Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Jaina |
she's a small thread, with early lvl combos she dies fast, at mid game and end game she dies in 3 secs, so no threat but remember to always go back after a fight with her, her crits can pretty much make you vulnerable to a kill. |
2 |
No Threat |
3 |
Abathur |
watch out of Abathur's Envenomed Nest, my build is for bush stalking, you see the pray, jump and kill, so abathur can give a hard time with his Envenomed Nest. |
3 |
Arthas |
Arthas will give you hard time early game, till lvl 4, after that 1v1 he's dead fast, may die slow if has tank build but you can easy do 2 combos on him. |
3 |
Falstad |
very easy and fast to kill, 3 secs and he is dead :)) |
3 |
Gazlowe |
watch out his stun wile you are in combo, other then that gang him as much as possible. Also watch out bushes for his turrets, may ruin your gang :( |
3 |
Murky |
3 |
The Lost Vikings |
4 |
Anub'arak |
Anub is a tanky/dmg hero, so he may give you a hard time early game, never gang him alone and is better if you combo when he's 60% or less HP. |
4 |
Azmodan |
Due to his large health, he may die hard, in team fights try to focus him first, the longer he stays on battle the more hard time he can give. Try not to let him target you before you target him |
4 |
Brightwing |
can give you problems with the HEX spell, other then that, dies VERY FAST, but the hex can ruin your combo so try to engage when he's distracted. |
4 |
Diablo |
can interrupt your combo so try to not go alone to kill him, won't give you problems cuz has low dmg compared to yours in 1v1 :) |
4 |
Malfurion |
4 |
Sgt. Hammer |
4 |
Sylvanas |
4 |
Tassadar |
4 |
Tyrande |
4 |
Valla |
5 |
Chen |
since this is a troll hero, tank/slow build will give you hard time 1v1 and if he gangs you with team, the slow can make you a fast target for his team. |
5 |
Illidan |
Kerrigan is great to counter Illidan, has no chance vs you, don't be afraid to jump for the kill, after each fight with him go back for regen, you will need it. |
5 |
Kael'thas |
5 |
Li Li |
5 |
Nazeebo |
5 |
Sonya |
5 |
Tyrael |
6 |
E.T.C. |
Face Melt spell could ruin your combo or position with the knockback, ulti can also kill your combo but this is what this hero can do to any other hero :), so wait till he uses 1 of the skills and jump for the kill. |
6 |
Johanna |
6 |
Muradin |
6 |
Rehgar |
6 |
Thrall |
6 |
Tychus |
6 |
Uther |
6 |
Zagara |
7 |
Raynor |
7 |
Stitches |
8 |
Nova |
Nova can give you hard life early, but after 2nd talent ENVENOM she's a fast kill, but watch out of gangs till lvl 4, after that if you see her, do your combo Q+W+E+1 and she is dead. |
8 |
Kerrigan |
8 |
Zeratul |
9 |
No Threat |
10 |
No Threat |
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