SO my 90% of the time build is the main focus of this guide with the other 2 builds mainly for HL/QM if you find your team has picked something silly and you need to be either pure support or more of a brawling focus
so about my build.
individual talent choices may seem a bit WTF (why take spiritwalkers grace when you take no other chain heal talents)
why ancestral healing over BL when you seem to be more focussed on duels?
both great questions and at first glance may seem to hold some weight but these choices really only can be explained when looking at the build as a whole, the playstyle of this build is basically to be in the thick of the action with the ability to reposition, chase, or disengage while also being able to support and pick off important targets and it sieges very very well too.
i guess the most controversial talent i have here is forward momentum, i literally never see anyone pick it up as earth shield or cleanse seem to be the obviously stronger choices right? well i can't agree, cleanse can still be an awesome pick up but combining FM with SW is just so much better all round than ES, as you will be taking feral lunge, and with EB totem having huge uptime on people is very easy meaning your basic abilities are rolling off cooldown very very fast, as a result you can spam a lot of chain heals in a small window of time and that is why we take SW at level 1 so we have the mana to support this. this is also what allows up to have almost 100% uptime on LS when it comes to duelling or siegeing whilst spamming chain heals on a very short CD (reducing CD on EB totem doesn't hurt either)
Shadow wolf is just too amazing, being able to use it to stealth gank, reposition in fights, escape or sneak into objectives is amazing honestly along with feral lunge i think this is one of the best talents in the game.
ancestral healing - oh this spell, its a big heal, but its so much more, this is what allows you to ruin the enemy teams day in a support sense while basically being a fighter, this effectively will top up anyone to full, and unless the enemy team blows up thier target in 2 seconds you have just got them to blow a load of cd's to attempt to kill someone and failed, in a 1vs1 situation it is so easy to bait people into over committing on you by letting yourself drop in hp to then top yourself off with this and use the Feral lunch + BfB combo i will talk about next, picked off so many assasins/carries this way.
Feral Lunge + Blood for Blood - Holy Moly this combo, the 200% attack modifier on Feral lunge mixed with 10% hp damage on BfB (combined with LS dmg) is no joke, and people underestimate this burst like crazy i would say within the space of 2-3 seconds you can LS>FL>BfB> weave in auto attacks and do 20-40% of someones HP depending if they are a tank or squishy not to mention feral lunch can be used on a very short cd for about 10% of someones hp everytime.
so to summarise this build can do the following:
duel (prolonged or bursty)
team fight (prolonged or bursty)
high mobility
and it can do all of these things almost as well as someone who specialises in any one area
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