Arthas is all about the following few points:
Chapter 1. Mana management
Chapter 2. Effective laning
Chapter 3. Team fights
Chapter 4. Skill shot
Chapter 5. Weaknesses
(for beginners)

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Terms used in this guide :
Minion's : the creatures that are on your team and your enemy's team and are not controlled by you.
Core: The big building that's near your starting place, if it dies you lose
Lane: One of the paths that the minions take in order to reach your core
Regeneration globes or Regen globes: The green hearts that drop in each wave when the wizard minion is killed
Chapter 1. Mana management. Top
Frostmourne Hungers is your trait ability and is activated by pressing 'D'
it deals extra damage and restores some mana.
You will use it as often as possible to keep your mana looking nice and full :-)
E: Frozen Tempest: is activated by pressing 'E' (of course)
this ability drains your mana FAST, i do use it A LOT but only in specific situations, During team fights its usually good to have this one turned ON, if your trying to clear a very large wave of minions it can help as well, if your chasing an enemy hero and you thing that you or your team can secure the kill TURN IT ON :-)\
otherwise KEEP IT OFF <--- important
Q: Death coil: Heal yourself mostly, use it as a finisher if a hero is trying to escape, use this any time you are not at full health <--- important
Using this combination you can sustain pretty much forever and not have to retreat back to the fountain more than once or twice per game if at all
chapter 2. Effective laning. Top

Regeneration Master: It's all about this talent.
Basically you want to stay in the lane as much as possible and collect regen globes, every regen globe grants a heal of 1.5 per second for the entire match, look for large creep waves with more than one wizard.
a) Please note that every mercenary camp that is captured will provide 1 regen globe
b) Killing the big guardian at sky temple provides a regen globe
c) Fighting the boss golem at the haunted mines provides 2 - 3 purple hearts which are considered regen globes
d) Fighting the large garden terror provides a few purple hearts as well
e) Killing the enemy immortal during eternal conflict provides 2 regen globes in the center of the map.
At the end game i usually have 30 + stacks of regen globes each giving me 1.5 health per second = (45)
press "c" to see a list of your hero stats and your total health regen including this bonus.
Moving on...
To kill the wizards fast you can use your trait ability, you can also activate frozen tempest to keep enemy heroes back while you dive in to collect the globes, your health and mana that was spent using ability's will be restored when you collect the regen globes.
Note: you usually want to lane with another player in order to guarantee getting the hearts.
If you see that enemy heroes prevent you from taking hearts in your lane switch to a different lane, don't forget to inform your teammates about this.
Note: on some maps and vs certain lineups other level 1 choices might be better but its so rare that i usually take regeneration master anyways.
Chapter 3. Team fights. Top
You are the tank, you lead the charge and the team follows.
It is your job to make sure the enemy team attacks you instead of attacking your less durable allies.
Know when to team fight and when to avoid a team fight, the basic concept of team fights:
a) Dont fight if you are outnumbered or low on health or mana.
b) Fight when your enemy is outnumbered or low on health or mana.
yes that was VERY complicated i know.....
The longer enemies stand in frozen tempest the slower they will move and the more damage they will take
Nobody wants to stand near you while this ability is active and they will try to avoid you, use this to your advantage by forcing enemy's out of position or herding them like little sheep into a spot that allows your team to finish the fight.
Note: If a team fight is happening and you are not there than you just caused your team to lose

Activate Army of the dead when you know you will taking heavy damage in the next few moments.
The ghouls attack enemies and you can sacrifice them to heal yourself, while this ability is active you should be at 100 % hp and if your not than you need to sacrifice a ghoul.
If you took this abilty it probably means that :
a) You are the only tank REAL on your team
b) You are dying in team fights
otherwise i expect you to take

R: Summon Sindragosa: Summons a badass bone dragon to attack everyone in a line.
Use this when the enemy team is grouped up and try to hit them all at once, try to also hit as many minions as you can and buildings as well
Note: this ability needs to charge up for a few seconds before it is cast.
Chapter 4. Skillshot. Top

W: Howling Blast: This ability freezes enemy's in place preventing them from escaping or preventing them from chasing you,
a) It's a very powerful ability because it scares enemies and they will always try to avoid it.
b) It hits all the enemies in its area.
You always want to cast this ability on the spot where you think the enemy will be, if you are against good players they will be constantly moving and making it hard for you to aim, if they do this you best shot is to put it right in front of them and not on the spot they are standing on.
a) If you are retreating or are engaged in close combat you may consider casting it on the spot where YOU are standing
b) A variation on 'a' is take a step back and cast this at the spot you were in, 9 times out of 10 the enemy will walk right into it for you.
Note: I don't use this on minions because i feel its a waste of mana.
Chapter 5: Weaknesses. Top
If Arthas has one major weakness it is his mobility, Arthas is the least mobile tank in the game and if you get caught out of position you lose.
If you find yourself chasing an enemy that is more mobile than you (ex:valla) just dont bother, you wont catch them, just let them be unless your whole tactic is just to make them run away.
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