Greetings my Friends,
i am
the Big Cheeked Giant (BCGiant). I am an unknown Vet. in Moba Games. I spend most of my gaming career with games like LoL etc reaching all the way back to WC3. I been asked to write a few Guides now that HoS has landed. Most of the Guides i am writing are complete theory crafted and tested in casual games. There are probally differences to what more advanced Players are writing in their guides, so just test it out and see if my guide is something for you.
I am always happy for feedback, to improve future guides.
Muradin Bronzebeard, the Mountain King, is a warrior hero from the Warcraft franchise.Once a mentor to Prince Arthas, Muradin was unable to prevent him from becoming the Lich King. After recovering from a mild case of amnesia, he is now the leader of the Bronzebeard clan post the "diamond-ization" of his brother the King Magni.
High sustain
Good cc
Good at following up on targets
Great recovery out of combat
No real Burst
Bad for jungle under Level 10
(E) ability is the only way to get out of bad situations
Weak early Game
This build is meant to maximize on
Muradins damage Output. Due to the fact that he is a high sustain tank, you can prolong Fights till the odds change into your favor. I discovered that Muradin is played best for creating 2v1 or 3v2 situation with Stormbolt and
Dwarf Toss
Muradin can get close to the enemy if needed or get away from them. To the nature of this Build you are able to put out some nice damage on your enemy.
Main Focus of this build:
Max dmg outpuf for
High sustain to keep fighting
Good defensive abbilities
Good CC
Main goals:
1. Create Situation: 2v1. 3v2 etc.
2. Splitting up the enemy team.
3. Take damage instead of teammates.
4. prevent boss mechanics from damaging buildings.

Perfect Storm
Stormbolt's damage is permanently increased by 5 for each enemy hero hit.
I chose
Perfect Storm, because in the late Game its a great damage boost. If you hit 25 enemy heroes, which is an easy task, you gain 125+ bonus damage. Also it makes 1v1 easier do to the elevated damage output.
Muradin has all together a low damage output therefore its a wise choice.
If you are teaming up with
Malfurion i would def. choose
Perfect Storm, even if you lose the chance to choose
Infused Hammer, because of
Innervate ability. You wont run out of mana if you stay with him in the same lane.

Third Wind
Increases Second Wind's Health Regeneration rate to 16 (+5 per level) , and raises Health threshold to 40% Health for improved 42 (+10 per level) per second
Third Wind is a great way to get faster back into the fight. Due to the fact that it buffs
Second Wind and activates after only 4 seconds
out of combat.
I discovered its a great trait to have, if you want to harass the enemy, espacially when they are occupied with fighting a boss or trying to act on any other game mechanic. Also its a good way to last during 1v1 longer, if you can manage to avoid enemy attacks for 4 seconds.It helps if your trying to get away and you had a head start. If you can manage to stay out of combat for 4 seconds the odds will switch to your favor.
Also it allows you to recover quicker after taking damage for your teammates.

Follow Through
After using a basic ability, your next Basic Attack deals 25% additional damage.
I chose
Follow Through instead of
Piercing Bolt, because the additional damage is great for engaging the enemy and getting them into your melee range without letting them get away.
The combo I find most effective to get
Follow Through's full potential is the following:
Dwarf Toss+ Hit = activates
Follow Through
Stormbolt+ Hit = activates
Follow Through
Thunderclap+ Hit = activates
Follow Through
= 25% extra damage x 3 within one engage.
Because this build is pointed toward max. damage
Follow Through is the better choice. If your team is low on cc and stuns you can and should go for
Piercing Bolt.

Deal 300 (+20/lvl) damage and knocks the target back, hitting enemies in the way for 75 (+5/lvl) damage and knocking them aside.
For this Build
Haymaker is a better choice then
Avatar, due to the fact,that one of your main goals is it to create situations where your team has the upper Hand.
Haymakers knockback allows you to relocate the enemy behind walls if needed and to split up the enemy team creating 2v3 situations etc. Enemys that control a boss can be pushed back with
Haymaker, allowing you to reduce the damage the enemy can deal to your buildings. with 500 damage at lvl 20 it makes for a good hit and sometimes even a finisher.

Thunderclap deals 300% damage if only one target is hit.
Thuderstrike is a great choice at lvl 13, the damage increase allows for good hits in 1v1 situations as well as dmg against Buildings, but not as effective as

Basic Attacks deal 40% more damage against slowed, rooted, or stunned targets.
Execuitioner is a great choice for group fights. Its also a great addition to
Follow Through, if the enemy is slowed or stunned which is possible if the enemy is engaged right.
Heavy Impact is a good addition if your looking for an extra stun,
Stoneform is a good infight heal. If your going for direct group fights
Imposing Presence is a good way to go. But if the communication with you team works,
Executioner is the best way to make the hp of you enemy drop.

Grand Slam
Damage of Haymaker increased by 25% , Mana cost lowered by 40 , and can store 2 charges.
Grand Slam is a great addition to
Haymaker if your good at splitting up the enemy team. It also allows you to keep Boss mechanics away from your buildings for twice the ammount of time and distance. the 25% damage increas allows it to work as a finisher if the enemy hero is low enough on health.
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