Updating this during week of August 1st. Already removed 2 of the 4 builds.
You want to lay your potions behind or onto your teammates at the start. Make sure you stay healthy. If you waste potions on yourself, your teammates aren't getting them. Use your cube and scroll to deter enemy from diving to let your potions build up and do some healing.
As you reach later levels scatter your potions to turn travel time into health with giant potions, delay enemies with your stories to let them boost up or reset your cooldowns to better escape/heal.
Once lvl 20 you can create potion areas, letting your team hit and run to wear down enemies. You can patch single lanes or spread over mutiple lanes. Giant potion benefits a lot from this as its easy to then farm the single potions in each lane better than you could a fountain.
The secondary build helps enhance team fighting and pushing by placing potions around enemies, revealing them and lowering their armour, and reducing healing by other support. Your teammates can heal themselves by attacking heroes, and your Lorenado can disrupt enemy positioning greatly.
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