help Nova's enemies a lot more than Nova since a lot of her power jumps are due to talents and not so much raw stat upgrades. Overall you should be able to sneak around and get an advantage for your team before the seeds spawn and that is how you will participate in the objective most of the time.

Sky Temple Top

This is the second worst map to play on as Nova only second to Battlefield of Eternity. With how this map is structured the enemy team will often know where you are or where you will strike and try to run after you reveal. This on top of the fact that grouping on this map is required so teams will most likely always be together making it very hard to quietly take someone out. Even the objective is against Nova where she cant take temples alone and she is wasted damage if she trys to help. You need to use all your skills and tricks to overcome the odds on this map but with careful and smart play there is no reason you cant.

Tomb of the Spider Queen Top

Tomb of the Spider Queen is a mixed bag for Nova. This map can snowball or drag out forever and just be an entire cluster. This is the smallest map in the game so roaming happens a lot especially in the early game so Nova can usually be in the right place all the time in the early game. During the later portions of the game you can often find someone pushing a lane and trying to collect spider butts making assassinations possible but not always available. The tun in is fairly easy to keep an eye on as Nova but you usually won't be using the turn in yourself in fact you should do your best to avoid picking up spider butts if your teammates can grab them just as easily as it will make you an even bigger target and you need to reveal while turning them in. To know if you should choose Nova for this map it comes down to team comps. If they have people like Valla, Jaina, and Kael'thas choose Nova but if they are a bit heavier or there aren't obvious targets other heroes may be better but still Nova is an overall ok pick for this map. To mention the spider turn in can be interrupted by your decoy even if it does no damage.

Battlefield of Eternity Top

I would have to say that this is the worst map for Nova. In the Haunted Mines and Sky Temple there are times heroes may move out on there own to do something like take mercs, split push, or just try to heal up to get back in the mines. This map people are always together and there aren't a lot of places to catch people out. there are multiple ways for people to get back to base and the middle while has a lot of blind spots is still fairly open making juking around difficult. All of this on top of the fact you don't help take the objective well, you can't defend against the immortal, and while your team has an immortal all your targets are usually in pretty safe positions. If you pick Nova for this map you will struggle much more than you normally would on any other map to do your only job.

Noteable Synergies Top

Her Hunter's Mark will give you 25% more damage on a target more burst the better try to coordinate with your Tyrande player for more instant take downs than you may deserve.
Grav-o-Bomb will group people up for you to land your Precision Strike for massive team damage.
Leap especially with the Crater ability keeps enemies in one place to be hit by your Precision Strike.
Similar to Tyrande Sylvanas with Cold Embrace can put 25% vulnerability on many targets improving your burst damage.
Void prison can be used to hold people in place for Precision Strike. Void Prison lasts 5 seconds so feel it out or if you are organized Zeratul can cancel his Void Prison to ensure Precision Strike's damage. Also double stealth assassins roaming together make for deadly ganks.
Devouring Maw can hold people in place for Precision Strike the maw lasts 4 seconds so try to count it out.
Mosh Pit will keep the enemy heroes stunned, er.. dancing so that you can hit them with Precision Strike for guaranteed damage.

Too Lazy, Too Cool, or Just Love Hearing Things Summed Up Click the Video Here Top

Conclusion Top

In conclusion Nova is a very fun sneaky assassin that can single handedly dictate the flow of a game. When played properly you can overcome Nova's many drawbacks and find your niche with your team to win the match. If you have any questions, differing opinions, or just like the guide make sure to leave a comment or message me directly and I will be sure to do my best to get your questions answered. Either way get out there and start making the big bucks this has been Genereral Wafflez of the Breakfast Brigade so till next time.

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