WIP Just putting stuff out there. Top
First of all, lets just get down to it. On these couple of ours of toying with Leoric, I've come to realize that Leoric has great push potential, and also excels of course as a bruiser. With that said, allow me to pitch you my idea of what Leoric maybe truly capable of. Again, another reminder, this isn't a full guide or anything but just a pitched idea.
Talents Top
Assuming you all know about King Leorics abilites, lets just get on with the talents.
Level 1 - Reanimation

Great level 1 Talent which will make you a lot tankier in the end game. Since you never actually "die", you will be constantly picking up globes from every creep wave regardless that you are dead or alive.
Reanimation also goes really well with the push capabilites of Leoric.
Level 4 - Fealty Unto Death
Fealty Unto Death is another great talent which benefits from your push. After teamfights when you are on low health, simply go to a pushed lane and sweep those creeps away. With this talent, you will be able to get all your HP and Mana back in no time to join the fray once again.
Level 7 - Ghastly Reach

This talent is your best friend. Increased reach for
Skeletal Swing = bigger wave clear, wider CC, and just overall MORE DAMAGE. No other talent in his level 7 talent tree can he benefit more than
Ghastly Reach. Basically take this as soon as you can at level 7. Again you are really gonna need this for his push power.
Level 10 - Heroics
Leoric's Heroics just really comes down to the situation. Do they have low mobility characters?
Entomb. Do we have a **** ton of CC?
March of the Black King.
Level 13 - Burning Rage

I just think that almost all tanks should have
Burning Rage. As a tank you're gonna be in the enemy team's face most of the time.
Burning Rage just makes them eat damage as long as you are around them. Coupled with your CC
Burning Rage is just a great talent to get in free damage. Oh did I forget to mention that this also increases push potential?
Level 16 - Renewed Swing

Why this talent? INSTANT WAVE CLEAR!! (Oh, as well as extra CC for teamfights) With this talent you will be able to approach a fresh wave of creeps and double
Skeletal Swing them to death. With the combination of
Ghastly Reach, Leoric will make all creep waves his B***. More damage, more CC, why not?
Level 20 - Situational
Honestly, I've had a hard time trying to find the best talent here, because many talents here are great, so in actuality, go for what the situation calls for.
Strategies Top
Early Game
In the early game you're gonna do what a lot of people do with a talent like
Regeneration Master. Go from lane to lane and get those globes! Use
Skeletal Swing push the lanes, or just bash on the mage creep to get that globe. You may also go for some early game ganks as his kit just allows him to. Leoric is quite tanky so don't be afraid to go in and get your hands dirty. Also remember you have
Undying so your death isn't so bad as you will just hop right into battle without having to trek your way over from base.
In this stage of the game you can clear waves a lot more easier with
Skeletal Swing because of
Ghastly Reach. So take your time to push lanes and collect globes, but also keep in mind of where your enemies are and where your team is. So stick to lanes close where your team is so you can push quite safely and hop into teamfights when neeeded.
Late Game
Here you are tanky AF. Keep pushing lanes and double
Skeletal Swing creep waves. At this stage of the game make it your mission to push the waves so that your enemy team has no way of a comeback. Basically if you done your push correctly, you should be extremely tanky and can snowball on the enemy team.
Talent Specific Stuff
Once you have
Renewed Swing, and you use it on an enemy, DO NOT spam it! Instead do
Skeletal Swing once, then wait for about 2.5 seconds or basically when the slow is about to wear off, and then do
Skeletal Swing again. This is to capitalize on your slow and also to capitalize on
Drain Hope's damage. How I usually go about is Drain Hope, then Skeletal Swing, auto attack, Skeletal Swing.
Conclusion Top
Overall I believe Leoric benefits fully as a pusher and a tank. His talents just allows him to to push really hard, and become really tanky in the endgame. However, not everything is set in stone here, and really this is just a pitch of what Leoric might truly be, Overall let me know of what you think of this build! Also, give in your input of what you think King Leoric benefits more as! Maybe I'm completely wrong, and Leoric could be just an ultimate tanky ganker guy. IDK... Well hope you had fun reading this small little guide I made, because I know I did making it! Anyways have fun swinging away!!
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