OCM's Ragnaros by DefinitelyNotOCM

OCM's Ragnaros

By: DefinitelyNotOCM
Last Updated: Nov 10, 2017
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GodLord (2) | April 17, 2017 5:17am
great build
Dash (10) | December 19, 2016 1:09pm
So I've been having a blast with this guide. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!
DefinitelyNotOCM (7) | December 19, 2016 3:47pm
I'm glad to hear it! Thanks for checking it out! :D
Sederath | December 16, 2016 12:52am
Really nice to see you're still posting guides, OCM. Read through a lot of your stuff over at Heroes Nexus, before... whatever happened to the admin happened.

That said, I figured I'd state my reasoning to run the Meteor-based build.

Now, while I completely agree that the Q-based build is, generally, the strongest available against comps you're able to consistently connect with, the Meteor build is strong for maintaining consistent damage on targets you can't hold melee on, as well as keeping persistent damage and pressure on enemy disengages. More specifically, with the 1/4 talents, you've got much better kill potential and ranged poke against mages that otherwise would bully you out of lanes, as well as greatly reduce burst damage intake (I've found this to be most valuable against Chromie).

The 7 talent to buff Meteor's damage with each target struck is kind of questionable, imo, since the distance it can cover even with the level 1 quest finished just doesn't cut it without chokes. The others have solid places in reaching the goal that this build can provide, by giving you consistent pressure on enemies you can't easily engage on.

Again, I completely agree that, when you're not fighting a majority poke team, Q build's the best there is. I'm just giving some opinion on taking the Meteor build, coming from the perspective of a high Plat/low Diamond player.
DefinitelyNotOCM (7) | December 16, 2016 1:35am
Hey there! Thanks for the kind words, friend.

I totally agree with your application of W build; my "salt" per se comes more from people assuming it as the inherent build.

Rag suffers terribly from good ranged-kite heroes, and the W build is a good way of managing that. I do believe that in the potent melee meta, Q build outperforms perhaps in more currently common situations, but like you said - more slippery targets and hard counters to Rag like Chromie, Lunara, Valla, and so on are vulnerable to the W build.
Sederath | December 16, 2016 3:08pm
Yeah, I definitely understand the confusion/"hate" on why people consider it his most viable build. Solo queueing in QM, I've run into a lot of comps I've wound up running it against, but it's just another counter option. The synergy, as you state regarding the Empower Sulf build, is much more appropriate for Rag's kit and sustain.

It's also so, so very nice to watch 3+ targets with a DoT for 9% of their HP, while getting nearly 1/3 HP heal in cluster fights.
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uparrow (11) | December 15, 2016 12:12pm
"Useless build" yet nearly all players are using one of these three builds for Ragnaros.
DefinitelyNotOCM (7) | December 15, 2016 10:34am
e: Original comment deleted! Site support MVP.

Mike! How are you? Good to see you again. I'm flattered you came all the way over to another website to talk **** you can't back up! Still plat trash? I thought so. Keep in touch! xoxo
uparrow (11) | December 14, 2016 1:46pm
Just gonna say it: the Meteor Build has the highest damage potential of all the builds.
DefinitelyNotOCM (7) | December 14, 2016 2:20pm
I could not more passionately disagree, but if it works for you, more power to you. :)
uparrow (11) | December 14, 2016 2:23pm
Maybe I am playing the Hammer Build wrong, but I see my best results while playing the Meteor Build. Maybe this is a hidden grace of Ragnaros, two very different play-styles that work for different players.
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