Hi there !
There were no good Muradin guide out here so I felt like there need to be one ! English is not my native language so sorry for some mistakes if there will be any ;)
Muradin is probably the best initator and the most durable hero atm in game. His huge hp and posibility to stun/slow enemies with every of his skills makes him a perfect teamfighter and supporter for his team. His passive and correct choices of talents let him to stay on a lane a lot more than any other hero + you will get out from most of teamfights alive.
Strombolt The most classical single target stun. Aim, shot, enemy stunned. No need to say anything more.
Thunderclap Skill that make us godlike. With correct talent choices it became nightmare for our enemies and blessing for us and our team. Aoe slow with not bad lategame dmg, that with our build also reduces attack speed, and heals us. In teamfights reduced coolddown from Crowd Control talent makes us able to spam it. More spam = more slows = more heal = more dmg = PROFIT.
Dwarf Toss Our main initation and save-my-*** skill. Use it wise while enemy is chasing after you. Look for walls and jump over them to get out from your enemy or to suprise him with some slow + stun combo. Also additional source of stun after Heavy Impact talent.
Avatar FOR KHAAAAAAAZ'MODAAAAAAN (I miss this line so much after activating this ult :( ). HUUUGE boost to our HP, chance to stun enemy with autoattack. Just perfect.
Tier 1
For our build Reverberation is the best choice. If you feel like enemy doesn't have any hard autoattack-dependant heroes you are free to go for any other talent that you think will be fine. Block for more survi, Infused Hammer for some more Mana and Perfect Storm for some more lategame dmg. Still Reverberation master race imo in any case.
Tier 2
Only Crowd Control. Great in early skirmishes on lanes when they are usually very close to minions. More enemies around = more spam = more dmg. Great synergy with next Thunderclap talent with wich we will be able to heal rapidly in teamfights. Also decent lane clear on huge waves of minions.
Tier 3
Landing Momentum. Great for both escape and chase.
Tier 5
Only Avatar. Just Avatar. Yes.
Tier 6
Another Thunderclap upgrade - Healing Static. Great synergy with Crowd Control, and increases our survival in teamfights by A LOT. Other talents are just bad for this build.
Tier 6
One more stun ?! SIGN ME UP ! Heavy Impact incoming !
Tier 7
Resurgerence of the storm is just too great for lategame to skip it. If you somehow manage to die with lategame Muradin you can come back very quick to aid your team couse you are CORE AS HELL for teamfights even if they don't realise this.
Unstoppable Force looks really nice. But: You won't be a target for stuns and ****, even if who cares about it, it will create more space for your dpses. 20 seconds for Avatar is long enough to stay alive from first wave of nukes. Just go for ROTS.
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed this guide :) Will update with some patch changes and stuff. Have fun with playing Muradin. See you in Nexus !
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